Chapter 105, Envy from Mrs. Jing

 Old Mrs. Liang had a good look on her face when she saw that she sincerely praised Brother Kang.

 After all, my grandson was praised, and as a grandmother, I felt quite happy.

When Kang Geer saw his grandmother smiling, he immediately crawled to her side with a silly smile.


Mrs. Liang said yes with a smile, hugged Brother Kang on her lap, and said, "What a good grandson of my grandmother~"

Mrs. Jing could not help but feel envious when she saw how close their grandparents were.

 She sighed, feeling very sad, "You are so kind. All the children kiss you. Unlike me, my three little cubs don't even look for me."

 Obviously she loves her children, but why the children don't come to her is really sad.

 Old Mrs. Liang couldn't help but feel proud when she heard what she said was so sad.

 After all, her children all kiss her, but they are just a head taller than Mrs. Jing.

 So she did not remember the faults of the villain, and then spoke to Mrs. Jing.

She talked to her as if she had experienced it, "Sister, are you the one who took care of your child?" If she hadn't taken care of the child, I would definitely not have kissed her.

Mrs. Jing sighed and said, "I only have two sons, two daughters, and six grandsons who are raised by the wet nurse. I don't usually see my grandmother much. I only play with the older children, not me at all."

Old Mrs. Liang felt proud when she saw how unlucky she was to have children, and secretly thought that Mrs. Jing was not very good either, she was so unpopular.

Nothing like it, the children all like to play with her.

 Even Brother Rong likes to talk to her, which shows that she has the best relationship with children.

Mrs. Jing also saw her pride and snorted childishly, "Why, you take care of all your children yourself?"

Mrs. Liang said proudly, "It's not good. Sister Ying sleeps with me at night. Brother Kang sometimes wants to sleep with me. Even the children of my relatives like to play with me." ”

 That one showing off on his face~

Seeing that she was so proud, Mrs. Jing felt disdainful and said to herself, "What's so great about her? Who knows if what you said is true."

 But it seems that this well-off man really likes to find her. I think he really likes Mrs. Liang.

Even Sister Ying came over and pinched Mrs. Liang's earlobe twice when she was playing around. She was not angry at all, which shows that the child really kissed her.

  Mrs. Jing felt envious and jealous in her heart when she saw that Mrs. Liang had a child that she liked and a daughter-in-law who respected her.

She raised her head and glared at Jing, wondering why she was so miserable.

 Her son and daughter-in-law were both unfilial, so they would scold her every day.

Even Rong Geer, the eldest grandson, talks about her from time to time, which makes her lose any dignity of a lady, huh.

Even in a small family, everyone respects the elderly and loves the young. If there is no one in their family who respects the elderly, they will bully her.

Jing Shixin said, if you are respected by others, they will naturally respect you.

The key point is that you lose your temper every day. Who can stand it? If I don't say a few words to you, you won't be able to go to heaven.

Jing Shirong agreed with this idea.

 After sitting for a while, he got tired of listening, so he went over to Liang Jin and others to listen to ancient prose.

Sister Ying was also curious and went over to take a look.

I saw his father holding a book, bending down in front of Jing's father like a studious student, asking for advice on this and that, with an extremely serious attitude.

Even Wu Laosi was shocked by Jingfu's literature and followed Liang Jin to listen carefully.

Uncle and Xu were like primary school students at this moment, listening to Father Jing’s teachings with their ears pricked up.

Jing’s father hadn’t given anyone any advice for a long time, so he felt a little overwhelmed by the sudden admiration from them.

He was overwhelmed by the emperor in the court before, but now that he has retired and returned to his hometown, the feeling of restraint is gone.

But when he came to Ningxi Town, he was busy making wine every day and didn't like to come out very often. He was very happy now that he could chat with Liang Jin and Wu Laosi.

Especially when Liang Jin and Wu Laosi admired him so much, he was embarrassed to see them.

However, the masters here are not very famous themselves. No wonder Liang Jin and Wu Laosi have no desire to learn, but they can't make progress because no one can teach them.

Jing’s father didn’t hide his knowledge. Whatever they didn’t understand, he explained it to them very well.

If it hadn't been dark, Liang Jin wouldn't have let him go.

 Including Wu Laosi, he was going back tomorrow.

 But now that I met someone as good at literature as Mr. Jing, I wanted to learn more.

He also couldn't understand some words and phrases at home, but he suffered because no one explained them.

Now after listening to Jing's father's words, I felt like I was enlightened. I suddenly became enlightened and solved all the previously unsolvable problems, and I felt instantly relaxed.

Jingfu solved the problem for them until very late, and he was not sleepy. In the end, Wu was afraid that if they were delayed for too long, they would not teach them next time, so he asked Liang Jin to send them back.

Liang Jin also knew that he had learned a lot today, so he respectfully sent Jing's father back.

Jing's father knew that they were eager to learn, so he generously said, "Next time if you don't understand anything, you can come and ask. It's okay, I'm free in the evening."

Liang Jin was very happy after hearing this and respectfully agreed.

He went back and told Wu Laosi that he could stay at home. If he didn't understand something, he could go and ask Jing's father for advice.

Wu Laosi couldn't get what he wanted, so he asked someone to send a message to his family, saying that he wanted to learn from the master here.

When Wu Mu found out, she asked him to study in peace and not to come back in a hurry.

So Wu Laosi and Liang Qing stayed at home.

Mrs. Liang was very happy to see her daughter and son-in-law at home. She even said to Liang Qing, "You have chosen a good marriage. The Wu family is better than the Chen family. Your eldest sister's mother-in-law is not as good as your mother-in-law."

The Chen family has many sons and daughters-in-law. Mrs. Chen prefers her younger son, but Sister Liang is not favored at home.

However, whether she is favored or not does not affect her status in the family.

 Compared with other daughters-in-law, Sister Chen’s family background is quite good, especially since there are several talented people in her natal family, so their status is naturally different.

Although Mrs. Chen doesn't like her, she still has to give her some face because of her natal family.

Sister Liang also hopes that her younger brothers can pass the exam, so that her status in her husband's family will be higher.

 Mrs. Liang saw that Liang Jin and Wu Laosi were running to Jing's father to ask about their lessons, and she was also thinking about whether to call her eldest son-in-law to come over and study together?

 She was looking forward to her two sons-in-law passing the exam together with her son, but she was also afraid that her father Jing would not have enough time to teach so many people.

After hearing her suggestion, Liang Jin also wanted to help his brother-in-law, so he took the braised pig ears over and asked Jing's father if he would like to teach more people.

Jing’s father originally didn’t want to participate in court matters, so he refused.

Since he has resigned, he does not want to get involved in anything related to the court in the past few years.

 He taught Liang Jin and Wu Laosi out of love for talents.

  If another one comes, people who don’t know better will think that he runs a private school.

 When students from all walks of life come together, his place will really become a private school.

 He told Liang Jin that the most he could teach him and Wu Laosi was.

 But there is a condition, that is, they cannot tell others that they have learned knowledge from him, and they must keep it secret from everyone.

Liang Jin was not stupid. Seeing him mention it like this, he thought he didn't want others to disturb him, so he wrote it down seriously.

 (End of this chapter)

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