The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 106: , guess what Brother Kang caught?

Chapter 106, guess what Kang Geer caught

Liang Jin went back and told Mrs. Liang what Jing’s father wanted, and asked her not to tell anyone that he went to the Jing family to study. Jing’s father didn’t like other people’s inquiry.

Mrs. Liang nodded, indicating that she understood.

"okay, I get it."

Since the Jing family likes to keep a low profile, they just do it.

Even when Wu Laosi moved in, Mrs. Liang said to others that they could explore each other by studying together, which would also be helpful for Lai Qiuwei in the future.

When everyone heard that it was about study, they believed it.

  After all, if there are students at home, they all gather together to discuss.

Mrs. Liang was very grateful to Jing's father for teaching Liang Jin and Wu Laosi their homework, so she asked Mr. Wu to send food to the Jing family every now and then.

Wu was also grateful to Jing's father for being able to teach her husband and younger brother to read. She personally prepared dishes and delivered them to Jing every day.

Seeing how grateful they were, Mrs. Jing always said a few words to her husband at night. "I think the Liang family is pretty good, and everyone knows how to be grateful."

Jing's father nodded, "I think Ah Jin and Lao Si are both good." He is motivated, humble, and a good young man.

Jingshi smiled and said, "The way they look at you, they want to call you teacher." Those who admire you want to kneel down and worship you.

Jing's father also laughed, "Don't say that. I'm just giving them a few pointers. Their talents are pretty good."

 If he is a fool, he will not teach him yet.

 The couple chatted for a few words before falling asleep.

 In a few days, it will be Kang Geer’s first birthday party.

Mrs. Liang and Mrs. Wu have bought wine and food in advance, and when the Wu family and the Liang family members come over, they can open the table for dinner.

Wu Shi also prepared everything for Zhou's birthday party.

Books, seals, pens, ink, paper, inkstones, and abacus were all laid out for him. They were all things for boys.

  After all the guests had arrived, Mrs. Wu put Kang Geer on the ground and asked him to grab what he liked.

Since he was not taught beforehand, Mrs. Wu didn’t know what Kang Geer would catch, so she watched nervously.

Liang Jin couldn't laugh or cry when he saw her expression, "Look at you, you look nervous. I don't know, I thought he was going to take the imperial examination."

Wu Shi gave him a cute look and said, "I'm just curious."

   When Sister Ying arrested Zhou, she was also like this. Liang Jin was not much better than her at the side, and he looked at her more seriously than she did.

 How dare he talk to her about this?

Liang Jin was exposed to the embarrassing situation and coughed, "When Sister Ying caught Zhou, it was my first time to be a father. It is inevitable that I will be nervous for the first time."

 When I get to my son, I have experience, so I will naturally not be nervous.

As the couple were talking, Kang Geer started arresting him.

 Everyone was watching him at this moment, wanting to see what he would crawl in front of.

Sister Ying was also watching the fun.

Jing Shirong and his three brothers also came. He and Sister Ying were standing aside and watching.

Sister Ting and the others also came over and asked Sister Ying excitedly, "Sister Ying, what do you think Brother Kang will catch?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Why don't we make a bet and see what Kang Geer will choose."

As soon as Sister Ting saw how fun this was, she immediately wanted to bet.

“Okay, let’s each choose one, and who will guess it correctly when we see it?”

Jing Yu and Jing Xin also joined together.

They also brought Jing Shirong in, "Brother, come and join us. Let's take a gamble and see who can win."

Jing Shirong saw that they were so interested, so it was rare that he did not refuse.

 Let's guess with a few children what Kang Geer will catch.

Sister Ting said first, "I choose the seal. Usually when Brother Kang comes to play with stones, he will definitely grab the seal."

 The seal was carved from white jade and looked valuable. It was said to have belonged to Grandfather Liang during his lifetime, and Mrs. Liang had always kept it.

Sister Ying also played with it when she was a child, so it’s not unusual for her.

When Jing Yu and Jing Xin saw that the seal was chosen by Sister Ting, they said, "Then I will choose the small wooden sword." Boys like to dance with swords, so I thought Kang Geer would choose this.

Jing Xin’s favorites have all been picked, so he can only choose banknotes.

At last it was Jing Shirong and Sister Ying’s turn who had not made a choice yet. Sister Ting asked them, "What do you two choose?"

Jing Shirong glanced at Sister Ying and said gently like a big brother, "What do you want Sister Ying to choose?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "I choose my mother."

Even though Kang Geer is naughty, Wu is still the one who loves him the most.

Sister Ying plays with him every day, so she naturally knows what he loves most.

Sister Ting said "Huh?" "No, you choose your mother? What kind of option is this?"

  I have never heard of anyone arresting Zhou Xuan’s mother, which is really strange.

Other children also felt that her child had chosen randomly and laughed.

Sister Ying was not annoyed when she was laughed at, but felt proud.

Jing Shirong looked at her confident little round face, and her Qingjun face raised the corners of her mouth with a smile.

 He looked around at the Zhou Zhou gifts on the red cloth and chose one at random, "Then I'll choose Abacus."

Sister Ying was surprised, "You choose abacus?"

This seems to be good. Apart from the low status of businessmen, their daily lives are quite pleasant, with good food and good drinks.

If Kang Geer doesn't get the first prize, he can open a few shops to support a family in the future.

 After the children have made their choices, it’s time to wait for Kang Geer to choose.

At this moment, Kang Geer had climbed up to those who were holding Zhou Li. Everyone looked at it curiously.

 He sat calmly on the red cloth, looking at this and that.

Finally, I touched the seal and felt that I could take it in my hand.

In a blink of an eye, I saw a small abacus. I shook it in my hand and it made a swishing sound.

He thought this abacus was fun, so he stuck to it.

He stood up unsteadily, with a seal in one hand and an abacus in the other, and walked up to Mrs. Wu like a little penguin.

 “Empress, Empress, Empress~”

 Want to be hugged by Wu.

  Wu smiled and hugged him up, laughing at the thing in his hand, "What do you want to do with a seal and an abacus?"

 Other relatives laughed and said, "Maybe he wants to be an official and open a shop."

All the women laughed after hearing this, and they were full of praise.

Children’s comments about Zhou Zhou are meant to make people happy. As long as they are not looking for trouble, they are just words to make people happy.

Sister Liang also brought her husband and son to have fun today.

 She knows the importance of her natal family and comes back every important family festival.

Mrs. Liang was relieved to see that she looked good.

 Old Madam Jing is also here today.

  At first she was awkward and didn't want to come over, but the whole family came over and didn't even try to persuade her. She didn't like it, so she just came over by herself.

Mrs. Liang was quite polite when she saw her coming.

Who makes Liang Jin always praise Jing's father? To say that he is well-informed and open-minded is a compliment anyway.

Mrs. Liang saw that her son liked Father Jing so much, so naturally she wanted to give Mrs. Jing some face.

She enthusiastically invited Mrs. Jing to sit at the main seat, "Sister, please come and sit with us. We have a good relationship, so let's sit together."

Mrs. Jing was suddenly warmly invited by her. Although she was confused, she also felt that it was appropriate.

 After all, she has such a good temperament, it is normal for Mrs. Liang to like her.

Then give her some face.

 After saying that, he sat next to Mrs. Liang.

 The Jing family:…

 (End of this chapter)

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