The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 107: , divorce his wife and throw away his children

Chapter 107: Divorce wife and throw away children

 The courtyard was bustling with people eating.

 There was sudden movement outside the door.

Wu hurriedly put down Kang Geer and went out to take a look.

Liang Jin also went over to take a look.

Sister Ying also trotted over.

 At the gate of the Liang family, Mrs. Huang, Huang Dongren, and two children were standing.

 Huang Dongren is the husband of the second sister of the Wu family and the second brother-in-law of the Wu family.

 A few years ago, Second Sister Wu ran away with a female business owner because her husband was too lazy to work and gambled.

Later on, the female boss deliberately trained her, and now she is also a big manager.

Second Sister Wu basically never came back after working as a steward in another place. But he often sent banknotes to Mrs. Wu.

 The first one is sent to the parents at home, and the second one is for the sons.

  When Mrs. Wu gets the money, she will not give it directly to Mrs. Huang. Instead, she will send rice and meat to the Huang family every month.

 She was afraid that if she gave the money to Mrs. Huang, Huang Dongren would take it away.

 Just buy some food, since both nephews need to eat it anyway.

Sister Wu’s two sons have both gone to the clan school, and Mrs. Wu also gives them to their masters from the clan school every year.

 She spent her money on good things anyway, and didn't give Huang Dongren a penny of it, lest he use the money to gamble and starve her two nephews.

 On the contrary, Mrs. Huang is a little more sober and knows that her grandson is important.

Mrs. Wu would occasionally give Mrs. Huang a little money, not much, but it could make Mrs. Huang feel more at ease.

 I don’t know what happened today, but Mrs. Huang suddenly brought her two grandsons over.

Mrs. Wu didn't know what they wanted to do. Her face tightened and she said angrily, "What are you doing here?"

Huang Dongren forced her second sister to have a family and not be able to return home. Of course Mrs. Wu hated this good-for-nothing brother-in-law.

Huang Dongren was scolded by her, but it didn't matter. He acted like a scoundrel, "Where's Wu Qingqing, call her out!"

Mrs. Wu glared at him angrily, "Your own mother-in-law, call her to your house. Why are you farting in my house?"

 Wu is not afraid of dealing with scoundrels.

Anyway, my mother-in-law's family are all here today, so Huang Dongren doesn't dare to do anything.

 Huang Dongren didn’t dare to do anything to her.

 He came here today just to cause trouble.

 Originally, Wu Qingqing ran away, so he didn't care. Anyway, there were many women out there, so whoever missed him would be better.

 The bad thing is that last month he got close to the daughter of a member of the family who is not a member of the Yuan Dynasty, and he is planning to marry that daughter.

Although the girl who is not a member of the Communist Party of China is a widow, she is young and beautiful.

 In addition, the member outside promised him benefits. As long as he can marry the young widow, the official will give him a dowry of one hundred taels and two shops.

 Of course he would do such a good thing.

As long as he marries a daughter who is not a member of the imperial family, he will not have to worry about running out of money in the future.

He is very poor now and has no money to gamble anymore, so of course he has to find a rich father-in-law to support him.

 Pozi Huang didn’t agree with it at first.

The fact that her son has been involved in gambling money in recent years has given her a headache. If she marries a rich young widow, she may not know what will happen in the future.

Although she also loves money, she is also afraid that the member of staff is not so kind.

 But Huang Dongren showed her the gold that the young widow gave him, and Mrs. Huang finally believed that the foreigner was really rich.

 The daughter-in-law has been running away for many years and the son is alone. It is indeed possible to marry again.

But it is impossible for a young widow to be a concubine, so naturally she must be married as a real wife.

Being a legal wife is easy, you can divorce Wu Qingqing with a divorce letter.

 But the little widow spoke again, saying that she did not want to be a stepmother and asked Huang Dongren to give the child away. Of course Huang Dongren has no objection, since the little widow will still give birth anyway.

But Mrs. Huang doesn’t agree. After all, the two grandsons are so old that it’s impossible to just send them away, so thank you.

It can be tested for a few years to take a few years. At this time, it is not for her to raise it.

 But the widow refused, saying that she would not marry until the child left.

 Huang Dongren was also afraid of making the little widow really angry, so he could only coax her.

 The officer behind him gave him another fifty taels and asked Huang Dongren to figure out what to do.

Huang Dongren had already seen the wealth of the Yuan family, and he became more and more greedy, so he immediately agreed.

He went back to discuss with Mrs. Huang, "Send the children to the Wu family. They are our grandchildren anyway, so we can't let them starve to death. I will take the children back after I have trained the little widow."

Since the two sons’ surname is Huang, don’t they have to follow him back home in the end?

Mrs. Huang thinks about it. Anyway, if her son can marry a wealthy widow, the family will be richer, and the savings will be looked down upon.

Since Wu Qingqing won’t come back, let’s make room for others as soon as possible.

And grandsons can also be born again. If the young widow cannot give birth, she can still bring back her two grandsons, which is not a loss at all.

 That's why they came here specifically to make trouble. Their purpose was to get the Wu family to take their two grandsons back and raise them.

 The Wu family are also here today.

 As soon as they heard Mrs. Huang's voice, they came out immediately.

When Mrs. Huang saw them, she immediately said, "Old man Wu, your daughter has been running away for several years. My family has not divorced her, which can be regarded as the greatest kindness and righteousness."

"But my son, a good man, can't just wait for your daughter to come back, so today's divorce letter can be regarded as settling the grudge between the two families. From now on, your second daughter has nothing to do with my son. "

After saying that, he took out the divorce letter and threw it in front of Mr. Wu.

Of course Mr. Wu refused, so he picked up the divorce letter and tore it up.

"Everyone knows why my daughter ran away. It was your good-for-nothing son who forced her to run away. If you want to end the marriage between the two families, write a divorce letter, otherwise this matter will never end!"

Mrs. Huang was particularly unhappy when she saw that he was still speaking so plausibly.

 But in order to prevent her son from losing both his life and property, she could only take out another copy of the letter of departure from her arms, obviously making preparations in advance.

"Now, since you said that my son is sorry for your daughter, fine, then I will give you this and Li Shu, but from now on, if your daughter comes back, she can't blackmail my family again."

Mr. Wu snorted coldly, "Don't worry, even if I let her starve to death, I will never step foot in your door again."

  The two families read the letter and stamped their fingerprints. This was the end of their bad relationship.

 When Mrs. Huang saw that the matter was settled, she looked at Huang Dongren.

 Huang Dongren nodded to express his understanding.

"Since the marriage between the two families is over, we will go back first."

 After saying that, they left together.

 But the two children were not taken away.

Mr. Wu and Mrs. Wu looked at each other, a little strange.

He was about to stop Mrs. Huang and Huang Dongren, but they ran away in a hurry.

 Huang Dongren’s two sons had sad faces and felt very aggrieved.


"This..." Mr. Wu frowned, a little confused.

It is normal for the Huang family to reconcile, but what if the child is left here?

Have you heard of heli, but never heard of not wanting grandchildren?

   Wu Mu and Mrs. Wu also felt baffled.

“What’s going on? Why did Brother Shun and the others stay?”

Brother Shun brought his younger brother over and cried to them, "Grandma, my father wants to marry the young widow of Yuan's family, so he won't want us anymore."

Children will definitely be panicked and scared if they are kicked out unexpectedly.

 (End of this chapter)

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