Chapter 108, Second Sister Wu is back

 “What? Don’t want you?”

Mr. Wu looked surprised, and his beard stood up in anger.

 “Who do you think your father is going to marry?”

 Brother Shun is older and speaks clearly and logically.

“Last month, my father went out until midnight and didn’t come back until midnight, and someone gave him money later.”

“Later, I overheard a conversation between her and my father in front of my grandmother’s house. She said that if the young widow from Yuan’s wife’s family came in, my brother and I would have to be sent away, otherwise she would not get married.”

Mr. Wu was very angry after hearing this, "This is unreasonable!"

To marry a widow, you even gave up your own son. What a bastard!

Mother Wu said sadly, "What can we do? The children have all been kicked out."

Mr. Wu said angrily, "What else can we do? Take her home."

 You can’t let two children wander on the streets.

 Wu Mu sighed and said, "If Qingqing knew about this, she would be angry."

 Brother Shun and the others also missed their mother, so they hugged Wu Mu and asked for her mother.

Mrs. Wu hurriedly sent a letter to her second sister Wu.

As soon as Second Sister Wu got the news, she immediately rushed back overnight.

She is now the big manager, and her feet are never touching the ground every day.

 The reason why I am so busy is just to make more money so that I can come back to open a shop and buy a yard so that I can marry and have children for my sons.

 It is impossible to expect the Huang family to find wives for their two sons.

Huang Dongren, that loser, was just too lazy to do anything at first.

But I got into the bad habit of gambling with money, and gradually gave up. I became less and less motivated, and just wanted to borrow money to gamble.

The Huang family was almost completely defeated by him, except for the courtyard.

If she hadn’t sent money back every month, both sons would probably not have enough to eat.

Now Huang Dongren actually kicked out his two sons for money. What a beast!

 Second Sister Wu was so angry that she came back overnight and prepared to take away her two sons.

 She came back in the middle of the night and only went back to Liang's house secretly.

Seeing her coming back, Mrs. Wu hurriedly pulled her into the house.

   Brother Shun and the others suddenly saw their own mother dressed in wealth and wealth, and almost didn't dare to recognize her.


 Er Sister Wu had not seen her son for many years, "Brother Shun..." Seeing them now, tears suddenly fell down.

 The mother and son held their heads and cried for a long time, crying heartily.

 Wu gave them water and asked them to drink some. Asked, "Second sister, what are you going to do when you come back this time?"

Now that He Lishu has obtained it, she is considered free.

 But the children cannot ignore it and must find a solution.

Second Sister Wu drank the water, wiped away her tears, and said disdainfully, "That's it. Now that we're divorced, I'll take the child away. They don't want it anyway, so I can save the time to **** it away."

Originally, she wanted to take the child to her side to raise her, but she was afraid that the Huang family would not agree.

Now the Huang family has kicked the child out themselves and made her happy.

Mrs. Wu asked, "But the second sister is busy taking care of things, can the children come over to see her?"

Second Sister Wu nodded, "Don't worry, I've bought a small courtyard over there. Although it's not big, it's big enough for the three of us, mother and son. When the time comes, the children will take over and go to private school over there."

 You can eat at the private school during the day, as long as you pay for the meal.

 She would come back basically in the evening and be reunited with her children.

Mrs. Wu was relieved when she saw that there was a yard over there.

“Originally, my parents wanted to help you raise the child, but they were afraid that the Huang family would come and **** it away when the child got older, which would make him angry to death.”

If the Huang family doesn't want children, the Wu family will raise them if they can.

But if the Huang family goes back on their word at the moment and treats them like monkeys, Mr. Wu will definitely be angry.

Second Sister Wu also thought of this.

"I know the character of their family very well. Anyway, since they have kicked the child out, I will take him away. When they ask about it, you can just say that I took the child away and let them come if you can." Find me."

 Wu Shi nodded, knowing what he meant. "But you should go and say something to your parents. We haven't seen them for several years."

 Second Sister Wu nodded and said, "Are your parents still at your house?"

Mrs. Wu, "Yes, I heard you were coming back these days, so I came here secretly."

It turned out that Wu’s mother and her husband had already gone back.

Later I heard that my second daughter was coming back overnight, so I came over quietly.

They were afraid that Huang Dongren would make trouble if his daughter came back, so they came quietly. This will be in the wing.

Mrs. Wu took Second Sister Wu over, "Mom and dad, are you asleep?"

 Wu Mu heard the sound and quickly said no.

 She went to open the door and saw her second daughter, whom she had not seen for a long time.



Wu Mu burst into tears, "My son"

Second sister Wu also held her mother and cried bitterly.

 The mother and daughter cried for a while, and Mr. Wu's eyes were also red.

After they finished crying, Mrs. Wu said, "Mom and dad, the second sister said that she would take Brother Shun and the others to another place. What do you think?"

Mr. Wu thought calmly and asked her, "Can you afford to raise two children?"

 If you can’t afford it, just leave it to your family and they will take care of it.

Second Sister Wu shook her head, "Don't worry, parents. Over the years, I have saved a lot of money for private housing and bought a yard. The children can live there. I will send them to the private school when the time comes, and they will eat in the private school every day. In the evening I can go home and see them after work.”

Mr. Wu was relieved when he saw that she had arranged everything.

“Okay, let’s get letters from home more often, otherwise your mother will be worried.”

Wu Mu looked at him angrily, "Why would I be worried but you wouldn't be worried?"

Mr. Wu glared at her, indicating that she was talking too much.

 Second Sister Wu smiled when she saw that her parents still loved her so much.

"Mom and dad, we can't stay long. I chartered a boat to come here. I have to leave now."

 She came by water, so she could travel so quickly.

It’s late at night, so it’s time to go, otherwise there will be a lot of things to do when we go back.

 Mother Wu and Mr. Wu nodded after hearing this, walked them to the door, and stuffed her with a few more banknotes.

“You take this money and save it for your children.”

Second Sister Wu declined, "No, I have money over there and it's all deposited in the bank. Parents, don't worry."

 She has worked hard these years, but she still has money.

Mr. Wu gave up when he saw that she really didn’t want her.

"Okay, then you should go quickly and remember to send letters from home often."

Second Sister Wu nodded, looked back at her parents again, and then left with her two sons.

 The next day, Wu Mu and the others went back.

The Huang family heard that Wu Qingqing had come back to pick up the children, so they immediately went to the Wu family to see them.

This time, I really didn’t see my two grandsons.

Mrs. Huang asked, "Old man Wu, where did you hide my two grandsons?"

Mr. Wu was too lazy to pay attention to her, "Your grandson is none of my business. If you don't want it, who knows who will pick it up."

Mrs. Huang was also very angry when she saw him saying this.

“Did Wu Qingqing take my grandson away?”

Wu’s mother threw a bowl of overnight rice dregs on her face.

  "You kicked the child out yourself, and now he comes to ask for it. It's a beautiful idea. Get out of here, get out of my house right now!"

 (End of this chapter)

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