The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 109: , Liang Qing continued to see the doctor

Chapter 109, Liang Qing continues to see the doctor

Mrs. Huang was driven out and she was in bad luck.

That day, a watchman told her that Wu Qingqing came back in the middle of the night to pick up his two sons. I think this is true.

 Otherwise, how could the Wu family kick the child out?

 It seems that Wu Qingqing really took her grandson away.

Mrs. Huang couldn’t find her grandson and was no match for her, so she could only go back angrily.

 Huang Dongren is currently preparing to marry the young widow and doesn’t care where his two sons have gone.

Mrs. Huang told him about this matter, but he was indifferent and breathed a sigh of relief.

“She can just pick her up and save us money to support her.”

“Besides, it’s not like the little widow can’t give birth. When the time comes, I’ll have a few more sons with the little widow. Are you still afraid that you won’t have any grandchildren?”

Mrs. Huang glared at him and said, "Then marry her quickly and have more children. Then you won't be afraid that her father won't be able to support you."

 Huang Dongren thinks so too.

As long as the young widow gives birth to his child, she is not afraid that her father-in-law will not give her money.

So he hurriedly went to Yuan's wife's house to propose marriage, and settled the marriage of the young widow with sweet words.

 The Wu family didn't care about their family, but some neighbors told them about it.

It is said that Huang Dongren chose an auspicious day nearby, beat gongs and drums, and married the little widow into the house in a glorious manner.

As for the expenses for marrying a young widow, naturally they are all paid by the family members.

Some neighbors knew that their family had given up their grandchildren in order to marry the daughter of a member of the family's wife's family. They said to them behind their backs, "This Huang Dongren is really shameless. He doesn't want his own son. If he marries a widow, he won't be afraid that his two sons will disown him in the future." ”

Neighbor B, “I think it’s because that person gave me a lot of money, otherwise Huang Dongren could have given up his son?”

Having raised two sons so big, how could a normal person not want them? Unless the family members of the Yuan family gave them a lot of benefits, how could Huang Dongren marry him so licking his face?

The neighbors had different opinions, and almost all of them laughed.

  After hearing this, the Wu family just thought it was a joke and didn't bother to pay attention to it.

On the birthday of the old lady of the Jing family, Mrs. Wu went over early to help cook.

Because Jing’s father had a good relationship with Liang Jin, Wu volunteered to go to his house to help cook in order to repay him.

 Otherwise, Mrs. Wu would not cook for others on ordinary days.

 She is also a scholar after all, and her status is definitely higher than that of ordinary people.

 Plus her mother's family is rich, so there is no need for her to cook.

 But the Jing family has a good relationship with his family, so this small favor will help.

Mrs. Jing praised her a few times when she saw that she had specially come to prepare food for her birthday banquet.

 “A Jin’s wife is okay.”

Seeing her tone of wanting to praise or not, Mrs. Jing couldn't help but said, "If you want to praise others, just praise them. It doesn't matter whether it's okay or not."

What kind of compliment is this?

Mrs. Jing’s family immediately became unhappy when she saw her contradicting him again.

 “As long as you can say.”

 After saying that, he went into the house angrily.

The Jing family has been here for more than a month. The neighbors they know are a group of relatives from the nearby Liang family, so they all came to have dinner.

 We all live as neighbors and really need this kind of festive interaction.

When several daughters-in-law of the Liang family came over, they also rolled up their sleeves to help.

This is how it is when entertaining guests in the countryside. Several women roll up their sleeves to help.

 The one who washes the vegetables and the one who cooks the dishes work together seamlessly.

 When the birthday banquet started, four or five tables were full, and the scene suddenly became lively.

 Mrs. Jing saw how busy the courtyard was when she came out, and her mood immediately improved.

 She also likes to be lively in nature, so it’s only natural that so many people came to congratulate her on her birthday today.

 How pitiful it would be to leave her alone at home eating a bowl of longevity noodles.

So she smiled and said, "You all eat, all eat." The juniors all said yes with a smile.

Mrs. Liang also pulled her over to sit down.

 The two of them disliked each other from the beginning, but now they can chat from time to time.

 At first Mrs. Jing had a high opinion of herself and did not want to go to the Liang family yard.

But because Mrs. Liang stood at the door and called her every time, "Sister, come and sit. I have sweet beans here, come and chat."

She didn't want to go at first, but Mrs. Liang's courtyard was busy and the children went there to play. She was bored at home, so she reluctantly went there.

This time and twice, we became familiar with each other when we visited each other.

From then on, she was familiar with the roads when visiting the house. When she got up in the morning and finished her meal, she went directly to Mrs. Liang’s yard.

 Because it’s right at the opposite door, and you’ll reach the Liang’s courtyard when you step out.

The two old ladies are getting closer to each other now.

But they occasionally quarrel.

 The reason is because the three views of chatting are different.

When Mrs. Liang praised Mrs. Jing, Mrs. Jing said, "You were deceived by her. My daughter-in-law is unfilial. She always talks back to me. What kind of daughter-in-law is like that?"

After hearing this, Mrs. Liang said, "No, I think A Jing's wife is quite nice." She is a very kind-hearted person.

Mrs. Jing became angry when she saw that she didn't believe in her. "Do you believe her or me? Could it be that I would lie to you?"

Old Mrs. Liang clicked her tongue and said with shame, "Then I do think Jing's family is pretty good."

 At least she saw that it was good.

Mrs. Jing was so angry when she saw that she didn't believe her and still spoke for Mr. Jing that she threw up her sleeves and left, and didn't come back for three days.

After Sister Ying came back, Mrs. Liang said to her, "Your Aunt Jing is right, there is indeed something wrong with her mother-in-law's head."

 Her temper comes at a moment's notice, even faster than the wind.

After hearing this, Sister Ying was dumbfounded. She smiled and told her not to be as knowledgeable as Mrs. Jing.

 Old Mrs. Liang certainly didn't want to be familiar with her.

  She is a young and beautiful old lady, how could she be like that weird old Mrs. Jing.

By the time the New Year is over, early summer has begun. Even before Liang Qing became pregnant, Mrs. Liang began to worry.

 She called Liang Qing into the house and asked her, "Why aren't you pregnant yet?"

 Originally, I thought I could get pregnant within a month, but I still didn’t get pregnant.

Liang Qing himself didn’t know what was going on, and he had a sad face.

“My cousin next door got married a year later than me, and everyone else has given birth, but I’m not pregnant yet.” She looked like she was about to cry.

Old Mrs. Liang frowned and said, "No, let's go see the female doctor again." Still not being able to get pregnant is not the solution.

Although the Wu family is easy to talk to, their son is a scholar, so how can he never have children in his life.

Mrs. Liang decided to take Liang Qing to see a female doctor early the next morning.

Sister Ying was naturally carried over as a shield.

 The three of them went on the road together and came to the female doctor's house.

The female doctor checked her pulse, shook her head, and asked strangely, "You are obviously in good health, otherwise, why don't you call your husband over and let me take a look?"

Liang Qing said "Huh?" "Call my husband to come over?"


 If she can’t get pregnant, what does it have to do with her being a father-in-law?

The female doctor is said to have been a doctor in the state capital when she was young, so she must have pretty good medical skills.

Although Liang Qing didn't understand why he asked Wu Laosi to come over, he nodded and said yes.

But it’s quite hard to talk about it.

After all, a woman cannot give birth, so few men have come to see her.

 Firstly, I am afraid that people will tell me if they find out, and secondly, men never feel that they cannot have children.

 (End of this chapter)

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