Chapter 1051, Waste snacks

When Xiao Liujin heard that Xiao Yunduo was better than her, she immediately didn't believe it, "How is it possible? Xiao Yunduo is smaller than me, how can he be better than me?"

Xiao Miguo smiled, "If you don't believe me, just compare it with her."

Even though Xiao Yunduo looks soft and soft, his martial arts is very powerful.

 Xiao Miguo is still very confident in this regard.

He patted Xiao Yunduo on the shoulder and asked her to get on, "Remember to give way to my sister."

Little Yunduo nodded softly, "Okay." His voice was milky.

Xiao Liujin didn’t believe it anymore, “Xiao Yunduo, don’t let me go, let me see your strength.”

Since her sister said so, Xiao Yunduo did it honestly.

So she punched out and knocked Liu Jin to the ground in a few strokes.

 Six pounds that were thrown to the ground

 “Oh my God, why are you so powerful!”

How old is her little brat? She was knocked down with just two moves! !

Moreover, he still lay down like a dog chewing mud, ugh, oh, how embarrassing.

 The adults all laughed when they saw her miserable look.

Jinghan even used this to educate her, "Just say you are lazy, but you still don't believe me. Look, my little sister is better than you. It's embarrassing."

Xiao Liujin also felt embarrassed and wanted to cry when he opened his mouth.

 But Xiaomiguo stuffed her with a grape and said, "Okay, don't cry. We have to go swimming in the lake tomorrow."

 Xiao Liujin was delighted, "Really?"

Turning to look at Jinghan, he asked, "Mom, do we want to go on a lake trip tomorrow?"

Jinghan nodded, "Yes, you are injured. Let me take a day off and go swimming in the lake."

 Xiao Liujin was happy, "Yeah~"

If I had known that a fight would give me a holiday, I might as well have had two more.

Jinghan glared at her and said, "Next time I get beaten up, you have to go to school every day and not even have a break for ten days!"

 Xiao Liujin was frightened and quickly promised, "It won't happen again."

 Everyone ate good meat together in the evening and went home to rest late at night.

  The second day.

Murong Yun prepared a large passenger boat for them to use on the lake.

Sister Ying got up early in the morning to dress up and dress up Xiao Miguo. Mother and son went to meet outside the city together.

 The lake we visited today is very big and beautiful.

 There are lotus flowers on the river, and there are lotus seeds you can pick.

 Xiao Liujin dressed up early and came to gather.

 Sister Ying and Jing Han did not have any symptoms of joy and went out to swim in the lake in high spirits.

Jinghan asked, "How long can you stay?"

Sister Ying, “I have to go back in two days.”

The emperor's men have conducted an investigation and know that the people of Meng Kingdom are still ready to make a move. There may be a war in the next few years, and Jing Shirong has to go back and guard it.

Jinghan nodded and sighed, "I don't know when we will get together next time."

Sister Ying comforted her, "It's okay, we will meet again."

The children are all picking lotus seeds outside and having a great time.

Sister Ying went out to watch, "Be careful, don't fall."

 She was already preparing to teach the children to swim so that they would not fall in and drink a lot of water one day.

Xiao Miguo stretched out her hand to reach the lotus seeds, but because she couldn't reach them, she and Xiao Liujin were trying to figure out a way.

 “How about getting a tickle to tickle.”

 Xiao Liujin clapped his hands, "This is a good method."

Immediately go and borrow it from the boatman's uncle.

“Uncle, please scratch that itch.”

 The old boatman smiled and gave her something, "No, take it."

Xiao Liujin smiled and said thank you, and immediately took the bamboo to reach the lotus pods.

The green lotus pods are bulging and filled with white lotus seeds.

 Xiao Liujin picked one flower each and gave the lotus pods to several Xiaomiguos.

Children were very happy when they saw lotus pods for the first time, and looked and smelled them curiously.

 “Eat like this.”

 Xiao Liujin showed them, "Don't eat the core inside, just eat the outer layer."

 The children tried it with her, and it was indeed good. It tasted fresh.

After eating lotus seeds, they went to pick lotus leaves to use as hats to protect them from the sun.

 Then he ran to play in the water again, splashing around.     “Ah, Xiaomiguo is annoying.”

Xiao Miguo laughed loudly and threw it at Xiao Dongze again.

Xiao Dongze couldn’t dodge, so he smiled and ran back quickly.

Little Yunduo was also laughing and running around.

 The children were playing happily, and Jing Han and Sister Ying also laughed.

 We swam in the lake and took the children to eat delicious food.

 “Let’s go eat cold dishes today, the children haven’t eaten yet.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay."

 She also likes Zuixiangju’s cold dishes, which are very appetizing.

 The children were very happy when they heard that they wanted to eat delicious food.

Sister Ying first changed their clothes, then took them to her own delivery shop, met with the shopkeeper, continued to talk about old times, looked at the account books, and finally went to Zuixiangju to eat cold dishes.

Jinghan gave the menu to the children, "Now, order what you like, my aunt is treating me today."

 The children cheered and looked at the menu one after another.

 “I want the cold kelp shreds, I like this.”

Xiao Dongze chose seafood. "Then I want to eat cold shrimp."

Xiao Yunduo chose spicy and sour jellyfish skin.

 Xiao Liujin also chose what he liked.

 When the food came, everyone was hungry, so they started to cook.

They ate happily and tasted each other's dishes. They were all very satisfied.

“Mom, these dishes are delicious. Let’s make them ourselves next time.”

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, I'll teach you how to do it next time."

 After dinner, Jinghan suggested taking the children shopping.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Farewell, I buy them every day, and the box can't even fit in them."

Jinghan cheered, "Why are you being polite to me? You've only been here a few days, and I want to buy something for the children. Don't refuse me."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, okay, if I don't refuse you, let's go and see what good things there are in the capital."

Jinghan was happy and immediately took them to a clothing and jewelry store to have a look.

They first went to a ready-made clothing store. There were many styles of clothes in the capital, most of which were gorgeous, bright and gorgeous, and looked very grand.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin are both girls, and they like beautiful clothes when they see them.

 The two of them were considering whether to buy a red one or a green one.

 Red is generally worn on festive days, and green is also worn on solemn days.

 Xiao Liujin chose red, “You can wear this to a wedding.”

She asked Xiao Liujin to try it on, "Put it on and see if it looks good."

Xiao Miguo doesn’t like the red color, it feels too eye-catching.

 “I still like green, this malachite green is beautiful.”

 Xiao Liujin quit and said, "Try what I recommended to you. The one I recommended to you is good-looking."

 Xiao Miguo was speechless, "No, I want to wear green."

 “No, you wear red.”

"I don't."

 “Neither do I.”

The two began to argue again, neither giving in to the other.

Sister Ying was speechless, "Okay, let's try them all and see the effect."

  Since we are here anyway, it doesn’t matter if we try.

Xiao Miguo thought about it and said, "That's right."

Then try them all.

So she wore the red outfit first, with a cross-collar embroidered short top and a red embroidered pleated skirt.

 The overall combination is playful and cute.

Xiao Liujin was very satisfied, "Look, I just said I have good taste."

Xiao Miguo waved her fingers, "Obviously I have a good figure and look good no matter what I wear."

 “Nonsense, I obviously have good taste.”

I got burned today. Please subscribe and subscribe. I’m crying.



 (End of this chapter)

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