The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1052: , looks good no matter what you wear.

Chapter 1052: Looks good no matter what you wear

  "No, it's obviously my clothes rack, and I look good in whatever I wear."

“If you don’t believe me, just wait, I’ll show you in the green suit.”

Xiao Liujin also wanted to see if she looked good in something else, so he waited for her to change.

 Xiaomiguo went in and put on the green one. It was the same style, but the color was different, but Xiaomiguo gave off two different feelings when wearing it.

The red one she wore just now made her look particularly pretty, and her mixed-race face made it even more delicate.

The green one is more elegant. As long as you don’t open your mouth, you will look like an elegant young lady from a wealthy family from a distance.

The two styles are completely different, one is dignified and the other is delicate, which are perfectly displayed by Xiaomi Guo.

 Xiao Liujin was convinced, "You look good no matter what you wear."

  No, "I have to find you an ugly outfit and see if you can still look good in it."

With that said, he went to give her a set that was large and loose, and the color looked very old. At first glance, it looked like the style that the shopkeeper wanted to throw away.

“Now, change it and let me see if you can really wear any kind of clothes.”

 Small honey fruit.

 “Do you have to be so serious?”

 Xiao Liujin, "Just be serious, go and change it for me."

 She was already pretty enough, but I didn’t expect that Xiaomi Guo’s appearance was so much better than hers.

She didn’t believe it. How could she look beautiful in ugly clothes?

Xiao Miguo was helpless, "Okay, okay, I'll just change it."

The jealousy of women is really terrible.

 It’s not her fault that she is good-looking.

 Small six kilograms.

 “Let’s go to you instead.”

Xiao Miguo went in and put on the ill-fitting black and gray clothes, and tied a belt at the same time.

"are you done?"


 She put her clothes in order and combed her hair and came out. Xiao Liujin was stunned for a moment.


 Why can she look so good in such ugly clothes?

 The deep color of black and gray, when placed on her body, made her skin appear fair and translucent.

 The irregular design slightly exposed her slender neck, making her figure slender and pitiful. Like a little fairy in distress.

 Small six kilograms.

 “Yes, I’m convinced. You are just a clothes hanger.”

 Even if it was a beggar's uniform, it would still look good on Xiao Miguo, but she failed.

Jinghan laughed to death on the sidelines and pointed at Sister Ying, "Look at the source."

“My old mother is so pretty, how can Xiaomiguo be so ugly?”

Xiao Liujin looked at his pretty aunt, and suddenly understood, looking at Jing Han with a resentful look.

 “Mom, why are you not as good-looking as your younger aunt?”

If my own mother is good-looking, she must also be a peerless beauty.

It’s a pity that my mother is not as good-looking as my younger aunt.


"Just accept your fate. Who told you not to be reborn properly and be reborn in my belly?"

 Xiao Liujin said, “Then I’m really not very lucky.”


 “Is your skin itchy?”

Seeing that his mother was going crazy, Xiao Liujin stuck out his tongue and ran away.

They all bought a few sets of clothes that fit well, and when they were about to check out, they saw other ladies bringing their children to buy clothes.

Those children are female classmates in Xiao Liujin’s class.

 Normally those people would not dare to play with Liu Jin, but this time they came over to greet Liu Jin enthusiastically.

 “Six pounds, you come and buy some clothes too.”

 Xiao Liujin nodded, "Yes."

 She didn’t hold grudges against this group of people. After all, she didn’t have any feelings, so she naturally didn’t have any grudges.

The mother of the children also went over to say hello to Jinghan.

As soon as he saw the beautiful sister Ying, he smiled and said hello to her. “Is this General Jing’s wife?”

Jing Shirong's current real power is known to most officials, so naturally some people come to curry favor with Sister Ying.

"Mrs. Jing must have been to the capital before. I think I saw you once from a distance."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Really? It happened several years ago."

The other person smiled and said, "Yes, when I saw you accidentally, I was shocked. Now after so many years, you are still so good-looking."

When someone praises herself, Sister Ying naturally won't put on airs and smiles slightly, "It's okay, you are flattering."

The other person also laughed and continued to praise.

“You take good care of your skin. What kind of skin care do you use on a daily basis?”

Sister Ying nodded, "I use Qingfeng's products, you can try them too."

When the other party heard this, he said, "From the Qingfeng family? That's really useful."

"However, since Prince Qingfeng went to get married, the products here have become much more expensive and the quantity is small. It is difficult to buy them now."

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

Jinghan also knew a little bit about the inside story, so he winked at her and told her what he meant.

They exchanged greetings with a few ladies before leaving.

On the way, Sister Ying asked Jinghan, "What's going on at Qingfeng's store? Why has the price increased?"

Jinghan told her in a low voice, "After Qingfeng leaves, his shop will be under the control of his younger brother."

 Because he was awarded the gold medal, his store naturally increased, and his worth increased overnight.

 In addition, the reputation has been good before, so everyone can accept the high price.

The key is that after his brother got married, the shop was taken over by his brother's wife.

The sister-in-law was greedy, so she started to do things in the store. Not only did the prices of things become very expensive, but the quantity of the products was even pitifully small.

 Gradually, everyone began to complain.

 You can be expensive, but you can’t be so picky. Just a little bit is enough for anyone.

 The latter part is even more egregious, just passing it off as a shoddy product.

"I'm afraid this matter is going to open a hole. After all, the women in the pen have begun to denounce it."

“If that woman doesn’t stop and sells inferior products to others at a high price, she will definitely be complained.”

As he was talking, he saw someone walking towards Qingfeng’s shop holding a sign.

Sister Ying and Jing Han stood outside and watched, and they heard the women criticizing the Qingfeng store for shoddy goods.

 “You have to give us an explanation for everything you say this time! Otherwise, this will never end!”

 Speaking, he brought out a person who was allergic to the product and let everyone see her red face.

  Everyone was stunned when they saw it, and they didn’t expect that people would be allergic to it.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other and left, "I didn't expect things to escalate so quickly."

Jinghan nodded, "They will probably go to the eldest princess's residence to make trouble soon."

Sure enough, after Zhangui said that the matter could not be resolved, the group of people went to the eldest princess's mansion and asked the eldest princess to give an explanation.

Sister Ying and Jing Han didn’t go to see it. There were too many people and they were afraid of being bumped into.

They plan to go out to watch the lanterns at night, and will go out together when Jing Shirong and others come back.

 When he got home in the evening, Mr. Jing took his beloved children for a while as usual before taking them to wash their hands and eat.

Chatting while eating, "Do you know what happened at Qingfeng Store? It's all caused trouble to the eldest princess."

If the eldest princess fails to handle the matter well and the emperor finds out about it, she will inevitably be punished.

Jing Shirong also heard about this when he came back, "The palace already knows about it."

Jinghan and Sister Ying looked at each other, "So fast?"

Jing Shirong said, "Yes, Your Majesty already knows."

The emperor was originally in a bad mood, but the eldest princess failed to take care of her daughter-in-law and made Qingfeng's favorite shop a mess. He was immediately called into the palace and reprimanded.

 (End of this chapter)

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