The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1053: , something happened at Qingfeng store

Chapter 1053: Something happened at Qingfeng Store

 Originally, Qingfeng went to the marriage alliance to contribute to the Ling Kingdom.

 The emperor was naturally displeased when this happened.

In addition, the gold medal was given by him. If there is a problem with the product, wouldn't it slap him in the face?

The angry emperor reprimanded the eldest princess again and again.

The eldest princess also knew the shame, so she admitted her mistake obediently, gave her daughter-in-law a good education when she got back, and asked her to apologize to everyone.

The daughter-in-law refused at first, but finally the eldest princess told her that she would divorce her directly if she refused.

After all, I was afraid of being divorced, so I apologized.

It’s a pity that people don’t buy it and are still making trouble. In the end, the eldest princess came forward in person, apologized to everyone, and paid compensation.

 She also fired her daughter-in-law in front of everyone, and only then did she calm down the public's anger.

Sister Ying and Jing Han looked at each other in shock when they heard this. They were glad that Qingfeng didn't know about this, otherwise they would have made a big fuss.

This is his most precious store. If the reputation of the store is bad, he will be angry to death.

Jinghan asked Sister Ying, "You'd better not tell him when you get back, so as not to make him angry."

Sister Ying shook her head, "If I don't say it, others will definitely say it."

Paper cannot contain the fire. When Qingfeng finds out, he will inevitably get angry.

But the matter has been resolved and it won’t escalate further.

The eldest princess will also run the store well.

 There is a lantern festival in the evening, and the children go to the street to play after eating.

Jing Shirong doted on the children and took them out to the street after eating.

As soon as we got to the street, we saw the brightly lit Chang'an Street.

Lanterns of different sizes and shapes are hung on the busy streets, making them look very bright.

The streets were full of fun, and there were many teams performing performances, including dancers, people blowing fire, and people teasing monkeys. It was very lively.

There are also mask sellers. When the children see the masks, they buy one to wear.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin saw that there were many masks and wanted to buy them.

 “Dad, I want to buy a mask.”

 “Uncle, I want to buy it too.”

The two of them shook Jing Shirong's hand, and Jing Shirong smiled fondly, "Go and pick."

The children cheered and went to the mask stall to choose their favorites.

Xiao Miguo picked the little fox’s, and Xiao Liujin picked the fairy’s.

Little Dongze picked the big tiger one, and Little Yunduo picked the little cat one.

The children all chose masks and put them on, and Jing Han and Sister Ying also chose one.

  Everyone is wearing a mask, it would be really confusing if you don’t look carefully.

Jing Shirong rubbed some fluorescent powder on the children to prevent them from getting lost.

Sister Ying asked Xiao Miguo, "Watch your brothers and sisters, don't get lost."

 Xiao Miguo turned around and made a face at her, "I know."

 Children play in a very measured way.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin were playing around, running and playing, but always keeping an eye on their younger siblings.

Xiao Dongze was very curious and walked around to look around. Jing Shirong followed behind him, fearing that he would get lost.

Sister Ying and Jing Han were looking at the jewelry on the other side of the stall.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Liujin also ran over to look at the small jewelry on the stall.

She immediately noticed a pair of peach blossom side hairpins. They were covered with peach blossom petals and had pink water drop tassels. They looked very nice at first sight.

"I want this."

"I want this."

Two childish voices sounded at the same time. Xiao Miguo looked back and saw a strange girl wearing a fairy mask.

Both of them were holding peach blossom flowing hairpins in their hands, and they didn't let go.

 Even looked at the adults at the same time, hoping that the adults would help him.

Sister Ying looked at the other person and found that the other person's eyes were a bit familiar.

Jinghan also came over to take a look, and at first glance he felt that he looked familiar. "Who are you?"

The other party seemed to recognize her voice, and immediately asked the child to put down the hairpin, "Don't buy it yet, go back."

 But the little girl refused, "I don't want it, I just want that hairpin."

The woman seemed a little angry, grabbed the girl's hand, tore off the hairpin from her hand, then glared at Jing Han fiercely, and took the child away.

 Because of his excessive strength, the pair of peach blossom hairpins were broken.

The boss hurriedly ran over to ask for money, but the boss angrily threw away a silver and left.

 Leave Jing Han and his party behind? ?

Sister Ying thought about it, "That mother and daughter couldn't be Princess Qinglang and the little princess, right?"

Jinghan suddenly realized, "I just said, why are those vicious eyes so familiar?"

Xiao Liujin was speechless and wanted to chase him and scold him, but was caught by Jing Han.

 “Okay, don’t go.”

Xiao Liujin was unconvinced, "They were still in confinement, so they sneaked out, which shows how arrogant they are."

Jinghan sneered, "It's okay, Your Majesty is not stupid, he can see it."

Sneaking out just after the confinement, simply did not take the emperor's majesty into consideration, the emperor will definitely be angry when he finds out.

 “Let’s go, I won’t buy the hairpin anymore, let’s go buy other good things.”

Jinghan thought about how the emperor would look at Princess Qinglang in the future, and felt very good, so he took the children to a jewelry store to buy jewelry.

 We all played until midnight before going back together.

By the next day, Sister Ying and the others had to pack up and go back to the border.

Jing got up early in the morning and packed things for them, as if emptying out the house, putting all the good things in boxes.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Mom, there's no need to pretend so much. You'll be so heavy on the road."

Jingshi said, "No, Brother Rong said, this time you will walk on the road instead of taking a boat."

 You don’t have to worry about shipwrecks when walking on mountain roads.

“There’s no need to bring so much, just leave these things at home.”

Jingshi waved her hand, "No, no, I don't know when you will come back this time, so I'd better take them all with you."

“Look, these are the clothes I brought for Xiaomiguo and Xiaodongze. They grow taller every year and can wear new ones. I bought these in advance and it would be a waste if I don’t take them with me.”

They were all clothes for the children, so Sister Ying did not refuse.

“There are also these. If Xiaomi Guo cannot come back when she is old, these will just come in handy.”

Although I was in a hurry, I bought the most expensive one at least because I was afraid that my granddaughter would not be able to wear clothes and jewelry when she was old enough.

Sister Ying saw that she had a grandmother's heart, so she couldn't bear to refuse.

"Okay, I will keep it well and put it on when she gets her haircut. Then I will give you a portrait."

Jing wiped the corner of her eyes and said, "I really hate to let the children go."

 The children stayed at home for a few days, and the house was very lively. She really couldn't bear to leave.

Jing Shirong felt a little guilty when he heard this and went over to hug his mother.

"When dad retires and returns to his hometown one day, you can come to our place for retirement. There is nothing wrong with it except that it is windier and sandier, drier, and hotter in summer."


 “Then forget it. I’m afraid of the heat.”

 Jing Shi Rong.

"Oh well."

Mother is used to being pampered and pampered. I'm afraid she won't be used to a rough life, so it's better to let her retire in the capital.

“Then if you are free, you can go to Jiangnan to play with your mother-in-law. The weather in Jiangnan is good.”

Nowadays, water transportation is developed, and it only takes four or five days from Beijing to Jiangnan, which is very fast.

Jing Shi nodded, "Yes, I have the same idea. I will go visit my in-laws to play when I have time."

Jiangnan is lively and there are a lot of delicious food and drinks. She still likes to go there and play there.

Xiao Miguo also came over to hug her grandma, "You can go over and play with grandma. This is how best friends play together."

Little Dongze also hugged Jing, "Grandma's house is really fun. Grandma, let's go there and have some fun."

Bosses are asking for a monthly ticket, Q()



 (End of this chapter)

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