Chapter 1056, won the prize

Sister Yang looked at her bulging belly and said mysteriously, "Don't you think your belly is a bit bigger this time around?"

Sister Ying nodded and touched her belly, "It's a bit big. Maybe I gained weight because I didn't exercise."

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Besides this, don't you want to think of any other reason?"

 “Other reasons?”

She was lazy now, and her reaction was a little slow. After realizing it, she said, "Isn't it possible?"

Sister Yang smiled and said, "Think boldly."

Sister Ying looked at her arms and then at the weight gain on her body.

This pregnancy, except for the big belly, is not very fat. Could it be that they are "twins?"

 “Oh my god, no way.”

Sister Yang nodded affirmatively, "Yes, twins."

Sister Ying.

  I don’t know if this is a surprise or a shock.

 Twins are good, but they are also twice as hard.

“How are you doing at midwifery?”

 Before arriving in the capital, Sister Yang went to learn a few techniques from a gynecological expert, which would help her during difficult labor. I don’t know how well she is studying.

Sister Yang was very confident, "I was busy delivering babies with the midwives in those days, and I learned a lot."

 You can even draw inferences and learn what to do to better protect the safety of adults and children.

Sister Ying smoothed her chest and said, "That's good. You can protect us well during this pregnancy."

 “I don’t want to burp at a young age.”

The days are so beautiful that no one would want to die.

Especially since she has a child, she cherishes her life even more.

Sister Yang assured her, "Don't worry, it's your third pregnancy, it will be easier, but you still have to be careful with twins. Don't make the fetus too fat, otherwise it will be difficult to give birth."

 Sister Ying understands this very well.

 “I know, I can control it.”

 She gave birth to both babies smoothly. Because the fetus was in the right position and the baby was small, the births were smooth and there were basically no tears.

This fetus needs to plan its diet carefully, not only to ensure nutrition, but also to ensure that the fetus does not eat too much, otherwise it will not be safe for the mother.

Sister Ying was still quite afraid of death, so she immediately started making a meal plan and tried to eat as few sweets or foods that would make her fat.

 At the end of the day, basically eat small meals frequently, and exercise at the same time.

 She has no energy to take care of the child, but she can still get out of the car and walk around.

 The children knew she was pregnant or had twins, so they didn't dare to work her too hard and were very self-conscious.

Jing Shirong was stunned for a while when he heard they were twins at first, without even closing his jaw.

  In the end, he giggled and said, "Two of them, how can I be so powerful? The sword is still young."

Sister Ying.

 I don’t know whether to beat him or laugh at him.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him, "Okay, you look so rude, be careful I beat you up."

“Sister Yang said it would be more difficult to give birth to twins. I can’t eat fat, otherwise it will be difficult to give birth to twins.”

"When I give birth, remember to take the children out, otherwise the house will be noisy. It's enough to have a midwife and Sister Yang at home."

Jing Shirong’s heart skipped a beat when he heard this, “Is it so serious?”

 I thought that being pregnant with two children would be a good thing that everyone would celebrate. Didn't you realize there was such a risk?

Sister Ying pinched his high nose and said, "Don't worry too much. It's more dangerous for a first-time mother to have two babies. This is my third child, so it should be better."

 As long as the fetus is normal, in the right position, and grits its teeth, it can be born.

Jing Shirong was worried and looked down at her slightly bulging belly.

"Hey, after giving birth to this baby, the belly will be sealed, and there will be no more babies in the future."

Originally, he was already dead, but last time he missed her so much that he couldn't hold it back, so he got pregnant.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have touched her.

Sister Ying covered her mouth and smiled, leaning into his arms, "Then you won't touch me anymore?" Why don't we all share the same bed if there is no better method of contraception?

 Jing Shi Rong.

 “Will you make me a widow?”

 It’s really difficult.

Sister Ying teased him, "Don't you love me the most? You can't bear to love me even if you love me?"

Jing Shirong pinched her face and said, "Do you think I am a saint who has no desires or desires?"

 Let the beautiful lady remain calm, and it’s not like he has any physical problems.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "You refused to take medicine when I asked for it before. Now you know you're afraid, right?"

Jing Shirong looked melancholy and sighed deeply on his handsome face, "Then I'm not afraid that the medicine will hurt my body."

It's medicine that's three parts poison, and he doesn't really want her to feel unwell.

Sister Ying thought for a while, "I'll think about contraceptive methods later."

 The ancients wanted to have many children, so how could they avoid contraception?

 The few who want to avoid contraception rarely succeed.

It’s okay to take birth control pills once or twice, but taking more will definitely cause harm to the body.

 The best way is not to touch each other.

But these two people are not shy. When they meet once a month, they want to stick to each other. There is no way they can avoid touching each other.

When the two of them thought of this, they blushed and lowered their heads, obviously embarrassed.

 Fortunately, I have given birth to two children, so I am thick-skinned. Once I am shy, I will forget it.

 In the evening, Jing Shirong took the children to catch seafood, while Sister Yang and Sister Ying went to cook together.

 After eating, the children played for a while before going to sleep in the car.

 At first light the next day, we continued our journey.

This time we walked on mountain roads, which were relatively shady and cool, and not so hot.

I thought it would go smoothly, but the emperor sent a letter midway, saying that there was serious flooding in the south, and asked Jing Shirong to go and take a look.

Jing Shirong looked at the map and found that he could indeed reach the flood site by taking the fork in the road. He asked Qi Yuanming to survey the terrain first, hoping to make arrangements for his wife and children before going there.

Qi Yuanming hurriedly surveyed the terrain and found a relatively safe small village. The terrain was higher, the houses were relatively stable, and floods would not pass through here for the time being.

Jing Shirong also went to see it, and immediately placed the children here and left the secret guards to protect them.

He took the remaining guards away and went to see the flood.

Sister Ying was pregnant and couldn't keep up, so she asked Sister Yang to help.

Sister Yang naturally wanted to go. The people were in trouble. As a general's wife, she would help when she saw it. So she picked up the medicine box, the sickle and tools, and went there with Qi Yuanming.

 Before leaving, Jing Shirong glanced at the children, feeling uneasy.

Sister Ying hugged him and said, "It's okay. It's not the first time we go out. I will take good care of myself and the children."

 Besides, there are also the secret guards.

“Sister Yang, please remember to take good care of her.”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes."

Sister Ying looked at the nearby terrain and thought that if there was a flood, she should prepare some life-saving things, so she took the children to the village chief's house and asked the village chief to lead the villagers to make some life-saving things.

It is best to build some boats with wood, and when the water rises, they can be used to save lives.

The village chief saw that they were from the capital and that their conversation was quite insightful. For the safety of the villagers, he asked everyone to start making boats for backup.

They are busy here, and Jing Shirong is also busy over there.

 After he and Qi Yuanming brought the guards to the place, they heard loud and small cries.

The two of them looked up and saw the flood flowing down the mountain road.

 (End of this chapter)

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