Chapter 1057, encountering a flood

 “No, the flood is coming. Get to higher ground quickly.”

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming both had experience and immediately took people to higher places.

 When they reached a higher place, they saw that all the villagers, large and small, had already stood up and hid in high places.

  Just a few children accidentally fell into the water. The women cried out to save them, but they were held back by the men.

Jing Shirong lowered his head and glanced at the child in the flood. He tiptoed to the ground and used Qinggong to fish him out.

  A thick rope was tied to his body for life-saving purposes.

Qi Yuanming stayed behind. If he fell, he would be pulled up.

Jing Shirong fished out the three children with one hand and told them, "Hold on tight. If they fall down, they will be dead."

When the three boys heard this, they all clung to him with all their might.

Jing Shirong and his three children stepped on a stone. Seeing that the stone was about to be washed away, he tapped his toes and asked Qi Yuanming, "Pull!"

Qi Yuanming and other guards used their strength to pull the four of them up at once.

 After landing safely, the three children cried loudly.

  Three women came running over, holding their children in their arms and crying.

Jing Shirong looked around and felt a little strange, "Didn't you say that the Blue Wolf King is here? Why didn't you see anyone?"

Hearing this, the three women explained to him, "The Green Wolf King is on another hill, and I guess he can't catch him."

Some villagers sneered coldly, "Why can't we make it in time? We have obviously given up on our small village. Otherwise, it would have taken so long?"

 Their village is the poorest, and those dog officials obviously can't get any benefits here, so they just ignore it.

 Anything that can’t be made in time is just an excuse.

Jing Shirong frowned and glanced at the surrounding villagers. There were about a hundred people in total, which was quite a large number.

The Green Wolf King is brave enough to dare to leave the people here directly.

 The emperor values ​​the people's support the most. If this matter spreads, Long Yan will definitely be furious.

The villagers here are also aggrieved, "They all say that the Green Wolf King loves his people like his own son, but I think it's a lie."

“He came to see our village that day and saw that our village was in tatters, so he left immediately.”

Such a snobbish prince has the nerve to say that he loves his people as his own son.

Jing Shirong thought for a while and asked the guards to take them to another mountain road, which was relatively safer.

“You take your food and baggage and go to another mountain to take shelter. This place will be washed away by floods in two days. Go to another mountain to take shelter first. When the floods stabilize, the court will arrange your whereabouts.

The villagers saw that he was tall and mighty, and his tone was calm, like an official. In addition, the child was rescued just now, so they naturally trusted him.

“Sir, will the court really take care of us?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Yes, we are sent by His Majesty. You go and take shelter first. I will send a letter to Your Majesty later, and someone will naturally arrange your accommodation."

   When the people heard this, they were very happy.

Those with sharp eyes recognized Jing Shirong and said, "It's Mr. Jing."

Jing Shirong came to Lingguo to rescue people in distress. Some people still remembered his face and were very happy immediately.

"This is Mr. Jing, I know him. He was the one who saved my natal family from a flood before. Now we are saved."

When everyone heard this, hope arose in their hearts. After listening to Jing Shirong, they packed up their things and went to another relatively safe mountain to hide for a few days.

Jing Shirong arranged the people and went to write a letter to the emperor, telling the truth about the situation here.

When the emperor learned that the Green Wolf King had left more than a hundred people alone, he smacked the table angrily.

 “That bastard, I thought he was a man who served the country and the people, but I didn’t expect that he was also unjust for profit.”

The area affected by the flood this time was divided into two parts. One of them was a wealthy courtyard where many wealthy families lived. When those people saw the Blue Wolf King coming, they immediately offered money and treasures.

They all fawned over the Green Wolf King, hoping that he could protect them. The Green Wolf King had acquired so much private property at one time, so he naturally chose to keep this place.

 He thought about it. There were more people in the rich area here, more than a thousand people in total.

 There are only more than a hundred people on the other mountain, and they are all poor.

 Instead of spending manpower and material resources to save the poor, it is better to put all the energy on the side of the rich.

As long as he sends these fat sheep out safely, won’t the money continue to come in the future?

 At that time, he will have money to cultivate his own power.

As for the more than one hundred people on the other mountain, they died.

If my father asked about it, he would just say that they don't have enough manpower.

 After all, compared with more than 100 people, it was natural to save more than 1,000 people. I think my father would not blame him.

He had just collected the money and was happily transporting the group of wealthy households and their gold, silver and jewelry out. He had no idea that someone on the top of the mountain was paying attention to his every move.

Jing Shirong wrote down everything that happened and drew a simple drawing to send to the emperor.

 The emperor was very angry when he saw it, but he did not get angry immediately. Instead, he planned to intercept the money halfway.

Jing Shirong ignored the matters between his father and his son and went directly up the mountain with Qi Yuanming to investigate the source of the flood.

They knew that the mountain torrent was coming fiercely, and they had to find out the direction of the mountain torrent as soon as possible so that the people could be safely sent to the other direction.

Qi Yuanming was worried, so he simply sent Sister Yang there to be with the more than a hundred mountain people, and then took her back.

“You go and get some fever-reducing medicine for those people first. I see that those people have drank a lot of water. I think they may have diarrhea or something.

Sister Yang nodded understandingly, "I understand."

Qi Yuanming sent her over, kissed her, and left two people to protect her.

"After getting them the medicine, go back to find the eldest sister. Don't come out if you have nothing to do."


 The couple hugged each other worriedly, and then separated.

The brothers went up the mountain together from the side, stood at the highest point to see where the flood went down, and drew a map.

Jing Shirong used burning charcoal as a drawing. After simply drawing the map and identifying safe areas, he was ready to go down the mountain.

 They looked at the wealthy area and saw that they were all submerged.

Some servants and maids were washed away. The Green Wolf King's guards didn't even look at them and took the boat away.

 The remaining area of ​​100 people was also washed away.

 It’s a good thing we let those hundred villagers leave in advance, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

 Seeing the mountain torrent moving downwards with a steady trend, Jing Shirong felt uneasy and flew to a tree to observe the pattern.

“Not good. The flash flood over there is heading towards Sister Ying.”

Qi Yuanming also panicked, "Didn't you go from the other side? You actually went in the direction of the children?"

  The two men hurried back, but due to the fierceness of the flood, they had a hard time running.

 Fortunately, Sister Ying climbed up the tree early to see the direction of the torrent, and took people to another hilltop early in the morning.

 The place she went to happened to be where Sister Yang stayed with more than a hundred people.

 The two sisters were very surprised when they met.

"Why are you here?"

Sister Yang was also surprised, "Sister, why are you here?"

He also led a group of villagers here.

 (End of this chapter)

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