The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1058: , Sister Ying was washed away?

Chapter 1058, Sister Ying was washed away?

Sister Ying told her the advance prediction, "I always felt that the flash flood would go towards us, so I took the villagers out in advance."

 Fortunately, everyone was meaningless at the time, otherwise it would really have been over.

The villagers didn’t know why, but they listened to it at that time, and they all came out safely.

 Otherwise not only houses but also people will be washed away.

Jing Shirong and the others did not know that Sister Ying and her children had escaped. When they saw the washed away house, their legs were so frightened that they became weak.

Qi Yuanming almost jumped into the flood to look for it.

 “Little clouds…”

 His eyes were red and he wanted to jump.

Jing Shirong’s eyes were sour, and he calmly grabbed his wrist, “Wait a minute.”

He carefully searched for traces in the flood, but found that there was no one calling out.

 “No, the situation has changed.”

Qi Yuanming burst into tears. When he saw what he said, he wiped away his tears and looked for traces.

Sure enough, the roofs of houses, as well as tables and chairs, were covered in the torrent.

 But there were no clothes, let alone adults or children.

 “Strange? Why is there no one?”

Jing Shirong analyzed calmly, "Sister Ying should have taken the person away in advance."

Qi Yuanming's legs were weak, and he couldn't help but shed tears again.

 “It scared me to death!”

 There are four children here, and he will be devastated if one is missing.

Jing Shirong clenched his fists and his lips trembled. He was obviously very frightened.

 Fortunately, both adults and children are fine.

 “Let’s go and have a look in the tree.”

 The two of them climbed up to the top of the tree to take a look, returning Persian's telescope for help.

After looking at it for a while, Qi Yuanming exclaimed, "Ah Jing, look over there, there's a chimney there."

Jing Shirong looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough, there were fireworks.

There is a piece of cloth under the fireworks with the words, "We are here."

Jing Shirong raised the corner of his mouth and said with sore eyes, "I found them."

Qi Yuanming also saw those words.

 “I’m really going to cry.”

Jing Shirong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “You are already crying.”

“Okay, don’t cry now, ride over quickly, otherwise this place will collapse soon.

I didn’t expect this flash flood to be so powerful. It seems that I need to notify the county government in advance.

Jing Shirong sent a message to the emperor again.

 When the emperor learned that the situation was so serious, he quickly sent the prince to deal with the aftermath.

I thought that the Green Wolf King could solve it alone, but I didn’t expect that the flash flood was so big that it had already hit several villas in a row.

 After the prince received the order, he quickly brought the people down.

He went to survey the mountain first and then quickly asked the villagers at the foot of the mountain to pack their things and go to town.

 He also sent a signal to Jing Shirong to tell him that he was coming.

 After Jing Shirong saw the signal, he also sent a signal and asked the prince to come up and pick him up.

 Now the villagers of the two villages are in the same place, and they have to find someone to settle their residences.

If left alone, these people will become refugees and eventually flock to the capital.

The prince also thought of this and went up the mountain to pick him up personally.

Jing Shirong gave him a chance to express himself and told the villagers, "His Majesty has sent the Crown Prince to pick you up."

 The villagers were extremely grateful and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. Long live your Majesty."

 The prince was favored by Jing Shirong and remembered him as a favor.

Jing Shirong went down the mountain with them and told him the location of the Green Wolf King. The rest was up to him.

The prince clasped his fists again, "I didn't quite understand why my father and my sister valued you so much before, but now I understand."

 Who could not love an official who is so capable and loves the people?

 Even if he becomes emperor in the future, he will still need such brave and resourceful generals. Jing Shirong also clasped his fists, "It's all for the safety of Ling country, you are so ridiculous."

 The prince waved his hand, keeping it all in mind.

After the group of people went down the mountain together, the prince first arranged accommodation for the people, and then took them up the mountain to see if he could divert the mountain torrent to an uninhabited place.

Jing Shirong said, "This time the flash flood is huge. I'm afraid it won't be able to stop it, so I'd better get everyone down the mountain to get up, pack their things and go to town until the flash flood stabilizes."

  If you rush to block the flood, it will be washed away instead, which is not worth the loss.

The prince felt that what he said made sense, so he sent people to beat gongs and drums, and called all the villagers at the foot of the mountain to gather their things and come out immediately.

 But the people were still reluctant to part with the homes they built with their own hands. They also said that it was far away from the mountains and should be fine.

When the prince saw that they refused to leave, he simply ordered them to die.

“But if you don’t leave, there will be a flash flood and no one can save you!”

His face was cold. After hearing this, the people were a little scared, so they got up and packed their things and left.

By the time half of it was received, the flash flood really came down.

 “Ah! Help.”

The flash flood was so fierce that the people and the prince's people were swept away all at once.

 Fortunately, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming took the boat and rope and came over.

 They threw the rope down, "Hurry and grab the rope."

Those who could swim quickly grabbed the life-saving rope and swam up quickly.

Those who can’t swim can only go to the rescue.

The guards have all been trained and can rescue people very quickly, but there are still a few who cannot be rescued because the flash flood is moving too fast.

 Some children were washed away, and old women were crying.

 Some of the sons were washed away and they were all crying.

 The prince was angry and helpless.

I was angry that the people did not listen to the old man's words, and I was angry that I was not capable enough to save everyone.

Jing Shirong was very calm. After saving those who could be saved, he immediately gave the order, "Nothing is needed except people, pull the rope!"

 The guards on the shore pulled the rope together.

 As soon as the rope moved, the boat full of people began to move.

 Fortunately, most of the villagers were rescued, but the houses were not spared.

 The remaining people who were washed away could not be recovered.

 The prince quickly took the people to resettle him and wrote a letter asking for support.

Now that it has been raining, the people have to prepare food for them in addition to a place to live.

 After the flash floods have passed, we still need to plan where they will live and allocate land so that they can grow food so that they can be self-sufficient. All these must be arranged.

 Otherwise, just for a few days, the people will have nowhere to go and no land to farm, and they will eventually become refugees.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming both helped and worked together to arrange shelter and food for them.

And set up queuing rules for the people. Whether to eat or receive water, they have to queue up.

 Anyone who cuts in line will not be given a grain of rice.

  Everyone is quite qualified, and they all lined up obediently after listening.

 The emperor learned that the disaster area was large and there were many people, so he sent people to deliver food and maps.

 The prince saw the circled map and had to go and check it himself.

 See if the place is suitable for living and farming.

Jing Shirong felt relieved for the third princess when he saw that he had grown up to be very rational and able to endure hardships.

 The common people will have a good life in the future if they have such a prince who loves the people like a son.

Sister Ying and her children are all helping at the soup kitchen.

Sister Yang also explained to the people the production and dosage of antipyretics, as well as taboos.

 Educate people about the symptoms of fever and how to take medicine.

It is definitely not possible to teach you about serious illnesses, but you can still teach everyone about a minor cold.

 For example, physical cooling, or drinking some antipyretics.

Otherwise, the refugees’ houses will be destroyed, their homes will be gone, and their land will be lost. Their lives will be tight in the future, and they will definitely not be able to afford medical treatment.

 (End of this chapter)

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