Chapter 1059, The Prince’s Ability

If they can have some medical knowledge, they will not be so panicked when something happens.

However, the common people had not read the book and had only a half-understanding of what she said, so they had to hand it over to the doctor in the end.

 But the doctor is not a philanthropist either.

 One or two are still free, but they can’t bear more.

 After all, buying medicine also costs money, and they don’t have that much money.

Sister Yang thought for a while and simply taught the people how to exercise.

But the people thought she was exaggerating, and said, "We farm every day and are in good health, so we don't need to fiddle with that."

 If you have fields to grow and food to eat, there is no need to exercise.

 Working in the fields every day is a form of physical exercise.

Sister Yang was helpless. She felt that everything she popularized about science was refuted, and they thought she was being pretentious. She felt very tired.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Okay, you have done everything you should do, just have a clear conscience." The rest of the court will deal with it.

Sister Yang shrugged, "Same."

Ordinary people don’t learn how to exercise. They don’t have time to think about cooking for their families every day. They don’t even think about growing herbs or exercising.

 What they are thinking about now is when they can rebuild their homes, build houses and divide the land. This is what they want most.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming also went over to help. They left early and came back late every day.

Xiao Miguo and the others are very quiet. They know that disaster is coming and cannot run around, otherwise they will lose their parents.

 They have been staying in Sister Ying's body obediently for the past few days, not going anywhere, which makes Sister Ying feel distressed and funny at the same time.

 “What’s the matter? Are you scared?”

 Xiao Miguo leaned on her, a little scared, "Mom, the flash flood is so scary."

It was a novelty before, but it was really scary to see other children being washed away and their parents crying heartbrokenly.

 She was afraid that she would be swept away and lose sight of her parents and younger brother, and her small eyes were still red.

“Mom, can’t those people who were washed away come back?”

Sister Ying hugged her and kissed her forehead, "No one knows who will come first when it comes to natural or man-made disasters, so you have to run first when something happens. Human lives are very fragile."

“You only have one life, if it’s gone, it’s gone, so cherish life, you know?”

Xiao Miguo nodded, "I understand."

 Mother and daughter went to cook porridge for the villagers together. When it was ready, Sister Ying gave porridge to the adults, and Xiao Miguo gave porridge to the children.

By the time I finished doing this, it was already dark.

 At night, everyone set up camp on the plains, put up simple tents and slept.

 At night, the two children came together to hug Sister Ying and keep each other warm.

 Although it is summer, it is still a bit cold late at night in the mountains.

Xiao Miguo looked at the stars in the sky and asked Sister Ying, "Mom, daddy hasn't come back yet."

Sister Ying touched her hair and said, "Yes, your father and your uncle are still busy, and they probably won't come back until tomorrow."

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze also saw Jing Shirong working for the first time, and they were both impressed.

 In my heart, I admire my biological father's ability even more.

Xiao Dongze said, "Mom, in the future I also want to be a brave general like my father."

“Me too, I will make a lot of money in the future, so that I can give porridge to people who have no food to eat. I can also steam some steamed buns for them.”

 The two children have ambitions, and Sister Ying naturally supports them.

“Then you study hard and try to learn more knowledge so that you can help others more accurately.”

Xiao Dongze was puzzled, "Is there an inevitable connection between helping others and studying?"

Sister Ying pinched his face and said, "Of course there is a connection. If you don't study, you won't have any knowledge reserves. For example, why the flash flood came this time is explained in the book. If you can't understand why the flash flood came, you will also know the reason why the flash flood came. How can I help others if I don’t understand anything?”

“Like your little aunt, how can you treat people if you are illiterate and don’t understand the medicinal properties of herbs?”

"So don't underestimate knowledge. It's always good to learn more." Xiaomiguo and Xiaodongze understood, with serious faces, "Okay, we will study hard, read more, and accumulate more experience, so that we can learn more quickly in the future. Help others.”

Sister Ying is also pleased that they can understand so quickly.

 The next day, the prince, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming finally came back.

They went to survey the land divided by the imperial court and found that the area was fertile and suitable for growing food.

 The prince came over early in the morning and led the villagers there, and began to register names and divide the land.

Each household is allocated land and an area to build a house.

 The size of the land is almost the same. Some people with a large population will allocate a little more for fear of not having enough food.

 Divide the rest equally to avoid disputes.

 As for building houses, the villagers have to work **** their own and help each other.

 What the court can do is to continue to provide rations to the people until the grain is grown.

If you don’t farm the land well and just want to rely on the court to distribute food, the court will not distribute it, and we will prevent all lazy people from sitting back and enjoying the benefits.

 Fortunately, the people all loved farming, and their own food would definitely taste better, so they started farming one after another.

The imperial court also distributed free tools for farming and building houses to every household.

 Having tools makes it much more convenient.

 As for manpower, it’s all about working together.

But everyone wanted to build their own first, and they argued about it for several days.

When the prince saw this, he immediately said that he would start building the first house and the people from the court would help.

 Only when the first one is done well can the second and third ones be developed.

 Otherwise no one would have to build a house.

 When everyone saw this, they began to gather together and start building from the front two rows.

 With concentrated manpower, building a house is much faster.

Within a month, more than a dozen wooden houses have been built.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming saw that the matter was over and said goodbye to the prince.

 The prince sent them off personally before saying goodbye to each other.

Sister Ying and the others continued walking on the mountain road, and the rest of the road was much smoother.

As for the Blue Wolf King, the emperor only punished him slightly, and I think it was still useful for the Blue Wolf King.

Those are all internal matters of the imperial court. The emperor knew it well and Jing Shirong would not care about it, but he would still let people keep an eye on it and it was always good to know more about the situation.

 The carriage continues to move forward, and the next stop will be a small town.

 After arriving in the town, the children were in a good mood again, and they were going to eat delicious food after getting off the car.

Jing Shirong wanted to give the children some food, but Sister Ying was still pregnant, so he took them to eat delicious food.

 I also bought a lot of food for later use, so I can eat it on the road.

By the time we got to the border, Sister Ying’s belly was already so round that it looked like the belly of twins.

 She is now seven months pregnant.

I was pregnant with Xiaomiguo before, and my belly was very small when I was seven months old, and I couldn’t tell that I was pregnant from behind.

 But now that I am pregnant with twins, my belly is obviously much bigger.

 Although she has controlled her diet and eat less sweets, she still cannot escape edema.

 When Xiaomiguo and Xiaodongze were born, she didn’t gain weight even if she ate meat every day, and she didn’t get edema in the later stages.

 But now she is only seven months old, and her two delicate little feet have already swollen into tiny little steamed bun feet.

 It’s hard to bend down and put on shoes when you press a hole.

 (End of this chapter)

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