Chapter 1060, Sister Ying has a fever

Jing Shirong helped her take a bath and when he put her on the bed and wiped her feet, he also found that she was swollen.

 Looking at the swollen instep, there is a pit when I press it, which makes me feel bad.

 “Does it hurt?”

Sister Ying shook her head. Her lips were a little white, not as rosy as when she was pregnant with Xiaomi Guo.

Jing Shirong became more and more frightened as he watched, "Why are the twins so torturous?"

 “Or are you lacking nutrition on the road?”

The more he thought about it, the more he regretted it, "Hey, I should have told you to stay in Jiangnan and come back after giving birth."

 He really forgot about this at that time. If he had known earlier, he would have let her come back after giving birth.

 Looking at this pale face, it can be seen that he still endured hardship on the road.

Sister Ying was a little out of breath and lying on the bed weakly. She told him, "I must be sick. Please ask Sister Yang to come and take a look at me."

  When Yue Yue was a child, she was in good health on the road. Jing Shirong also tried his best to find meat for her. The nutritional mix of vegetables and fruits kept her from starving.

Except in deserted places, I will only eat dry food to save pickles, but I still try to find fresh food for her.

Ke Jing Shirong still felt that it was not enough, and still felt guilty for not giving her the best care on the road.

“You wait first, I’ll call Sister Yang and let her take a good look at you.”

Sister Yang came over quickly, looked at her face, touched her forehead, felt her pulse, and frowned.

 “You have a fever, or a low-grade fever.”

Sister Ying also felt weak all over. She didn’t know if she had caught a cold due to the wind, but she started to have a fever.

“I felt like fire was coming out of my mouth, but my forehead was cool and not hot to the touch. I didn’t expect it to be a low-grade fever.”

Sister Yang quickly cooled her down physically, wiped her limbs and forehead with warm water, and then made some soup for her to make her sweat.

  After a lot of busy work, the fever went away until the next day.

Jing Shirong didn't sleep all night, so he stayed by the bedside to watch over her.

As soon as Sister Ying woke up, she felt that the heat in her mouth was no longer so heavy, and she felt a little more energetic.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw a person sitting at the head of the bed, his head still a little bit.

 She stretched out her hand and hooked Jing Shirong's fingers.

Jing Shirong woke up as soon as she touched him.

 His eyes were all red and he hurriedly asked, "How are you doing? Are you feeling better?"

Sister Ying nodded and asked him to come up, "Come to bed and sleep. Don't stay up all night."

Jing Shirong hummed, went to bed, hugged her, and touched her forehead, "The temperature seems to be normal."

Sister Ying nodded, "It's normal. I guess it's because of the hot wind. I won't go out next time. I'll just rest at home during this period."

 At seven months old, I started to have difficulty moving.

 In the past seven months, she was very flexible and could take care of the children and cook.

I now have two children in my belly. No matter how much I try to avoid eating high-calorie foods that can make me fat, my belly is still growing day by day.

  Sometimes the two children would kick her together and she would feel a pain in her stomach.

Like this moment, as soon as she lay down, the child started kicking her.


Sister Ying frowned and almost peeed.

 The two children kicked her together, and it felt like they hit her bladder, and the urge to pee came over her instantly.

She felt embarrassed, and Jing Shirong also noticed something strange about her.

 “What’s wrong? The child kicked you?”

Sister Ying's eyes were filled with tears, "I want to take a bath, you can carry me there."

Jing Shirong hummed, took her to take a bath, cleaned her and then brought her back.

 Then he went to the kitchen to serve breakfast.

Sister Ying had a clean breakfast and felt comfortable now.

 Ask Jing Shirong to wash up quickly so that he can come back and sleep.

Jing Shirong went to take a bath, and when he came back, he ate a full meal and prepared to return to the military camp.

But Sister Ying grabbed him and said, "I won't go today. You go to bed first and then go at night." Seeing her firm eyes, Jing Shirong stopped leaving and lay back on the bed.

 “Then let me squint for a while?”

Sister Ying touched his face and said, "Go to sleep. I'll call you in the afternoon."

Jing Shirong blinked his sleepy eyelids, "Okay."

 He closed his eyes and fell asleep quickly.

Sister Ying got out of bed lightly and went to see the children. She saw that they were studying obediently, and then went to see Sister Yang.

Sister Yang made her some tonic early in the morning. When she woke up, she quickly gave it to her to drink.

 “Now, I made my own tonic, drink it and see.”

Sister Ying looked at the black stuff in the bowl and didn't hesitate to take a sip, but Sister Yang looked at her expectantly and had to pick up the bowl and take a sip.

The taste is okay, not as scary as expected, but it's not delicious either.

Sister Yang also knew that she was not good at cooking, so she smiled and said, "Just make do with it. This is for your health. Drinking it is good for your health."

Sister Ying believed in her medical skills and drank it all in one breath with her eyes closed.

Sister Yang took her pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that everything was normal.

"You are now one month old, so don't go out. The midwives have been found. They are all experienced in delivering twins. We will work together when the time comes."

Sister Ying is confident now that she has arranged things so well.

 “Okay, let’s work together.”

Although she is starting to feel less comfortable now, she still wants to persist and try her best to survive until nine months.

  After all, premature babies were quite dangerous in ancient times.

 It is better for the fetus to be a little older.

 After drinking the tonic, she went back to look at Jing Shirong and catch up on her sleep with him.

 At night, Jing Shirong slowly woke up.

 As soon as I woke up, I saw Sister Ying sleeping next to her with a big belly.

He reached out and touched her forehead, and was relieved when he saw that the temperature was normal.

 Looking at the time, the third princess should have finished her dinner by now.

So he got up, changed his clothes, had a simple dinner, and went to the military camp.

After Sister Ying woke up, she found that he was gone.

Xiao Miguo ran in and told her, "Daddy has gone to the military camp. Is mom feeling better?"

 Previously, her father said that her mother should have a good rest when she was sick, and asked her to take care of her younger brothers and sisters, and not let her younger brothers and sisters disturb her mother, so she has been taking care of her younger brothers and sisters obediently.

Sister Ying saw that her little face was full of worry, so she kissed her face lovingly.

“Mom is fine, everything is fine.”

 “You can continue to take your younger siblings to school from tomorrow on.”

Xiao Miguo nodded sensibly, "I will take good care of my younger brothers and sisters. Don't worry, mother."

Sister Ying smiled lovingly and kissed her little face, "That's great, but if you take good care of your younger brothers and sisters, you must also take good care of yourself."

Xiao Miguo smiled and leaned into her arms, "I'm fine. What I'm more worried about is my mother's health."

 Seeing how considerate this little cotton-padded jacket is, Sister Ying feels warm in her heart.

“I know, let’s go eat. School starts tomorrow. Remember to supervise your brother’s studies.”

Xiao Miguo nodded, "I will. If he dares not to be serious, I won't beat him."

 Now the three little ones in the family all obey her and are afraid of her, after all, she really beats them.

 So the adults are relieved when the three children follow her.

 On the second day.

Sister Ying felt much better, so she got out of bed and walked around.

 Stop by to see how the children are studying.

The master was invited to his home and was studying on the second floor next door.

 You can hear the sound of children reading upstairs.

 (End of this chapter)

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