The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1061: , Mr. Zhong’s craftsmanship

Chapter 1061, Mr. Zhong’s craftsmanship

Sister Ying went up to take a look around and saw that the children were all studying obediently. Then she curled her lips and went downstairs with satisfaction.

 She went to the kitchen to drink a bowl of Sister Yang's tonic, and then looked at the account book sent by her servant.

In the past six months, the business of the store has been good. It seems that the shopkeeper and the waiter have professional ethics and have been doing their jobs conscientiously.

  It was getting dark after reading the account book, the children were out of school, and everyone had dinner together.

 After dinner, Piggy and the others came.

Mr. Zhong heard that they were back and came over once. At that time, Sister Ying was not feeling well and was resting, so he left early for fear of disturbing her rest.

I came over now and saw Sister Ying getting up, so I hurried over to visit.

  “You’re fine, Amitabha, it’ll be fine.”

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yeah, the first six months were fine. Just when I was about to laugh, I got a fever. I was really unprepared."

However, no one can guarantee that they will be in good health and not get sick at all in ten months.

 Fortunately, it was just a fever and it would get better soon, otherwise it would be really annoying.

 After all, you can’t take medicines randomly when you are one month old. If you develop any difficult and complicated diseases, things will be difficult to deal with.

 Fortunately, the fever has subsided and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Zhong came over to sit with her, "Is it fun to go back to the capital? I thought you would come back after giving birth."

Sister Ying smiled, "I really didn't think about this at the time."

Maybe it was because the family had been together for a long time, and they basically went wherever Jing Shirong went, and they never thought of leaving after giving birth.

  When I came back, I felt uncomfortable, and everyone suddenly thought about why I didn’t come back after giving birth. After all, the journey was quite hard.

Sister Ying touched her belly and said, "It's okay, I'm over it."

The long journey was tiring, but everyone took good care of her and the treatment was pretty good.

 And now that it’s here, I won’t think about it again.

Young Master Zhong felt a little distressed when he saw that her little face was not very rosy.

"You just didn't eat well on the road. I'll give you a postpartum meal this month to make up for it. Look at your pale face."

Sister Ying smiled, "No need, I am the one who makes the recipes myself, why bother you."

Mr. Zhong said, "You are good at preparing recipes, but I have practical experience. Look at how good the third princess is after giving birth to two children. It can be seen that the dishes I paired are very complementary."

“Although your dishes are nutritious, most of them won’t make you gain weight. I’m better at it. They’re especially good for nourishing your energy and nourishing your mind. You can try mine.”

Sister Ying remembered that the eldest princess was indeed very rosy, so she agreed.

 “Okay, let’s try yours.”

 Her confinement meals are indeed nutritious, but most of them are focused on not gaining weight.

Although Mr. Zhong just followed the example, he also studied it carefully and thought that his recipe should also be effective.

Try his recipe first and see if it helps. If not, let’s talk about it later.

 Zhong Da saw her answer and immediately went to prepare.

“You sit here and I’ll prepare your first meal.”

Roll up your sleeves and go to the kitchen immediately.

Sister Ying followed him and watched him wash and chop vegetables neatly, his movements were comparable to those of a professional chef.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and praised, "Brother Zhong, your cooking skills are getting better and better, and your knife skills are also outstanding."

 Look at the uniform size of the meat slices, which is perfect.

 Master Zhong was very happy to be praised.

"The third princess also praised me in the same way, and said that if I ran out of money, I would definitely make a lot of money as a cook, hahaha."

Seeing the happiness on his face, Sister Ying also smiled.

“Yes, Brother Zhong is very capable, and I admire him very much.”

Not only can he take care of children, but he can also make money and cook well. It is difficult to find such a good man even if you are holding a lantern. Even Brother Rong is not very good at cooking, but Young Master Zhong is really amazing.

 Master Zhong was embarrassed to be praised so much by her.

“Fortunately, although Brother Jing doesn’t know how to cook, he is good at his job, which I can’t compare to.”

Each person has his own strengths. He is indeed more suitable for cooking at home, but he is not very good at manual labor.

He can't do things like hunting in the mountains, so he doesn't dare to be too proud.

Sister Ying smiled and said, "Yes, everyone has their own strengths, just be happy."

Young Master Zhong also laughed, "You don't even know that I would have been bored to death if you weren't here for half a year. Fortunately, I have two children with me."

“Fortunately, Qingfeng is still here. He is not very good at taking care of children, and he has to come to me for advice from time to time. Otherwise, the whole family would be in a state of chaos.”

Princess Grant is also a person who doesn't know how to raise children. As soon as the child is born, he will be in a state of chaos.

Qingfeng has never taken care of children, and she doesn’t like children very much.

He was asked to leave the child to the wet nurse, but he was unwilling and wanted to take care of it himself.

 The words "carry" and "carry" at the back actually bring out the emotion, and no one is willing to give it away.

Even Princess Grant's stepmother offered to help with the child, but he was cold-faced and said nothing.

Princess Grant knew what her stepmother meant, and the other party either wanted to use the kindness of taking care of the child to make her grateful.

 Either he wants to hold the emperor hostage to order the princes.

 It is naturally impossible for her son to be given to a stepmother and grandmother. She is afraid that the child will be bullied, so she naturally disagrees.

Qingfeng didn’t agree either, so he took care of the child by himself.

However, he is clumsy and cannot take care of the children well, making him cry all the time.

 Fortunately, Master Zhong is here and can teach him from time to time.

 As long as he is not stupid and is willing to work hard to learn, he can basically learn well.

Qingfeng quickly mastered the rhythm of taking care of children, and became more and more comfortable with it. Now she can take her children out to play.

It is said that the monarch of Gran has been born again, and the fetus is still full of life.

Sister Ying feels that the devil's law is like this.

 The people around you either don’t live together, or live together in groups.

The Grand Monarch's baby was born in the same month as hers, so they were probably born at the same time.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Yesterday I went shopping with Qingfeng to buy things for my children. We happened to hear about what happened in the capital, but he was very angry."

Sister Ying remembered, "Is it something about his store?"

Mr. Zhong nodded, "Yes. We have all heard about it."

“It is said that it was his sister-in-law’s fault, which affected the reputation of his shop, but he was very angry. He immediately went back and wrote a letter, probably to curse others.”

 The eldest princess also felt her face hurt when she received the letter.

It's okay if a good son is dragged into a marriage, but if the shop is messed up by him, it's not like he's sorry for his son.

So the eldest princess wrote a letter to apologize and promised that the store would not be managed by anyone in the future and that she would run it well. She understood the matter.

Mr. Zhong suddenly thought of something and told Sister Ying.

“By the way, I forgot to tell you, my mother and the others are here.”

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Your mother and the others are here? No way?"

How did you get here so far away?

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Hi, I came here in a carriage."

“My father has reached the age of retiring and returning to his hometown. Several children in the family have also separated. They thought of going back to their hometown to take care of themselves, so they came out.”

“Who would have thought that if their hometown was occupied by relatives, they would never come back.”

 (End of this chapter)

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