The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1062: , Young Master Zhong’s parents are here

Chapter 1062, Mr. Zhong’s parents are here

“Those relatives saw that my parents had resigned at an early age, so they didn’t take them seriously.”

Since their sons did not go back with them, those relatives thought that they had been abandoned by their sons, so they dared to blame them.

“My parents were impatient to fight with those people, so they came directly to me.”

His hometown is also in the north. It happened that his parents thought of him, so they came directly to join him.

 When he received the letter, he asked the third princess to pick him up.

When the third princess heard that her parents-in-law were coming, she was very sincere and went to pick them up in person.

 “My parents are at our house right now.”

 Fortunately, he expanded the yard in advance, otherwise it would not be enough to live in.

“I’m thinking that the yard will have to be expanded in the future, otherwise there won’t be enough for the children to marry.”

 It is enough now, but in the future when the children are older, it will be a bit crowded to marry a wife and have children.

Seeing how thoughtful he was, Sister Ying smiled and said, "There's no rush yet. Let's make the whole family crowded and lively. Then we can build a house of whatever style the children like in the future."

 The house today is definitely different from what it will look like twenty years later.

 You can install a new one for the children when the time comes.

Mr. Zhong felt that what he said was meaningful, so he put it aside for now.

Sister Ying asked, "Are your parents still used to coming here?"

 Zhong Dashao, “I wasn’t used to it at first, but now I’m used to it.”

“But the third princess is very awkward.”

This is the first time for Xu to live with his parents-in-law. The two old people are not used to it, and the third princess is not used to it either. The whole family was awkward at first.

 Only the children are happy because their grandparents love them and are willing to play with them.

Mr. Zhong saw that the third princess was so awkward, so he asked the third princess specifically.

“What, you’re not used to living with my parents?”

The third princess clicked her tongue, "No, I just can't let go. I'm afraid they will dislike me."

After all, she doesn't look like a woman. She acts like an uncle at home, with clothes on her hands, food on her hands, and mouth to open. Not to mention what a daughter-in-law should do, she doesn't even know how to do what a woman can do, for fear that her parents-in-law from the capital won't see. Pamper her.

Mr. Zhong smiled and said, "Okay, my parents already know what you are like and won't talk about you."

“Besides, it’s fine for you to be like this, as long as I like it.”

The family did not agree with this marriage at first. But thinking that the third princess had a good nature and her son was so old, she reluctantly agreed.

The young couple are really getting better and better, so the old man and the old lady of the Zhong family can feel relieved.

Now that their hometown is occupied by relatives, the two old people didn't like the smoky atmosphere, so they defected here.

 It’s quite comfortable to come here, but the weather is relatively hot.

 Fortunately, the home has three floors. The first floor is not hot at all and is very cool. They live quite comfortably.

The only awkward thing is that the third princess always has a cold face when she comes back, and it's hard to ask them any questions.

He even secretly asked Mr. Zhong, "Does your wife not like us coming?"

Mr. Zhong laughed loudly when he heard this, "No, she is just afraid that you will dislike her for not knowing how to wash and cook."

Old Mrs. Zhong was ashamed when she heard this, "Why do we want her to do laundry and cooking? Don't we have servants at home?"

 Besides, the third princess is someone who does big things, so she has no time to do laundry and cooking.

Mr. Zhong learned this from the third princess when he returned home. The third princess breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"As long as your parents are not angry, let them take care of themselves here. You are the eldest son, so you should take care of them."

Mr. Zhong thought so too.

“Don’t worry, my parents get along well with each other. The children are happy when they are around, and I can respect them. It’s good.”

 As long as he is happy, the three princesses are fine.

 This misunderstanding is resolved and the family gets along happily.

  Although Mrs. Zhong would sigh when she saw her son busy in and out every day, she didn't say anything when she saw the satisfied look on his face. Sister Ying smiled when she heard this and said, "It's good. Your parents can come here to take care of themselves, and you can take care of them. It's complete."

 Master Zhong, "Yes, I feel very happy too."

 The daughter-in-law, children, and parents are all here, so she is happy.

The two chatted for a long time, and the food in the kitchen was ready.

Today I will eat Mr. Zhong’s recipe, four dishes and one soup.

 There are vegetables, meat, fruits, nuts, milk, and nutritious combinations on the table.

 And the dishes will not be too oily.

Sister Ying could not help but give a thumbs up, "You are so awesome."

Mr. Zhong laughed and said, "Stop praising me. I usually put a lot of oil at home, but here you know that you are afraid of oil, so I deliberately put less oil."

 Because the third princess has a strong taste and likes to eat spicy food and stir-fried food with red oil, their food is relatively heavy.

 It was only when his parents came that he had to prepare two kinds of ingredients separately, otherwise he wouldn't be able to eat them.

Sister Ying tasted the food. It tasted completely different from what she made. It had a different flavor.

  No wonder it’s said that everyone’s cooking tastes different. It’s true.

She was sixty percent full after eating, and her stomach was so full that she had no choice but to put down her chopsticks and take a rest.

Mr. Zhong looked at her big belly and sighed, "I guess twins are hereditary."

For example, Sister Yang and Brother Sen are twins.

Sister Ying nodded, "Yes."

 Speaking of Seng Geer, she remembered, "I haven't seen that boy Seng Geer for a long time."

His mother is worried about him. She is unwell, otherwise she should help take care of him.

“Forget it, I’ll write a letter to Brother Seng.”

 The siblings haven’t seen each other for so long, so it’s time to write a letter.

Sister Ying went to write a letter and asked Fei Ying to send it after she finished writing.

In recent years, Jing Shirong has trained two more flying eagles, specially for Sister Ying.

 After Feiying sent the letter, Seng Geer received the letter while squatting in a corner.

 He has been out investigating a case for the past six months.

 In the first half of the year, there was a case of a missing girl that remained unsolved. There were even more mysterious disappearances of girls one after another, and the news spread to the palace.

Upon seeing this, the emperor immediately called Seng Geer over and asked him to investigate the case.

 Seng Geer looked at the innocent girls in the portraits and clenched his fists tightly.

 He hates cases that harm the elderly, weak, women and children the most.

Because these girls are powerless, it would be very easy for the murderer to take them away.

Especially after the girls were taken away, almost all received inhuman treatment, the methods were cruel and shocking.

The emperor couldn't stand it anymore and asked him to immediately take the murderer back to the capital and impose a severe sentence. He would show all the lawless elements in the darkness that he would be punished if he dared to do evil things.

 Seng Geer took the order and left immediately.

 He is now regarded as a confidant of the emperor.

 At first he didn’t really like to belong to any sect, he just wanted to do what he wanted to do.

But Jing Shirong told him that although the emperor was sometimes annoying, he was essentially a good emperor who served the country and the people, and he could do some great things for him.

 Seng Geer made several observations and realized that the emperor was indeed a man who served the country and the people, so he began to do things for him.

 There are also advantages to working for the emperor, that is, you can get promoted.

 Only when you are promoted and have more power, can the cases you want to investigate become more convenient.

 (End of this chapter)

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