The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1063: , Brother Sen has been promoted

 Chapter 1063, Seng Geer was promoted

 So Seng Geer is now regarded as the emperor's disciple and is working for the emperor.

 The areas he regulates are usually investigating cases, and the emperor has assigned him many unsolved cases.

 He was promoted from the fifth rank to the current rank of Zuodu Censor. Its responsibilities are to supervise all internal and external officials, and to jointly hear major cases with the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple.

 He is good at investigating cases, so he is the one who handles major cases.

However, there are risks in embarking on major cases, so the emperor did not expose him to the public and kept him hidden.

Everyone only knows that the newly appointed Imperial Censor Shenlong has disappeared, but they have also heard that many suspicious cases have been solved in his hands, and they respect and fear him.

 His whereabouts are even more mysterious now, and even the emperor is not sure where he is.

It's not that the emperor didn't put people around him, it's mainly that Seng'er was too defensive and didn't trust anyone, so his whereabouts were always elusive. If he didn't show up on his own initiative, you wouldn't be able to find him.

 Because the investigations were all of the type involving massacres and the risk factor was high, he rarely went home.

Even when I go home, I always go back secretly. I have a quick meeting with my family once and then leave again.

Mrs. Wu didn't know that he was investigating such a big case. She thought he was busy and was considerate enough not to disturb him.

 But he is getting older, and he doesn’t have to live at home, but he still hasn’t found a wife. How can he not make people anxious?

Sister Ying didn't know that Brother Sen was now a censor, and she thought he was a bounty hunter like before.

Jing Shirong does know a little bit.

Because Brother Sen sometimes doesn’t have enough manpower, he will ask Jing Shirong for help.

Jing Shirong’s eye spies are all over the place, so if his brother-in-law is in need, he will naturally help.

 Seng Geer has admired him since he was a child, and sometimes he would ask him for advice on unsolvable puzzles.

The two still exchanged letters, so Jing Shirong knew what he was doing.

 It’s just that he didn’t dare to tell Sister Ying for fear that she would worry.

Sister Ying really didn’t know what Brother Sen was doing, so she wrote to him.

 Sen Geer was squatting in the corner at this time. After seeing her letter, he felt helpless and funny.

 Secretly, why do all the women in the family want him to have a wife?

Is it possible that if you don’t marry a wife, you will die?

 At any rate, he had no such thoughts.

This case of the missing girl is so bizarre that the Yamen has been looking for it for a month and still hasn't found any clues. It's really a bit too weird.

 It is impossible for a group of living people to get information out of thin air.

 But when he went to brothels, flower boats, and even the slave market, he didn't see any new faces, so he had to pay attention.

 He remembered that a few years ago when he and Jing Shirong went on a long trip, they encountered boys and girls being abducted and trafficked.

At that time, they were in the den of thieves, so it was considered an accidental collision.

 But this time, not only was the thief's den not found, not even a single clue was found, which is really puzzling.

 His men were even more confused, "Could it be that the goblin stole the person away?"

Otherwise, there are no clues left at all.

 When a girl is lost, she is simply sold to be a concubine or sold to a brothel.

 But there are no new faces in these two places. They have been staring at it for a month and there is no clue at all. It is really strange.

Jing Shirong actually sent him a letter and asked him to find it in an unusual place.

 “Abnormal place?”

 Brother Sen frowned and carefully studied these words.

 After thinking about it for a while, I finally thought of it.

"I see."

 “Go, go back.”

 His men asked him, "My lord, what have you thought of?"

 Seng Geer simply replied, "Go back to the original place and guard."

"original place?"

 “It’s where the girl disappeared.”

 When many girls disappeared before, he immediately went to the brothel or the port to intercept them. But after keeping watch for a month, there was no one there, so I came out and squatted in a corner of the street.

Now that I think about it, he went to places where a normal kidnapper would go.

 The people in the darkness are so cunning these days, and they never go to normal places.

Since there is no shadow of the person, it means that the person has not come out yet, then go and wait where you are, you can always wait for news.

So he took his people back to the original place and guarded near the place where the incident occurred.

Sure enough, after dark, those people came out to explore the road.

“Boss, those court scoundrels should all be gone, right?”

They hid here for a month without going out, just to deceive those court scoundrels away.

It has been more than a month now, and that group of people should have left here.

 Seng Geer heard their conversation in the darkness, and the corners of his mouth raised coldly.

He was indeed too young to notice that the other party was so bold and dared to hide at the scene of the incident.

 As the saying goes, “The most dangerous place is the safest.”

 It was also because they were too eager to save people that they ran around trying to find those girls.

It's okay now. They haven't left at all. They still want to hide it from the public and wait until they can't find anyone before they go out.

How cunning.

 Seng Geer made a circle with his tongue in his mouth, looking a bit naughty.

His subordinates knew that he was interested when they saw his appearance.

 Once the adults are interested, the bad guys will forget about it.

 Sen Geer asked people to continue squatting, without alerting the enemy. He wanted to wait for the gangsters to appear before annihilating them in one fell swoop.

So they continued to follow and endured to see who could bear it first.

Until two months later, he deliberately let out the news that people from the imperial court had gone south, so that the gangsters could hear the news.

After hearing the news, the gangsters were indeed very proud. They packed up the girl and set off that night. They first walked through the mountain road and then boarded the big boat they chartered themselves.

 Seng Ge'er had already pretended to be a servant and got on the pirate ship.

He went to the cabin to check the situation. There were a group of beautiful young people in the cabin, all of whom were as good as hairpins.

This group of girls are all the daughters of high-ranking officials, and none of them are the daughters of ordinary people. This is strange.

The gangsters were so bold, and all they caught were officials' daughters. No wonder the matter went to the emperor's side.

 He counted the group of girls, sixteen in total.

 Out of the sixteen, half are the daughters of corrupt officials and half are the daughters of upright officials.

 This is even more puzzling.

If those gangsters want money, they should all look for the daughters of corrupt officials.

 But it’s puzzling that they also arrested a poor official lady.

But these little girls are all very beautiful, maybe the gangsters just fancy their beauty.

Or, the other party wants to confuse the situation and prevent him from guessing the truth.


The more the other party provokes him, the more he wants to investigate.

 At the age when he was full of blood, he became more and more courageous with every setback.

It was night, and as usual, he went to the cabin to feed the girls water and see if they were injured.

 Perhaps because his eyes lingered for too long, a leader immediately scolded him.

 “Little Zha San, I’m so drooling after seeing them. I’ve probably never seen so many beauties in my life, hahahaha.”

Others also laughed when they heard this.

 Brother Sen pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger, then swallowed his saliva.

The leader laughed even more, "Okay, don't look at it. These little girls are not yours to get involved with. Once we get them in place, we will make a fortune."

"What kind of beauty do you want by then? Hahahaha."

 (End of this chapter)

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