Chapter 1064: Heinous crime

The other losers laughed loudly after hearing this, "Boss, is it true? Can we really make a fortune after doing this this time?"

“That’s natural. When did I lie to you?”

“Didn’t the stall give you one thousand taels last time?”

A thousand taels per person, which really allowed them to drink a lot of good wine before they were willing to go to a brothel to spend money. It was so beautiful.

 The items sold this time are more valuable, and the price is naturally higher.

 The gangsters all left happily at the thought of getting rich.

Hearing the clue, Brother Sen remembered the leader saying, "Did you sell a batch last time?"

Did the capital also lose a group of girls before co-writing?

 How come you haven’t heard from the emperor?

  Still, the status of those girls last time was relatively ordinary, so they were not surprised.

 He has to have someone check to see if a large number of girls have gone missing in the past two years.

His subordinates went to check, and sure enough they found it.

 A group of girls did go missing half a year ago.

But those girls were all daughters of poor families. Some of them favor sons over daughters and hate their daughters. They feel that the child will be lost if they are lost, and they are even glad that they have less people to eat with.

Some people who love their daughters eagerly report to the official immediately.

The government also looked for it, but couldn't find it.

Some more girls were lost one after another. They were still the daughters of poor families, but some of them were sold and their parents took the money, so they naturally stopped reporting the crime.

 Seng Geer frowned, "Are parents selling their daughters?"

 His family does not value sons over daughters, so he cannot understand the reason for selling his daughter.

Even if you can’t eat, you won’t have to sell your daughter, right?

 At least the children can help with the work when they are older, so why sell their daughters.

It’s a pity that some people have a deep-rooted preference for sons over daughters and think that the girl is just a loser. If she raises such a big girl, she can be sold to get some money for her younger brother, so that she can be worthy of the family and not feel guilty.

 Seng Geer was speechless after hearing this. He was angry with the traffickers, but even more angry with those beastly parents who didn't treat their daughters as human beings.

 No, no beast sells their children. Those devils are worse than beasts.

 He breathed a sigh of relief. It was important to investigate the case at the moment, so let’s not get angry now.

 He has to go to the sea with these gangsters to see where they want to send people.

 When the big ship got closer and closer to the mountains and old forests in the north, he became vigilant.

 After getting off the boat, he was responsible for taking the girls to the place where they were being held.

One of the girls secretly looked at him twice, and finally took his hand secretly when no one was around.

 Sen Ge'er's heart trembled, he was startled, and he quickly looked around.

 He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one.

 He lowered his head and looked at the girl. She was a girl with a round face and a sunny face.

Even though he has been detained for so long, he still has a bright face, no fear or panic at all, and he is very courageous.

 The girl seemed to know not to speak at this time, so she just hooked his little fingers and even winked at him.

 Seng Geer said sarcastically, "Be calm."

The girl didn't seem to be afraid, and she even smiled sweetly at him.

 Seng Geer thought in his mind, "Could this be a fool?"

The girl looked around and saw no one, so she calmly wrote on his hand, "Are you from the imperial court?"

 Seng Ge'er was shocked, he didn't expect her to be so smart.

 But he didn’t answer yes or no, he just asked her to calm down.

But the girl believed that he was. Every time he came, he smiled sweetly. At other times, he was very calm and would pretend to be stupid. Brother Seng also wanted to know what the group of people were doing here by arresting these girls. After observing for a while, he found that the gangsters were going to continue setting off.

  Even after walking such a long way, I didn’t know they were going to take people there.

In order to avoid alerting the enemy, Brother Seng followed him silently and behaved like a dog.

Until one time, the gangsters suddenly became very excited, as if they were about to reach their destination, and started drinking that night.

 Seng Geer pretended to be a loser and poured wine for them, and listened to them speak in a unique dialect.

 The content is, "Boss, the girls we arrested earlier are all pregnant."

“There are also those old ladies who are also pregnant. It seems that this trick is very effective.”

The leader nodded, "Yes, those old ladies seem to be more fertile and give birth faster than the little girls. Let's catch more old ladies next time."

Little girls give birth to their first child at such a young age, and some of them are not born, resulting in two lives. It’s really not worth the loss for them.

 On the contrary, those old ladies are in good health, give birth quickly, and get pregnant quickly.

The **** asked, "What about these this time? These are officials' daughters, and I think they are more delicate, so they probably won't be able to have children."

The leader said, "The boss has thought about this. If these wealthy ladies are obedient, let them teach the boys to read. If they want to run away, just break their legs."

 The leg is broken, but the brain is still there, so you can continue to teach.

“The remaining ones can be sold. They are beautiful and talented and can sell for high prices.”

 Some went directly to brothels and cooperated with the proprietresses, earning 50 to 50 cents each time.

 Seng Geer became more and more angry as he listened, and finally left the scene quietly.

 He had to deliver the message and ask his large army to come quickly.

This group of gangsters appears to be a large gang at first glance.

Moreover, judging by their dialect, they are not from Ling.

 He had been to the Yai Kingdom before. In order to facilitate the investigation of the case, he also learned several languages, and he naturally recognized the language of the Yai Kingdom.

  There are actually several neighboring countries that are in urgent need of productivity and do not have enough women to give birth to children.

However, those small neighboring countries, Brother Sen, all know about it. Those small countries are doing their duty, although the manpower and material resources are not as good as that of the Ling country, and they are not used to promote the birth.

It seems that as long as he has good relations with Ling Guo, he will not be afraid of war.

 As long as there is no war, it is okay if the number of people is small.

Only the country of Yai has never given up and always wants to fight with the country of Ling.

 For so many years, they have been secretly raising soldiers and horses, and even encouraged women to give birth to more children.

 I thought they would be born in their own territory.

I never expected that Yiguo would be so bold.

How dare you come to Ling country to steal women, and even rely on these women to have children and make money. It is really shameless and vicious.

 No wonder I had heard before that a widow from a certain family ran away, or an abandoned woman from a certain family went to sea with a man.

Those women are already in a difficult situation. Once they are lost, everyone will just think that they ran away with the man and will not look for them at all.

 No wonder no one reported the crime. It turned out that everyone thought he ran away on his own.

 Now it seems that those widows have been captured to give birth to children.

As for these young rich ladies, they will probably be sold to the richest brothels to earn money for them to raise soldiers and horses.

  No wonder the emperor has been saying that the Meng Kingdom is very ambitious and there will be a war within ten years. It seems to be true.

This great king of the Yi Kingdom is really nothing. He actually arrested innocent women, broke their legs to prevent them from escaping, and even silenced them to prevent them from running out and talking nonsense. It was a heinous crime.

 Sen Ge'er felt that this was a serious matter, so he hurried to the woods to spread the news.

This is close to Jing Shirong. He first sent a message to Jing Shirong and then to the emperor.

 (End of this chapter)

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