Chapter 1065, smart girl

Sister Ying didn’t know about Brother Seng.

It wasn't until Jing Shirong returned home and received a letter of help from Brother Seng that his face became solemn.

Sister Ying was already in the month of giving birth. She saw that his face was solemn, thinking that something big had happened to him, so she asked with concern, "What happened?"

Jing Shirong didn't dare to tell her for fear that she would worry, so he only said, "It's okay. The court asked me to investigate some cases, but seeing that you are going to give birth in the next few days, I don't want to go, and that's why I'm distressed."

Sister Ying understood his difficulty and hurriedly said, "It's okay. You can go and do your work. Sister Yang is enough at home."

Now that Sister Yang has grown up, her personality is much more stable. She is no longer the same as before.

Now she is much more mature, can educate children, can manage a house, and can already hold up half the sky.

Jing Shirong nodded, "Then you should be good at home and don't be afraid when you give birth. I'll call the old military doctor here too. His medical skills are better than Sister Yang's."

 That person is at the same level as Medicine King. Only with him around can Jing Shirong put his heart into his stomach.

Seeing that he had made all the arrangements, Sister Ying felt confident and said, "I know, go ahead and do your work. Don't delay the business."

Jing Shirong hummed, kissed her forehead, and hurried away.

This matter is not trivial. So many women need to be saved, and Yaiguo needs to be given an explanation. He had to discuss it with the third princess and then support the reinforcements.

 The troops coming from their side to support Seng Geer arrived faster than those from the capital, so support had to come from their side.

 The third princess looked very unhappy when she learned about this.

 “Those old barbarians have such evil intentions.”

 If it’s a war, forget it, just be honest.

   They can actually come up with any vicious tricks, they are simply extremely vicious.

However, the third princess also felt that this matter was strange.

“It’s true that the people of the Yi Kingdom are more warlike, but their brains are not so good. Maybe some villain is giving them advice.

She quickly sent people to investigate the country and wrote letters to discuss with the emperor.

 Finally, Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were asked to go over and help.

 She has to stay here to avoid a sudden attack from the Yi Kingdom.

Jing Shirong understood and immediately went to help with Qi Yuanming.

The other end.

 Seng Geer spent two days surveying and finally figured out the route here.

This place is in a deep mountain and old forest. The routes in the forest are complicated, but there is a small road leading to Yaguo.

 There is another place that leads to the grassland country.

However, those two paths are not easy to walk, and ordinary people will not come here at all.

 Seng Geer searched around the area and found that no one here built a house, but simply built some wooden houses and dug a lot of holes.

Those women basically conceived and gave birth in caves.

This group of Yiguo people are afraid that the women are not nutritious, and they also know how to raise some chickens, ducks and geese to replenish their bodies.

However, the women in the group were pale and obviously had not taken good care of themselves. They were all wilted and had no energy at all.

 Some even continued to bleed. The doctor looked at them and said there was no way to save them, so they were carried directly to the back hill and buried.

The other women saw that they did not take human life seriously, so they were afraid and did not dare to resist. They quietly lay down on the bed to rest.

 Some of those who escaped several times had their legs broken, but they still became pregnant.

The old man with a big belly is said to be twins.

Seng Geer heard the doctor talking to the trafficker, "She may have two or three babies. If it is difficult to give birth, should she keep the baby older or younger?"

 Although there are two or three children, the younger ones may not survive.

Furthermore, this woman looked pale. Without good medicine, she might not be able to survive, so the doctor asked whether to keep her older or younger.

The leader had a scarred face and sneered, "What do you want from an adult to protect the child?"

“If she can’t give birth, just open her belly and take out the baby. Don’t worry about her life or death.”

He even told her, "Don't let her scream when the time comes. Stop her mouth. Otherwise, she will disturb the mountain people who are hunting nearby."

Although the mountains here belong to them, the King of Yi Kingdom does not want the people to know about such a **** matter. So if you can hide it, hide it.

Although the doctor sighed after hearing this, he also knew that he had little power and could not persuade him. He sighed and left.

 Sen Geer heard everything from the tree, his black eyes were filled with fire, and he became angrier as he thought about it.

 These beasts! To treat these women like this is really worse than pigs and dogs.

I don't know if my brother-in-law's people have arrived. He doesn't have enough manpower now, and the people he brought are afraid of disturbing the situation, so they don't dare to take action. They can only wait for Jing Shirong's expert troops to come over.

He had to quietly arrest all these people and report their vicious deeds so that everyone could see their vicious faces.

 At the same time, women are also warned to pay attention to safety when going out.

 He counted and found that there were a total of fifty thugs on this hilltop. Everyone is tall and strong, almost all of them are strong men.

 Ordinary guards are no match for them in a fight.

Besides, there are fifty sentries outside the mountain, totaling a hundred strong men, which is not easy to deal with.

If his group of men came down, there would not be enough people, and it would be inconvenient to rescue people. They could only wait for rescue temporarily.

 I hope my brother-in-law can be quiet when he comes and not alert others.

Jing Shirong is obviously more experienced in this area.

 He had been doing this in his early years, so he immediately looked for it according to the map.

When he reached the bottom of the mountain, he put his horse back to avoid disturbing the people on the mountain.

The movement up the mountain was even more silent, taking one step at a time and carefully observing the enemy's ambush position.

 Seng Ge'er was in the cellar at this time, feeding the group of girls their last meal of water.

 They were drugged before, making them weak and weak all the way.

 Tonight they will be taken to a brothel to be sold, so naturally they must be given some water, lest they die of thirst.

 The girls had been locked up for two or three months and were already frightened by the beatings. They did not dare to cry. They all had their eyes wide open and looked frightened.

 Only the little girl with a round face looked around curiously, seemingly not afraid at all.

 She saw Seng Geer and winked at him.

However, she was also smart and did not speak to him. She only winked at him where the people of Yi country could not see her.

 Ask with your eyes, "You are here to save us, right?"

 Seng Geer did not answer, fearing that she was an undercover agent.

  Seeing that he didn't reply, the little girl smiled slightly, feeling that she had guessed correctly.

She didn’t bother much, drank the water obediently, and continued to sit back.

 The position where she sat was the exit where Brother Seng would leave.

 When Brother Seng passed by her, she secretly gave him a small bottle.

 Sen Geer quietly put it away, turned around and left.

 When he went to the hut, he opened the bottle and smelled it.

   “Broken gut grass?”

 He and Sister Yang are both from the ancient religion, so they naturally know about the Corianderm.

This stuff is very poisonous. I didn’t expect that little girl to have such a big bottle.

Perhaps no mother-in-law came to search me, otherwise such a big bottle would have been discovered long ago.

It seems that the girl is not only brave, but also smart, and she also knows how to use this to defend herself.

 She should know that this poison cannot be administered easily, otherwise she will be the only one who dies.

 Looks like she’s pretty smart.

 Seng Geer glanced around and hid the bottle in the hidden button of his sleeve in case of emergency.

 (End of this chapter)

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