Chapter 1066, split up

Jing Shirong quietly patrolled around the bottom of the mountain. As soon as he came up the mountain, he saw many sentries standing on the trees on the top of the mountain.

The grass here is very high. As soon as he sees the person, he immediately squats in the grass and hides himself.

 The other subordinates were the same. They all noticed that there was a sentry on the mountain.

They were quick to hide themselves and stopped moving.

 In order to avoid alerting the enemy, no one can be discovered.

But it’s not enough to spend so much time, we have to lure that group of people away.

They are in a disadvantageous position. While others are standing on high ground, they are at the bottom. Once they walk, they will be discovered.

 So we have to find a way to divert the attention of this group of people.

Jing Shirong took out the silver signal flute around his neck and considered whether to blow it.

This flute is silent and breathless. It is a mute flute. It has to rely on its internal force to blow out a sound wave to send a reminder to Brother Seng.

 Anyone with strong inner strength can hear this sound wave.

Jing Shirong was mainly afraid that there would be experts on the mountain, and it would be bad if he alerted the enemy.

 The strategy the third princess and he came up with was to capture this group of people in one fell swoop. Letting them run away would not work.

 Furthermore, if you provoke them, they will definitely take hostages, which is fatal, so it is best to take them down in one fell swoop when they are unprepared in order to successfully rescue everyone.

 Otherwise, if one or two die, it will be a disaster for the whole family.

Jing Shirong held the silver flute. He didn't play it immediately, but suddenly thought of something.

He looked at the flying eagle circling in the sky and knew he had an idea.

 He hid in the grass and gestured to the eagle in the sky.

Feiying has been working with him for more than ten years and has long understood his gestures.

It hovers in the sky and sings, attracting other eagles of different species.

Those eagles saw how majestic it was and thought it was occupying the territory, so they immediately circled over to peck it.

The eagle's sharp eyes glanced at the group of tall thugs on the tree, and immediately circled down.

The thugs also saw two or three flying eagles rushing towards them, and hurriedly ran towards the tree.

The eagle cleverly flew to the group of people and pecked them with its sharpened beak.

 “Ah, you beast, you dare to bite me!”

 “Seeking death!”

The thug called to the others, "Come here quickly, kill this beast for me, and we will roast the eagle meat for dinner tonight."

As soon as the other thugs heard what he said, they came down from the tree and came to his side to help.

Jing Shirong took advantage of their attention being diverted and immediately went up the mountain with his men.

The flying eagle doesn't stay long, it pecks people and then runs away.

The group of people took arrows to shoot at him, but they were flying high and couldn't shoot at all.

 In addition, Fei Ying is a veteran. He is trained in archery by Jing Shirong every day, so he has long been able to hide easily.

It flapped its wings and ran away, making the group of thugs curse and curse in anger.

 They returned to their original posts, not knowing that a group of masters had already come up the mountain.

Jing Shirong went to find the clues left by Brother Sen, and finally found them in the hut.

 The two met in the hut.


Jing Shirong nodded with his eyes, "It's me. How is the investigation going?"

 Seng Geer gave him the written paper and told him the escape route and the location of the thugs.

Jing Shirong understood after one glance and asked him with his eyes, "Where are those women and girls?"

 Seng Geer pointed to the cellar, "They're all in there."

 “How many women and girls are there in total?”

"Sixteen little girls and thirty-four women, a total of fifty people." Thirty-four of the women are all pregnant. Those who can survive safely will have their children taken away while the women continue to give birth.

 If the child cannot be born, I will protect you if you can, because as long as you are healthy, you can still give birth to ten or eight children.

 If the adult is no longer able to survive, just take care of the child.

 Because of the useless productivity, it is useless to save it.

After hearing this, Jing Shirong clenched his fists, obviously angry.

 He himself also has a wife and children. When he heard that his wife was treated like this, he felt angry in his heart.


 No beast would treat a female like this, but some people are worse than beasts.

 The king of Yaguo is really crazy.

If you want productivity, don’t you just have to do it yourself? Actually arresting Ling Guo's people in the next life? What a serious brain disease.

It is said that those children were taken to the military for nutrition as soon as they were born, and when they were older, they could all be used as soldiers.

Moreover, these children were all born to women from the Ling Kingdom, and they would not feel bad even if they died in battle.

Jing Shirong became angrier as he thought about it. Innocent women were used as production tools and children were sacrificed innocently. Thinking of this, he wanted to chop off those cancerous tumors.

Jing Shirong took a deep breath and gave the order, "Catch these people alive if you can, and if you can't, put them to death!"

 The emperor's intention was to capture these people alive, and then let these people be announced to the public, so that the world could see how vicious the thoughts of the country were.

However, Jing Shirong felt that it was a high risk to capture him alive. This group of people looked like they were dead soldiers at first glance. Their thoughts were so vicious that they would not give in easily.

 When the time comes for them to bite their tongues and commit suicide, it would be better to die by their hands.

 Seng Geer was also very angry, but he still dealt with it calmly.

“We will deal with it based on the situation. If we can, we will capture them alive. If we can’t, we will destroy them all.”

 In short, no one can escape.

Jing Shirong hummed, it was not advisable to stay for a long time, he had to move separately.

"Go rescue those girls. The fork in the road on the left is to the Prairie Country. You take people to the Prairie Country and ask for help from Lord Gran. The third princess will probably inform you. You can take people there by then. Gran The king will protect you."

 Seng Geer nodded, "Then please be careful."

 It would be safe if he ran away, but it would be hard to say if the brother-in-law stayed.

These people also know that this matter must not be made public. If they find out that Jing Shirong has come in, they will definitely kill him and will never let Jing Shirong leave.

Jing Shirong is not afraid and has already made a complete plan.

 Before coming, he brought a large bag of poison, Ruanjin Powder and Mongolian Sweating Medicine with him.

 These were given to him by Sister Ying before for him to prepare for emergencies.

 In order to make her feel at ease, he always brought the powder with him, and it came in handy this time.

In order to avoid being detected while drugging, he also brought Sister Ying’s special barbecue powder.

The barbecue powder has a strong smell. As long as you put it together with the Mongolian sweat medicine, you will definitely not taste the medicine.

 Seng Geer was relieved when he saw that he had a plan.

 “Okay, let’s act separately.”


 The two of them separated in the hut, and in the evening, the thugs started to eat.

Brother Sen took the initiative to help. He first added barbecue powder, then added three times the amount of sweat medicine, and fried the mutton until it was fragrant.

The thugs smelled something so similar to mutton for the first time in so many days on the mountain. Their mouths watered, but they still remained vigilant.

 “Who made this mutton? Why is it so fragrant?”

 Sen Geer put on waterproof makeup on his face, smiled flatteringly, and came out to claim credit.

“Boss, I made it. I specially picked herbs to fry the meat today. I learned the taste from my mother. Can I eat a few more pieces later?”

 Speaking, he looked at the plate of fried mutton with a greedy look on his face.

 (End of this chapter)

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