Chapter 1067, the fight started

The leader looked at him suspiciously, a little suspicious.

 “Who were you with before?”

 Sen Ge'er didn't panic and pointed at the black face opposite.

He has been hanging out with black faces all the way.

The black-faced man is a fat man, 1.9 meters tall and 250 pounds in weight. He is very strong, very fierce, but not very smart.

 Before he boarded the ship, he was replaced by black-faced men.

That subordinate was as tall as him and as thin. It was said that he was called Slim Man. It was only after he mingled with the black-faced subordinates that he understood Slim Man's life experience.

 The thin man is a poor man with a dead father and a blind old mother.

But his mother also passed away last year, so he has been following the black face.

Hairface usually doesn’t see these little people. He only knows about this person and gets by.

At this time, Brother Sen pointed at the black face and told the leader, "Boss, I was working with the black face brother before."

 The dialect he learned was also similar, but the other party didn't notice the difference, but looked at the black face.

 Hairian nodded towards him, "It's true that he is my person."

Since the black face was assured, the leader did not ask any more questions.

 But he still looked at Brother Seng suspiciously, and then asked him, "Since you want to eat mutton, I'll reward you with a few pieces."

 Seng Ge'er looked surprised, "Thank you, boss."

 Then he grabbed two pieces of fried mutton without any medicine and gnawed them.

 “Well, it’s delicious.”

His mouth was full of food and his face was gluttonous. He looked like he was reincarnated as a starving ghost, and everyone looked at him with disdain.

The leader with Scar was even more disgusted and pushed him away, "Okay, you're going to be reincarnated as a starving ghost. It's just a few pieces of mutton. You look like you're so worthless."

Brother Sen smiled and said in a flattering manner, "Yes, yes, the boss said yes, I'm just hungry."

 Speaking, he went to steal meat again.

This group of thugs had not eaten meat for two or three months, and they were already starved to death. Now they saw that the meat was not poisonous and could not get out. They immediately kicked Brother Seng away, took the plate and ate the meat.

 Brother Sen watched the fat man being taken away, licking his paws with a greedy look on his face.

 When everyone saw this, they looked down upon him even more, and everyone who passed by kicked him.

 There was no other way, Brother Seng could only turn around and leave in despair.

 After he left, he put away the stern look on his face and glanced around with cold eyes.

The group of people ate in batches. The watchers were eating at the moment, and those on guard in the cellar would come out to eat after they had finished.

 Fortunately, the sweat medicine is specially made, which prolongs the coma time.

 Now we need to give those women some potions to increase their physical strength so that they can escape at night.

 Seng Geer went to deliver water to the women and girls as usual.

He checked carefully and found that several of the women had bulging stomachs, which made it difficult for them to run at night.

 He had to think of a way to hide the people so that they would not be implicated.

 He walked around the cellar and found that there happened to be a few rice vats that could be used to hide people.

 Let those pregnant women hide when the time comes, and then transfer them when it is safe.

As for the girls, if they still have enough strength to hold on, they can just pull up the carriage and run away.

However, this plan is not easy to implement.

These girls are so timid that even if they were told to run away, they would not dare.

You have to think of a way to tell them your plan to escape at night, and make them calm down. You must not leak the news, and your expressions must not be abnormal to avoid being seen.

 He glanced around and saw the girl with big eyes looking at him.

 Looking at those bold eyes, Brother Seng finally had an idea.

When he walked over and gave the girl water, he silently said, "In the evening, at midnight, let's run away."

It's lip reading, I hope she can understand it.

The other person's eyes lit up and he immediately lowered his head, fearing that the expression on his face would be seen.

 The other thugs didn't see it, but Seng Geer did.     In this way, the little girl understands.

 Sen Ge'er couldn't just stay for a long time, so he got up and when he passed by her, he gently rubbed her calf with his toes, which meant that he wanted to help her.

The little girl tapped his calf with her little finger, which meant, "I know."

Brother Sen raised his eyebrows. He never expected that this girl would understand this signal. He was suddenly curious about whose family she was from?

 Not only is he brave, he also understands the code words of the secret guards.

 But now was not the time to think about this. He went out with the kettle and continued to the kitchen to fry the mutton.

The group of sentinels felt energetic after eating the barbecue and continued to watch.

 The remaining thugs also came out one after another.

 Sen Geer continued to give medicine to these people. Unfortunately, Menghan didn't have much medicine left, so he could only mix some Ruanjin Powder.

 But Ruanjin San ferments quickly, and they should notice it after eating it for a while.

But it doesn’t matter, since they are all drugged, they will turn into soft-legged shrimps in a while, which will make them easier to fight.

 At this time, the barefoot doctor also came.

 When he took a bite of meat, he could taste something wrong in it.

 “Don’t eat it, everyone, this meat is not right.”

When the tall thugs heard this, they immediately stopped what they were doing and stared at Brother Seng with a fierce expression.

 Seng Geer secretly thought that something was not right, so he immediately jumped in front of the doctor and put a knife on his neck.

It is a pity that this group of people did not value the life of this barefoot doctor and gave the order, "Kill him!"

 Fifty thugs stood up at the same time, drew their swords and rushed towards Seng Geer.

 At this time, Jing Shirong immediately asked his men to help.

 Then he played the silver flute.

Qi Yuanming heard the silver flute at the foot of the mountain and immediately led his people to rush up.

As soon as they came up, the two parties started fighting.

 Including those who took the sweat medicine.

Qi Yuanming did not expect that this group of people would be so active after taking the Mongolian sweat medicine. Their health was really terrible.

 Fortunately, Yang Jie'er's medicine was relatively effective. The group of people took the medicine for a while, and soon began to feel weak and drowsy.

Qi Yuanming took advantage of this moment and asked people to tie them up, even using iron chains.

 Otherwise, this group of people are so strong, and it will be difficult to control them when they wake up.

 The people in the room were still fighting. Jing Shirong captured the thief first and captured the king first. He went to capture the leader first.

However, the leader was too cunning. When he saw something was wrong, he immediately released the signal flare.

 Then he mounted a fast horse and ran away.

Jing Shirong hurriedly chased after him, firing off flares while chasing.

 The third princess had been waiting for the signal early. As soon as she saw the signal, she came with a thousand hussars.

People from Yaguo also came over with a group of killers.

 When two people and horses meet, one of them will be injured.

The third princess hasn’t had an operation for a long time, and this time she killed her very quickly.

Jing Shirong went back to help save people.

 Seng Geer was in the cellar at this time, rescuing the girls and letting them get on the carriage.

 “Don’t cry all the way, go out first and talk later.”

The girls seemed to have been notified in advance, and they were all calm, rarely crying.

 Brother Sen looked at the scene and couldn't help but look back at the girl with big eyes.

The little girl was looking at him with a smile, but she didn't speak.

Brother Sen looked at those beautiful big eyes and was speechless for a moment. Finally he raised his hand, touched her head and asked, "What's your name? Whose girl is this girl from?"

 (End of this chapter)

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