Chapter 1068, arrest

The little girl looked at him eagerly, smiling but still silent.

 Seng Geer felt strange, "Why don't you speak?"

The other person pointed to his throat and said a silent "ah" to indicate that there was no sound.

 Sen Ge'er was surprised. He never expected that this girl was mute.

He was stunned for a while, feeling a little sour in his heart for some reason, and he didn't know if he felt sorry for her. Finally, he touched her head and said, "Okay, I'll take you out first."

 She seemed to understand, raised the corners of her lips, and smiled sweetly at him.

Brother Sen thought to himself, I’m afraid this kid can’t hear me, why is he always smiling silly.

Since the third princess’s people have come to help, the pregnant women cannot stay here, so they are all brought to the carriage.

The group of pregnant women were so weak that Seng Geer had no choice but to carry them into the carriage one by one.

 Qi Yuanming went to drive, while Jing Shirong took care of the aftermath.

 The car first goes to the grassland country, and then returns to the border from the grassland country.

 When we returned to our own territory and settled the women, we stayed up for two whole nights.

However, the spirit of the soldiers is reflected here. They did not feel tired all night long and were still working diligently.

  Arrange the group of victims and imprison the group of big men, waiting for the third princess to return.

Jing Shirong didn't know what was going on there, so he just told Qi Yuanming and went to the third princess's side.

 The third princess is having a fierce fight here.

The thousand hussars she brought out were all very brave. I didn't expect that the warriors sent by the other party were also so fierce.

The other party came out wearing black clothes and a black scarf on his face, as if he was imitating the dressing style of the Lingguo killer.

It's a pity that they are too tall, and they don't look like people from the Ling country at first glance. Instead, they have obvious characteristics of people from the Yi country.

 Tall, strong, strong, and very ruthless.

Although the opponent only came with 500 people, they had high stamina, strength and endurance, so the two sides ended the attack in a draw.

 The third princess had some idea of ​​their resistance to fighting, and raised her hand to ask the hussars to prepare, "Fire arrows."

Since we can't win with force, we can only use other methods.

The group of masked Japanese troops saw their actions and retreated immediately.

 Since the group of subordinates have been captured, they cannot be caught.

The leader shouted, "Retreat."

They took advantage of the chaos and blew up a few fireworks eggs, and white smoke instantly filled the entire open space.

 The third princess makes people hold their breath and take a few steps back.

 When I wanted to chase him, he was already far away.

 “General, let them run away.”

The third princess raised her hand and said, "It doesn't matter. If you can run away, the monk can't run away from the temple."

This account will one day be settled with King Yi.

“Let’s go and find out first, who is giving the bad idea to King Yi to kidnap the women of Ling.”

“Yes, I will go right away.”

The third princess took people up the mountain to continue their investigation, looking for any clues.

Just as I was looking for it, Jing Shirong came.

 He came on horseback, carrying a man in his hand.

  It was the barefoot doctor who was abandoned by the people of Yi country.

This barefoot doctor looked to be in his forties, and his beard was half white. He looked older at first glance.

When everyone ran away, he cleverly hid in the hut. If Jing Shirong hadn't come back to check, he would have escaped.

When the third princess saw Jing Shirong carrying him out, she asked, "Who is this?"

"The barefoot doctor who delivered the babies to those women before." The third princess looked cold and kicked her away.

 “Are you from Yiguo?”

The doctor seemed to be short in stature and thin, and his physical appearance was not very similar to that of people from the Yi Kingdom.

 But if he was not from the Yao country, how could he help the Yai people do these unscrupulous things?

 The third princess took the person back and immediately went to interrogate him.

 She is already majestic, and even more frightening when she is angry.

The barefoot doctor originally wanted to stand up, but when he saw so many **** knives, his legs weakened and he did it directly.

“I, I, I didn’t want to do such a heartless thing, but they put the knife on my neck and there was nothing I could do.”

He was originally an ordinary barefoot doctor. Because his family was poor, he came to this mountain and old forest specifically to find some rare herbs so that he could exchange them for big money.

Who would have thought that as soon as they went up the mountain, they would see the group of people grabbing a group of women and going up the mountain.

At that time, he wanted to run away, but they spotted him with their keen eyes.

The leader originally wanted to kill him, but seeing that he was a doctor and expected to be able to deliver babies, he left him alone.

 The third princess asked, "Then you are also from Yiguo?"

The other party nodded fearfully, "I am from the Yi country, but I was really forced. You don't remember the faults of villains, please let me go."

 How could the third princess let him go? This is an important witness.

She interrogated the barefoot doctor and asked him, "How many women did that group of people capture in total? In addition to women from Ling, were there women from other countries?"

The barefoot doctor thought carefully, "It seems that there were women from other countries, but they were all taken back to the Yi country. I don't know which country the women were from."

The women would stay in the mountains for a while when they were first captured, and then transported back to Yiguo in the middle of the night.

 The men assigned to them are all warriors from the Yi Kingdom, so that they can give birth to healthy and brave children.

Those who are willing to submit will have an easier time and will not be beaten or scolded.

If he is disobedient, he will be beaten or scolded, and his legs will be broken, which are both minor punishments.

If they are fertile, they can still live. If they are unable to have children, they will be released directly into the military camp to be bullied by the barbaric soldiers.

 The third princess clenched her fists when she heard this.

Humistically speaking, there may be more than fifty missing women, and there should be more.

Moreover, the people who came up with the idea were also smart and knew that they could not catch young girls all the time, as they would be discovered by the court, so they specifically looked for widows whose husbands had died, or women with a bad reputation.

Once those women disappear, the husband's family will just assume that they ran away with someone else and will not go into details.

If it weren't for the disappearance of the official's daughter, I'm afraid this matter would not have been discovered yet.

The third princess asked the barefoot doctor, "We arrested all the widows before, why did we suddenly arrest the rich lady this time?"

The barefoot doctor scratched his head and said, "I don't know much about this either."

  The woman who delivered the baby before was a woman weighing 180 pounds, but the woman was so fat from eating that she was out of breath on the mountain, and finally couldn't come up, so he was replaced.

 As for why he arrested the rich lady, he really didn’t know.

The third princess picked up his collar and told him, "If you want to survive, just give me some peace, otherwise, I will arrest your whole family."

The barefoot doctor was frightened when he heard this, "This matter has nothing to do with my family. General, please spare my life."

The third princess sneered, "When you cut open someone's belly, why didn't you think that they were also innocent? After hurting so many lives, do you deserve to cry out for injustice?"

The barefoot doctor also felt guilty when he thought of the women who died in childbirth.


Although he is also from the Yi country, he has treated people's diseases at least. He thinks that he is a doctor and should practice medicine to save people.

Having killed so many people this time, he is no longer a qualified doctor.

 (End of this chapter)

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