Chapter 1069, Notorious

The third princess saw him kneeling on the ground with a look of repentance and kicked him over, "Where are the remaining women hidden?"

With so many women, we cannot hide them all in the military camp.

The barefoot doctor refused to say anything.

He knew that he had failed in his duties, but he also remembered that he was a member of the Yi country and could not betray his country.

So he gritted his teeth and wanted to swallow poison and kill himself.

The third princess had anticipated this, so she removed his jaw and asked someone to dig out the poison from his mouth.

"It's okay if you don't tell me. If you don't tell me, I'll go look for it myself. If I find that those women are in your Yiguo military camp, don't blame us, Lingguo, for sending troops."

The barefoot doctor’s jaw was removed and he couldn’t close his mouth. He whined twice as if he wanted to say something.

 But the third princess no longer wanted to hear it and went out of the tent directly.

She told Jing Shirong, "I have to go to the capital and **** this group of people myself."

 The journey along the way was a good opportunity for everyone to see the vicious faces of the people of the Yi Kingdom.

As for the rescued girls, if they are ostracized when they arrive in the capital, help them apply to marry soldiers at the border.

It just so happens that none of her men have wives, so she can still make a profit by marrying a rich lady.

Jing Shirong nodded, secretly thinking that this was a good idea.

After all, women in the capital love saving face. Even if their children are brought back, their own family will forgive them, but their husband's family will not.

Whether the child has lost her virginity or not, they all believe that a kidnapped girl cannot be innocent.

Since you are not innocent, you definitely cannot get married.

If they are not allowed to marry, they will only be drowned in saliva.

 Either she was taken to a nunnery to become a nun.

 So it is for their own good that the third princess allows them to marry.

 At least the soldiers understand the righteousness and will not care about minor problems.

  also feel sorry for what they are going through.

Comparing the two, it is naturally better to marry down.

Jing Shirong asked, “It’s easy to deal with the wealthy ladies, but what about those widows?”

 The ladies have not been polluted yet, and they can get married again when they go back.

  But those group of widows already had a lot of trouble in front of their door.

Now that they were **** and touched, it would be a big disaster for them to go back.

The third princess thought for a while and said, "If you can't go back, you might as well become a weaver of cotton here."

Moreover, there are also old widowers whose wives have died in the military camp. If they don't mind, they can also make a couple.

When the singles in the military camp heard about this benefit, they not only did not dislike it, but pitied the women for their plight. They all want to marry a wife.

The third princess should go and make it clear to the young ladies and the widow first, and ask them if they are willing?

The rich ladies didn't want to think about it at first. They felt that they were still young girls and would not be abandoned by their parents, so they still wanted to return to the capital.

The third princess did not force herself and promised to send them back.

As for the women, some did not want to go back, and some were already pregnant, clutching their bellies and confused about the future.

 Those who are willing to remarry are all registered one by one.

"This matter is not urgent. I will just inform you first. The decision will be up to the court. If you are not willing, the court will not force you."

The woman saw that she spoke sonorously and forcefully and knew her reputation, so she trusted her.

 Some even shed tears, crying about their pitiful experiences.

 The third princess persuaded her a few more times before going out. She had to continue to interrogate the group of big men from Yiguo.

It's a pity that no matter how hard they fight, those tall men who see the situation will never admit that they are from the Yi country.

They also know that once they admit it, Yiguo's reputation will be ruined.

 At that time, let alone Ling, other countries will not interact with them, and that will be bad.

They didn't say anything, and the third princess didn't intend to let them go, so they were chained together and transported to the capital.

beating gongs and drums all the way to let everyone see the faces of the people of Yiguo.

However, she did not say that this was the country of Yi. She only said that these little **** came from who knows what country. They actually dared to steal someone's wife and daughter, and even forced them to have children. If they couldn't give birth, they would kill them directly. They were simply worse than animals.

 After hearing this, the people came to watch one after another.

As soon as he came closer, he saw the strong man in the iron cage.

Although the people from the grassland country are also strong, their appearance is not as fierce.

People speculated, "Are they from the Yi country? They are really vicious. They actually capture women and force them to give birth. I heard that they even cut open their stomachs with a knife to get the children. The method is really cruel."

"That is, I heard that those who could not give birth to children would be beaten to death and the corpses would be trampled to pieces. I have never seen such a vicious person. He really deserves death."

 The common people kept talking, and the more they talked, the more outrageous they became.

The group of men from the Kaguo Kingdom smashed the iron fence angrily, and were whipped by the guard guard. The skin on their faces was immediately broken, and blood flowed down their fat faces.

 “What a shame.” After being beaten, he even cursed.

 The more the people looked at their appearance, the more they felt that they represented evil.

Even people from neighboring countries heard about it and came to see the fun.

Gradually, it spread to ten, then to hundreds, and the whole world knew about it.

After King Yiguo learned that his men had been captured, he thought that the world would discover it, but he did not expect that it would be spread so quickly.

He originally wanted to send people to kill the group of people on the way, and never give the third princess a chance to seize their country.

Unexpectedly, the third princess had been waiting for them a long time ago. A firework ammunition was thrown at him, directly losing several of his masters. He was so angry that he slammed the table.

Then he glared at the military advisor on the side fiercely, "It's all your bad idea! Why did you arrest the women of Ling Kingdom for good? Now it's over. The whole world knows about our Yai Kingdom stealing women to give birth to children, and even having a caesarean section to take the child." Now that everything is known, our country’s reputation is completely ruined.”

 In the past, people only regarded them as warlike and impulsive.

 Now it's better, everything that is vicious, insidious, and not human has become the label of Yiguo.

As soon as the people on the road saw the faces of the Yi people, they ran away one after another, as if they had seen a ghost.

Although he also likes people to be afraid of him, it is not the fear of snakes and scorpions. What he wants is the eyes of awe from the people, not the eyes of disgust and contempt.

The military advisor saw that he was angry and asked him, "The widows we arrested before were all fine. No one noticed at all how many children they had given birth to in the past two years."

"If the king hadn't made his own decision to arrest some girl, where would he have caused these things?"

His original plan was to capture the widow, who was neither too old nor too young, and was at the right age for childbearing.

 In addition, widows whose husbands have died are relatively unpopular. If they are lost, they will only search for them symbolically. If they cannot be found, they will forget about it. They will not report it to the official for fear of embarrassment.

  It just so happened that this idiot wanted to catch some rich lady to make money, but he was discovered.

With only strength and no brains, it would be strange to be able to defeat someone else's Lingguo.

The great king of Yiguo choked and was speechless.

But he still quibbled, "Then I don't want to make more money to raise my children? Otherwise, I just have children and no money to support them."

What's the weather like lately?



 (End of this chapter)

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