Chapter 1070, Scar Military Advisor

It is good to have more children, but if you don’t have the money to raise these children, won’t you be just as poor?

 That’s why he wanted to sell some young and beautiful women and put them in the largest black brothel to make money.

As long as they have good looks and are trained and trained, one person can make him money for at least ten years.

 One may not add up to much money, but if a hundred people add up, it will be a lot of money.

 He originally thought this was a very effective method and would make money quickly.

Who knew it would be discovered so quickly.

“Isn’t it said that the capital values ​​boys over girls and does not value girls?”

 He just knew that the people of Ling country did not value his daughter's family, so he dared to do this.

Who knew that a group of girls being kidnapped would alarm the court and end up like this.

 “Then what do you think we should do now?”

 It was all wrong, and it was useless to say that. He just wanted to find a solution quickly.

We can't let those subordinates be taken to the capital for trial, right?

If that group of people can't stand the torture anymore, it's over.

The military advisor looked disdainful, "Do you have this much trust in your subordinates?"

King Yiguo slapped the table, "Even if they can endure the torture, but Emperor Lingguo executes them in front of the people, isn't it a slap in my face?"

 He was heartbroken when he thought about the execution of a hundred people, all of whom were strong men.

"No, you brought this up first, you have to find a way to stop it."

If the Emperor of the Ling State used this to stigmatize him, when the Ling State attacked, no one would pity him even if he was killed.

 And the people will doubt his authority.

 After all, he stole women to give birth to children, but he also broke their legs and even cut open their stomachs. Even the people of Yiguo cannot accept this.

 That's why the Emperor of Yiguo felt panicked.

The military advisor looked at him coldly with a scarred face, "Since Mr. Ling Guo wants to deal with you, you might as well strike first and fight directly to catch him off guard."

"It just so happened that the third princess came to Beijing, and there was no third princess in charge. If we suddenly attacked, the soldiers would definitely panic."

“When the time comes, we will blast a few more iron barrels, and we will kill all those soldiers.”

He spoke with such excitement that the King of Yi Kingdom was moved.

"Is it possible?"

Sometimes someone is attacked instead of being killed. Isn’t it like stealing a chicken but losing a lot of rice?

However, Strategic Advisor Scar was confident, "Don't worry, I have prepared all the big iron cannons for you. There are fifty of them. When the time comes, I will just blow them up. I don't believe those soldiers can bear it."

The king of Yiguo is still worried.

“But they are very numerous, with an army of one hundred thousand.” And they also have big iron cannons.

They only have an army of 50,000 at most, and it is not easy to fight if they are less than 50,000.

 In addition, their soldiers and horses eat a lot and are strong, so they may not be sure of victory.

 Scar's military advisor looked disdainful, "What are you afraid of? Didn't your 500 people successfully escape compared to the third princess's 1,000 people?"

“That doesn’t mean your fifty thousand people are about the same strength as her one hundred thousand people. So what are you afraid of?”

The soldiers of the Yi Kingdom are all tall and powerful. One is against ten. I don't believe that the third princess and the short ones can win.

 “The worst is a draw, there’s nothing to be afraid of.”

 “If you are always so timid, when will you be able to rule the world?”

These words directly touched the heart of King Yiguo.

 He wanted to attack the State of Yi as early as ten years ago. At that time, the troops of the State of Ling were not so powerful.

It's a pity that he united several small countries, but none of them agreed. This was the delay. Nowadays, people have strong soldiers and horses. If there is a war, their food and grass will definitely not be able to keep up.

 In addition, the national treasury is full, and if there is a real fight, there will be insufficient ammunition.

Seeing that he was cowering, Military Advisor Scar said with disdain, "You are the one who wants to fight, and you are the one who is afraid of death. How can you dominate the world like this?"

“Since the trouble has reached this point and the reputations of the left and right have been ruined, it’s better to take advantage of the opportunity and fight directly.”

"Even if they lose, Ling will not be much better off. If you lose troops and horses, they will also lose troops and horses. To put it bluntly, they will not get any favors."

This is true, and it somewhat impressed the king of Yiguo.

 But he was still a little hesitant.

“We haven’t fought in many years, where do we start?”

 In recent years, his sons have been very interested in attacking Ling State and have been eager to try it.

On the contrary, he said he wanted to fight, but when he really wanted to fight, he didn't know where to start.

Scar's military advisor doesn't like his talkative appearance. He only shows off his words, but actually has no real ability. He is worse than his son.

“If that doesn’t work, let some of your princes come up. They are young and vigorous, and it’s just a good opportunity for them to exercise.”

The king of Yiguo was looked down upon by him and felt angry, but he also knew that what he said made sense.

This war should have been fought early, otherwise they would have to be suppressed by Ling Kingdom for the rest of their lives and never be able to get ahead.

Now that Ling Guo is getting richer and richer, he is jealous of it.

If he continues to let things go, Ling will definitely dominate the world.

 “No, I can’t tolerate it any longer..”

Since it was discovered that Yi State stole a woman from Ling State, in order to prevent the Emperor of Ling State from making trouble, they had better take a preemptive strike.

 “I will discuss this matter with a few princes.”

Seeing that he was serious about it, Military Advisor Scar nodded with satisfaction.

"While the third princess is away, you can burn their food and grass first, and then throw some smoke bombs over. It's best to scare the people and make people panic."

King Yiguo nodded and waved his hand in annoyance, "I understand, you can go down first."

 I thought this military advisor was useful before, but now I feel that if it weren't for him, things wouldn't have become so passive.

 But now that the matter is so big, it is impossible not to come forward to solve it.

 So he called some of his sons and asked them for their opinions.

These sons were also taught by military advisors. They were not only ambitious, but also vicious.

“Father, since the matter has become such a big deal, we might as well just follow the military advisor’s instructions and fight directly.”

"It's been so many years. If we don't attack the past, when Lingguo becomes richer and richer, the gap between our rich and poor will suddenly widen. How can we compare with others?"

Due to geographical conditions, their animal husbandry and industry are only at a medium level. Sometimes they have to rely on God to provide food depending on the weather.

 If the weather is bad and animal husbandry is affected, their income will be greatly halved.

If you don’t fight a war quickly while your income is good now, you will not be able to fight if your income is not high in the future.

“Besides, there is a Murong Yun in the Ling Kingdom. This Murong Yun is very good at making money for the Emperor of the Ling Kingdom. If he is not dealt with as soon as possible, the Ling Kingdom will only become richer and richer.”

They have been chasing Murong Yun for the past few years.

However, Murong Yun was surrounded by many masters, so it was not easy to kill him.

If Ling Guo is allowed to become richer, people will really want the world to be unified.

When Emperor Yiguo heard this, the alarm bell rang loudly, "Then what do you think we should do now?"

The eldest prince said, "Father, if you want me to tell you, just as the military advisor said, carry out a sneak attack first."

 (End of this chapter)

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