The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1071: , prepare for a secret attack

Chapter 1071, Prepare for a secret attack

“As the military advisor said, while the third princess is away, everyone’s attention is attracted by other things, so we will take advantage of this opportunity to sneak over.”

“First burn their food and grass, then kill a few more people when they are panicked, and finally attack the city!”

"Although we only have more than 50,000 people, we are all tall and powerful. Compared with the group of soldiers and generals in Ling Kingdom, they are much braver."

 “Maybe we actually won.”

Other princes also said, "That's right, the military advisors have already calculated it. Even if the third princess comes back, it will be too late. Let's take advantage of this to capture the border pass."

 “Then cooperate with other small neighboring countries. Kill them by surprise!”

 Even if they cannot win by then, Ling Guo will not be able to gain favor.

While the third princess didn't come back, he directly robbed their food and grass and burned their cotton fields to see what else they could earn.

It would be best to burn all their vegetable plots so that they have no food to eat.

   奷国大国, “Is this possible?”

The eldest prince, "It can be done. I have already planned the plan, and the map has been drawn up by the military advisor. We only need to wait for the Bonfire Festival in two days. While they are busy, we can sneak over there, start a fire, and take advantage of the chaos." cut."

“Then, how are you going to get in?”

 The gate at the side is so tightly closed that it might be difficult to get in.

Even the gate at the market was guarded, obviously to guard against them.

 Even if they are disguised, their height cannot be concealed.

The eldest prince of Yiguo said, "This military advisor has also made a plan. He found a small road four months ago that can lead directly to the stable of Lingguo's military camp."

If you can get directly to the stable, you can rob their horses.

If the horse doesn't cooperate, just cut it off.

Seeing that he didn't say anything about the military advisor, King Yiguo said, "You trust the military advisor so much? Aren't you afraid that he will lie to you?"

This military advisor has always been mysterious and mysterious. Judging from his size, I don’t know which country he is from, but I can confirm that he is not from the Meng country.

 Because he has three eyelids and deep eye sockets, at first glance he doesn’t look like he is from the Meng Kingdom, but looks very much like someone from the Ling Kingdom.

Some men in Lingguo who are praised as Pan An have deep eye sockets and big eyelids.

 He has cross-examined the military advisor, but the answer he gave was like a wizard.

He said that he was a wizard, and he was bitten by a wild beast when he was going up the mountain to do the ritual, and he was killed by the eldest prince and came back.

 At that time, he did not trust the military advisor, but the ideas he gave him were always very useful and tried and true.

 Gradually, people began to trust him.

 Especially the eldest prince.

 Because he came back as the eldest prince, the eldest prince benefited the most, so he trusted the military advisor the most.

Like this moment, he speaks for the military advisor.

“Father, you have seen with your own eyes the ability of the military advisor. Since he came to our country, you have seen how much money he has helped us earn and how much land he has cultivated.”

“And this matter did break out this time. If it is not resolved, it will not be good for our reputation at all.”

"Since the three princesses have left, let's take advantage of the two-day bonfire festival to start the war directly, otherwise we will have to wait until how long."

 We said we would start a war ten years ago, but we still haven’t started it yet.

Their soldiers and horses are so fat, wouldn't it be a waste if they don't fight again?

The king of Yiguo was moved by what he said, and turned to look at his other sons.

 “What do you mean?”

Several princes were eager to try, "Let's fight, otherwise, if we delay it, we won't have so much food and grass in a few years. It's better to start the war while the food and grass are fertile now."

 Otherwise, if they wait a few more years, they will not have enough food and grass, and they will not have the confidence to fight.

Let's fight now. Even if we don't win, the other party won't be able to gain any favors.

 The worst case scenario is that both sides suffer losses.

 If the border can be recovered, it will be a profit.

"Okay, I'll listen to you then." "You brothers will work together well this time. We will take down the border first and then reward you based on your merits."

  Usually the brothers fight overtly and covertly, but now that a war is imminent, of course they must unite as one.


Several princes have long been eager to unify the Central Plains, so they temporarily put aside their grudges and decided to fight first.

They were also thieves. They were afraid that there would be spies in the military camp, so they kept silent. Instead, they secretly went to the border and closed the back door.

Although there are patrols in that place, there are few patrolling soldiers. As long as you can get there first, you can enter through the back door by killing the patrolling ones.

Jing Shirong is at home at this time, because Sister Ying is going to give birth in the next few days.

 The belly of a nine-month-old is, after all, bigger than that of a ten-month-old.

 Most of the twins were born prematurely. In the past few days, she felt that the fetus was already entering the pelvis, and there was a dull pain in her pubic bone.

Sister Yang has also made preparations early, including heart-saving pills and hemostatic powder.

Jing Shirong was worried and wanted to come back first.

He touched Sister Ying’s swollen belly and asked worriedly, “Does it still hurt?”

 In the morning, he saw her complaining of stomachache, but there were no contractions yet. It was suspected to be false contractions, so he didn't dare to leave now, for fear that she would actually have them after a while.

Sister Ying was lying on the bed, breathing a little heavy.

“I’m so exhausted. I didn’t expect the twins to be so heavy.”

 Sure enough, the happiness is double, but the hard work is also double.

 Obviously a child will be lighter, able to run and jump, and not as heavy as now.

Jing Shirong held her belly, trying to reduce her weight.

“Sister Yang said she might give birth in the next few days, so you have to be strong then.”

Sister Ying hummed, "Don't worry, this is the last baby, I will grit my teeth and give birth."

Jing Shirong also hopes that their mother and son will be safe.

If not, "If something happens to you, let's protect you, okay?"

 Children are important, but adults are even more important. You cannot let two children lose their mother.

Sister Ying knew that he was worried, so she touched his handsome face and said, "Don't say depressing words, or the child will not be happy after hearing this."

As she said this, the two children kicked her.

Jing Shirong felt the little feet under her belly, and her heart softened, feeling loving and guilty at the same time.

“Okay, okay, it’s dad’s fault, so dad won’t say anything anymore.”

He lowered his head and kissed Sister Ying's belly, "Then you guys come out and don't torture your mother, okay?"

 The two children seemed to respond and kicked him.

 Sister Ying, after you have had a good rest, get out of bed and walk for a while, otherwise your buttocks will be numb when you lie down.

Jing Shirong helped her get out of bed and walked with her for a while.

 Have dinner with her again in the evening and prepare to leave after she falls asleep.

After Sister Ying fell asleep, he was about to return to the military camp for patrol when Sister Ying suddenly got a surprise from her dream and let out a "hiss~" sound.

 “Brother Rong.”

Jing Shirong looked over quickly and saw that her amniotic fluid had broken.

Sister Ying was relatively calm, "Let's call Sister Yang and the midwife first."

Jing Shirong hummed and quickly went to call the midwife and Sister Yang.

Sister Yang came over quickly and took her pulse. When she saw that everything was normal, she asked her to relax.

Sister Ying was a little nervous, but she still tried her best to relax.

 After all, I have had three children, so I am still quite experienced, so I always try to calm myself down.

 (End of this chapter)

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