Chapter 1072, surprise attack

Sister Ying held her belly, feeling the increasingly painful contractions, and gasped in pain.

She was still calm and knew that giving birth would definitely be painful. She thought that the cervix of the third child would open faster, so she tried her best to take deep breaths.

Jing Shirong saw that her forehead was covered with sweat and wanted to help, but he also knew that he could not help much.

It was Sister Ying who asked him, "Go and put the children on the second floor. Don't let them wake up."

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay, if you need something, call me."

He went to the next room and carried the children up to the second floor. Seeing that they were sleeping soundly, he stuffed cotton cloths into their ears, closed the door, and stood guard outside.

 After a while, the contractions started to come faster and faster, and the midwife was ready to give birth.

“Madam, these are twins, you have to maintain your strength.”

Sister Ying was very cooperative, "Okay."

 As the head of the first fetus went down, Sister Ying could already feel the baby coming down.

  She will exert force when the midwife asks her to do so, and she will stop when asked to stop.

 Just push hard, stop, push hard, stop. It felt like all my strength had been used up, and my whole body was powerless.

 As the boss's head came out, the midwife breathed a sigh of relief.

 “Madam, the head is out, please wait for a moment.”

 The midwife waited for the baby's shoulders to come out, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

 First pat the child's butt, wait until the child cries, and then announce the good news, "It's a young master."

Sister Ying lay down to catch her breath, and Sister Yang felt like feeding her some soup to replenish her strength.

Jing Shirong heard the baby crying on the second floor and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to go downstairs to take a look, he saw something moving not far away? ?

His intuition was wrong and he immediately went to get the Persian telescope.

 You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

 It turns out that there are not insects moving across the desert, but a group of people.

 Maybe it was because the group of people were too tall that they were discovered immediately.

Jing Shirong felt something was wrong, so he immediately went downstairs, played the flute, and conveyed the message to Qi Yuanming.

When Qi Yuanming heard the sound of the flute, he immediately became alert.

 He climbed up to the whistle building and looked around, but saw no suspicious person.

 “Strange, why is there no one?”

It turned out that there was a bush on the other side of the desert. The group of people seemed to be aware of the sight of being discovered and hid immediately.

Qi Yuanming felt that Jing Shirong would not play the flute randomly, so he immediately played the trumpet to let everyone wake up in case the enemy suddenly attacked.

 Soldiers are trained to be alert immediately.

 Although they had not fought in many years, they were immediately alert when the order came.

Qi Yuanming rode out in person, "Let's go and have a look with me."

 The things that Yaguo has done recently made him have to be on guard.

If those shameless groups suddenly attack and attack from the desert side, the back door will be breached.

Although there was nothing important at the back door, being breached would bring shame to their patrol team, so they immediately led people there to search.

The eldest prince of Yiguo was waiting for them to come over.

He knew that there were two young generals in the military camp, who were said to have been sent by the emperor himself.

Since he was sent by Emperor Ling, he must have some real ability.

 That’s why they deliberately lured the tiger away from the mountain to lure people away.

As soon as the two generals ran to the desert, their men immediately climbed up the city wall from the path, then went to the stables and started setting fire.

 When the fire starts, soldiers will definitely come here to put out the fire.

 At that time, they will cut down as many soldiers as they come.

 If you can kill 10,000 of their soldiers in one night, you will make a profit.

Qi Yuanming had already run to the desert at this time.

 Because the desert was far away, he did not discover the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Jing Shirong had a bad intuition and immediately led the horse back to the military camp. He was afraid that what he did just now was to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so he hurried back to see if there was anything else going on.

 Unfortunately, he left late. When he returned to the military camp, the fire in the stable was already burning.

Some soldiers found out and were frightened. They quickly organized people and said, "Oh no, the stable is on fire."

 “Go and get water to put out the fire.”

 Other soldiers went to fetch water and put out the fire quickly.

 At this time, the group of Kaguo soldiers were ambushing around.

They saw the opportunity and when they saw the group of Ling soldiers approaching, they immediately sprinkled them with poison.

 “Ah! My eyes.”

Those poisons were given by military advisors. It is said that if you blow the poison into your eyes, you will be blind immediately.

Ling Guo's young general saw something was wrong and immediately told them to retreat, "An enemy has come in, go and blow the trumpet!"

As soon as the Yiguo army heard that they were calling for help, they immediately rushed out and cut down anyone they saw.

 The leading general saw something was wrong and immediately gave a signal.

Jing Shirong saw the signal and realized that the secret route was not good, so he hurried back.

 He took out fireworks and firecrackers from his arms and blew off signals continuously to remind Qi Yuanming to be careful.

As soon as he arrived at the military camp, he immediately issued an order, "All officers and soldiers must obey the order. If enemy troops invade, immediately check all entrances to prevent enemy troops from entering."

The soldiers were well-trained and went to search immediately.

 The rest immediately went to the grain and grass house to rescue them.

Prince Kaguya didn't expect them to come back so quickly, and without hesitation, he immediately asked people to throw ammunition and cannons into the fire.

Originally, this kind of hand-held ammunition was not very powerful and could not kill people, but it could injure people.

However, after the improvements made by Military Advisor Scar, the ammunition was much more powerful and exploded immediately when it caught fire.

 With several loud noises of "Bang Bang Bang!", everyone was startled.

Prince Kaguo himself was shocked. He never expected that the power of this ammunition would increase so much.

He raised his lips in excitement, "The military strategist is so powerful that he can actually develop such useful ammunition. Hurry, throw them all out. These Lingguo **** will be blown up tonight."

Jing Shirong did not expect that the Yiguo would have such powerful ammunition, so he immediately went to open the warehouse and asked the soldiers to bring all the ammunition.

 Since the other party fires directly, they don't have to be polite.

 “Line up, retreat! Raise ammunition!”

Even if you don’t want to fight in the military camp, you will suffer heavy losses.

 But the enemies have invaded the interior, and it is impossible not to fight.

 So the two sides threw ammunition at each other at the same time. With the loud noise of "Bang! Bang! Bang!", sparks flew everywhere and the floor shook three times.

 The people nearby were suddenly awakened.

"what sound?"

They were holding a bonfire party and dancing when there was a sudden explosion and they were stunned for a moment.

 “Whose family is marrying a daughter-in-law and setting off fireworks??”

 After all, this is how fireworks explode.

 But there were no fireworks in the sky, so they were a little confused. After all, the world has been peaceful for many years, and they have not thought about war.

Sister Ying also heard the noise at home.

  She had just given birth to one child, and another one was waiting for fetal movement.

When the second one started, she yelled and some blood came out. Fortunately, it was not much, so she gave birth smoothly.

  The first question I asked after giving birth was, "What's going on outside? Is there a war?"

That was clearly the sound of bullets exploding.

Sister Yang looked inside and did not look outside, but she was also surprised by the movement.

 “Don’t be impatient, I’ll go out and take a look.”

Sister Ying held her back and said, "Don't go, let the secret guards take a look."

 (End of this chapter)

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