The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1073: , set off fireworks to find the enemy

Chapter 1073, Set off fireworks to find the enemy

The secret guard has gone to see it a long time ago and will come over to report.

“Madam, there is something going on at the military camp.”

Sister Ying's eyes widened, "What's going on? Did the enemy suddenly attack?"

 She couldn't think of anything else except this situation.

The secret guard clasped his fists at the door, "Yes, the enemy is attacking. Can I hide the young masters first?"

 The third princess dug many holes nearby so that women and children could hide first when ammunition came.

Sister Ying nodded and asked him to hide the children.

 Then he asked another secret guard, "Go and notify the local princes and ask them to send troops to guard the grain and grassland, so as not to allow the enemy to take advantage of it."

“Also, go to the Yamen, ask the Yamen to send out troops, and inform the people to stay at home and not go out without orders.”

Finally, he sent people to find local wealthy businessmen and told them to hide their money, stay at home and don't think about running out of the city.

 At this time, only by hiding all the financial and food items can we avoid being destroyed by the enemy.

Women and children should also be hidden to avoid being killed.

Sister Ying endured the discomfort and stood up and asked Sister Yang, "We have to go help. You should bring as much poison as you can, we will use it later."

Sister Yang hummed and immediately went to collect the poison.

 “Bring the antidote as well.”

 The old military doctor has already rushed back to save people. It is best to bring the medicines at home that can save people.

Sister Ying put on black clothes, and together with Sister Yang, she darkened her appearance and tried to blend herself into the dark night.

She asked the secret guards to take good care of the children, and then handed over the newborn twins, "These are a pair of twins, take care of them, and the nanny will take them with you."

 The secret guard received the order and immediately went to hide the people.

 After the children were taken away, Sister Ying chose to unite with Jing Shirong.

Sister Yang also went out with her, bringing herbal powder.

The two of them took advantage of the darkness and climbed to the highest point of the military camp wall.

This high-strength corner is hidden and has no ladder. Jing Shirong took them there before.

The location here is the best and the height is also the highest. It will take some time for the enemy to come up.

She and Sister Yang went up lightly, looked down with binoculars, and soon found the enemy hiding in the military camp.

 Because the enemy is too tall, they can be spotted quickly.

 At this time, they all had ammunition in their hands and were ready to throw it out at any time.

Jing Shirong was afraid that the ammunition would accidentally injure his own people, so he organized his team to retreat.

 Because of their retreat, the Yi people were very proud.

“Brother, the military advisor is right. These Ling soldiers are as timid as rats and don’t dare to fart.”

 Fortunately, they had military advisors to guide them and brought so much ammunition in one go, otherwise they would not be sure.

 “Take advantage of this moment to blow up all their grain warehouses.”

“Wait for them to put out the fire later, and put the ammunition directly into the fire.”

Jing Shirong was not stupid and had people transport the grain and grass away early.

At this time, 50,000 of the 100,000-strong army came, and the other 50,000 were on the periphery, fearing that the enemy would suddenly attack.

Jing Shirong sat on the horse and asked the soldiers to retreat, waiting for the enemy to take the initiative to attack.

There are many of them. Once the opponent appears, they will immediately counterattack and throw explosives at them, killing them without being able to dodge.

The eldest prince of Yiguo also noticed something strange, "Why doesn't the man named Jing still move?"

 Because Jing Shirong didn't move, he didn't dare to move for fear of exposing his position.

Now the fire in the stable is raging, and it is about to get bigger and bigger. The other party does not rush to put out the fire, but is still retreating. How can they explode?

The eldest prince of Yiguo felt that it was not possible to continue like this. Fortunately, they had few people coming in.

 If you are discovered, you will be arrested sooner or later.

After all, the road in is narrow, and if too many people come, they will be discovered by the other party's sentries, so today they only have fifty people.

The remaining fifty were to lure Qi Yuanming away.

However, their 50,000-strong army is already on the way and will arrive soon to support them.

 While the two parties were in a stalemate, a commotion soon came from outside.

 That was the arrival of the Yiguo army.

The Yiguo army was brainwashed by Military Advisor Scar, and they became very excited. They formed a formation, took ammunition, and started throwing at the city wall.

 When the soldiers on the city wall saw this posture, they knew that the other side was about to start a fight. So they also went to get ammunition, and with an order, they started to explode.

Qi Yuanming rushed back quickly and immediately went to the city wall to take command.

Jing Shirong knew that he could not wait, so he had to quickly kill the enemy soldiers from the Yi Kingdom inside to prevent the fire from getting bigger and bigger.

 He quietly retreated into the darkness, found his position, and began to look for the person hiding in the darkness.

Sister Ying stands at a high place and has a better perspective.

She took a telescope and looked carefully, and saw the figures of the enemy troops of the Yi Kingdom.

The opponent was dressed in black and walking close to the wall, as if he wanted to sneak up to Ling Jun to throw explosives.

She saw the right moment, took an arrow, and the arrow was coated with a stupefying poison, pointed it at the enemy of the Yi Kingdom, and shot at it.

 “Stab it!”

 As the arrow penetrates into the enemy's neck, the opponent immediately falls to the ground.

The sound of the collision was silent amid the fire, so the enemy soldiers themselves didn't notice it.

Jing Shirong discovered it with sharp eyes.

 He looked up towards the ten-meter-high wall and saw a slender figure. And the shadow also carries a belly of five or six months.

The belly looks like it was just after giving birth.

 “Sister Ying?”

The sweat on Jing Shirong's forehead was almost streaming down. But he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only continue to move forward and get closer to the enemy.

The enemy also realized something was wrong and immediately threw another ammunition over.

 As soon as they throw their ammunition, their position will be revealed.

 Ling Jun immediately threw three ammunition in their direction.

 One ammunition may not be able to explode, but three ammunition will explode two immediately.

 Because the opponent had a map and knew the hiding place, they only exploded two of them at this moment, which really made them angry.

 “General, there is a mole.”

Jing Shirong also noticed it and asked them to calm down.

 “Go and take out all the fireworks in the warehouse and set them off.”

 Fireworks are very bright, and once they are set off, enemies will be cast into shadow even if they want to hide.

 The soldiers immediately went to get the fireworks.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang are on Gaoqiang at this time.

As the fireworks "chirp, chirp, chirp" went into the air, the enemy's shadow was suddenly exposed.

Jing Shirong took advantage of the light and threw four or five ammunition directly at the enemy in the darkness.

Even though there are only fifty people on the other side, they are hiding very deep.

Just a little ammunition is not enough, the tents and the camp are on fire.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang applied poison to their arrows, aimed at the enemy troops, and shot them down one by one.

 Because the shooting position was so precise, the enemy also discovered them.

 “Prince, there is someone above.”

The eldest prince’s eyes were red with anger, “Go and blow those two people down.”

The men immediately climbed up the wall. Unfortunately, as soon as they climbed onto the wall, Sister Ying sprinkled a handful of poison.

 Even if the opponent closes his eyes, he still has to breathe through his nose. As the poison is sucked in, his head becomes confused and his whole body falls straight down.

Jing Shirong saw it, raised his sword and chopped off one of them with one hand. While cutting, he looked towards the city wall.

Because the location where Sister Ying and the others are hiding is in a blind corner and it is difficult to get in. There is usually no one there.

 It was also with their help that we were able to shoot down all the enemies in the dark.

Seeing that the fireworks were almost gone, the enemies were also killed and only seven or eight were left.

 The eldest prince saw that the situation was not good and could only retreat to the place where he had been.


Before leaving, they all threw out all the ammunition and tried to blow up the military camp.

 Jing Shirong As long as the team is not injured, he will release the ammunition with them and will not let the team get closer.

After confirming that the enemy was gone, he gave the order, "Go put out the fire."

 (End of this chapter)

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