Chapter 1074, the war started

 Fortunately, there is enough water here, so the fire can be put out quickly collectively.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang saw that they were safe, so they climbed down the city wall with ease.

She said, "If there is not enough water, use earth. Earth can extinguish fire quickly."

There happens to be a pile of sand in the military camp that is used to change the ground for horses, and this will be used.

Because of the large number of people, everyone worked together and put out the fire quickly.

 Although the fire was extinguished, half of the stable was still lost and several tents were burned down.

 Happily the food and grass were well hidden, otherwise they would have been burned down long ago.

Jing Shirong asked people to block the opening through which the enemy came in, leaving some people to guard it and the rest to go up the high wall.

 Since the enemies are attacking outside, he also wants to help.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang also went to help.

 The two of them took the guards to the house to get itching powder and lubricants, and brought them all over.

There is also a jar of chili powder at home. There was a good chili harvest before, and the children liked spicy food, so they ground it into chili powder and wanted to use it for barbecues on weekdays.

These chili peppers are very spicy. If you accidentally get them on your face, it will be very hot.

 If you sprinkle it on your eyes, you will definitely burst into tears.

 At that time, sprinkle the chili powder from the high wall to make the enemy's eyes shed tears and see how they fight.

So she moved the chili powder into the bag, and brought the millet pepper with her.

After arriving at the city wall, the soldiers initially refused to let her go up, but it was Jing Shirong who saw her coming and came to pick her up.

 “Why are you still here? Go back quickly.”

 Just after giving birth, I got out of bed and walked around. It was really life-threatening.

"Be obedient and go back first. I'm here."

 Although the enemy killed them without being able to stab them, they all reacted now and would not be attacked by surprise again.

Sister Ying showed him the chili powder.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to blow up all the peppers with the help of the wind, and you can tell the soldiers to take cover."

Jing Shirong quickly thought of such a role and went to do it immediately.

Sister Ying followed his command, and when he shouted, "Back off! Close your eyes."

 The Ling soldiers immediately retreated and closed their eyes.

 Suddenly, a rain of chili powder came with the wind, and the enemy soldiers said "Ah!" and began to sneeze and shed tears.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jing Shirong continued to direct, "shoot arrows!"

The soldiers obeyed the order and fired arrows immediately.

 Five thousand arrows were fired at the same time, and the enemy injured a thousand people at once.

 They were not stupid, they reacted quickly and retreated immediately.

“Prince, they have chili powder, we can’t get any closer.”

But the eldest prince of Yiguo said, "What are you afraid of? How much chili powder can they have? They only have this little skill."

 “Give me the big iron cannon!”

Since you can't attack at close range, shoot from a distance.

  Anyway, they have a lot of ammunition, and they have all been improved using the tactics of military advisors.

 At night they took out all the big iron cannons, and they were sure to blow up all the walls of Ling Kingdom.

 “Get on the big iron cannon!”


So the Yiguo army took out their big iron cannons one after another.

Jing Shirong had thought that they had big iron cannons, but he didn’t expect that there were so many.

 Fortunately, he had people move the big iron cannon to the city wall in advance.

 He aimed at the time and fired first.


 Ling Jun aimed at the target and began to amplify the iron cannon. "

The opponent is at a disadvantage because they are at the bottom, but they are more ruthless and will continue to advance when they are bombed.

"Fire!" The eldest prince of Yiguo also gave the order, "Blow them up."

 So the big iron cannons on both sides exploded one after another.

 The power of the iron cannon was so powerful that it blasted the ten-meter-high city wall with a bang bang bang sound.

Had it not been for the strong walls, they would have been blown to pieces.

 Some of the soldiers on the city wall were also blown down.

Jing Shirong frowned. He really couldn't figure out when the opponent's explosives became so powerful.

Five years ago, the army of Yiguo also wanted to show the power of their ammunition to the five neighboring countries, but it was still far behind compared with Lingguo.

Who would have thought that their iron cannons would be so powerful today.

Sister Ying did not expect that their iron cannons were so powerful, so she immediately organized the people to heat hot water.

 The common people reacted as early as the big iron cannon fired.

Just when they were about to panic, Sister Ying organized them to boil hot water and bring all the moisturizing oils at home.

As long as the hands are slippery, I don't believe that the group of Kaguo soldiers can hold the big iron cannon accurately.

Although the people were confused, they still followed the instructions and immediately went to boil water.

Although Sister Ying wanted ice water to stop the cannons, this place was far away from the iceberg, and water from far away could not quench her thirst. She could only use hot water to scald the soldiers first.

 It was rare for the people to be so cooperative at this critical moment. They went back one after another, packed together all the moisturizing oils at home, and brought over all the boiling hot water.

By this time, several holes had been blasted into the city wall, and the opponent's large iron cannons never stopped.

Seeing that a corner of the city wall was damaged, it would collapse if the explosion continued.

However, Jing Shirong was not idle either. He took aim and blew up two formations of the Kuomintang army.

 Prince Kaguya was furious. Seeing his formation being bombed, he immediately asked people to prepare flaming arrows.

 “Fire the arrow!”

Since we have reached this point, even if we cannot win, we still have to cause heavy losses to the opponent.

“Go get the fire oil. If you don’t burn this wall to the ground, I will lose.”

Even if we can't win, we still have to burn the city wall down.

“Shoot all the rockets up, and I will burn down all their tents.”

It is best to burn the grain so that they have no food to eat.

Jing Shirong saw that they were determined to defeat the enemy, so he did not dare to be careless and had people transport the stones.

Qi Yuanming was in charge from the front. Just as he was about to take the arrow, he saw Sister Ying commanding people to come up with lubricating oil and hot water.

Jing Shirong was surprised and came over to help her carry water.

 “Why are you still here?”

Sister Ying pointed to the hot water and said, "We have the advantage of being at a high altitude, so we can't waste it."

 In ancient times, there were stone formations and hot water formations. As long as you can win, you can try any formation.

 Otherwise, if the city wall is breached, the people inside will suffer.

Jing Shirong thought it was feasible, "Okay, let's give it a try."

 He asked the soldiers to pick up the boiling hot water, and then poured it down neatly.

It doesn’t matter whether it hits the other party or not, it doesn’t matter if it can break a little fire.

Some soldiers didn’t understand, “General, can hot water also put out fires?”

Jing Shirong nodded, "Okay."

 In my impression, everyone only knows that cold water can extinguish fire, but they don’t know that hot water can also extinguish fire, and the effect is better than cold water.

He didn't know before that one time, the children accidentally started a fire at home. There happened to be a pot of hot water next to it. At that time, Sister Ying poured it over and quickly put out the fire.

According to Sister Ying, this is called the suffocation fire extinguishing method.

Hot water can produce steam. Steam is like a large pot lid, which can cover the surrounding air, thus causing a lack of oxygen in the surrounding area.

The flames will naturally suffocate if they do not have access to oxygen. The fire was put out.

At that time, Sister Ying explained it to him, but he didn’t quite understand it, but the effect was indeed good.

At this moment, I didn’t even bother to explain to the soldiers, I just told them, “Splash!”

Buckets of hot water were poured down, and the hot steam suddenly evaporated, causing the hot people to sweat.

 (End of this chapter)

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