Chapter 1075, Sand extinguishes fire

Just when everyone thought this method was not working, miraculously, a lot of the fire under the city wall was extinguished.

Seeing that it was useful, the soldiers quickly asked the people to continue boiling hot water and pouring it down bucket by bucket.

 If it is too late to burn, cold water will do.

Seeing the water flowing down in waves, King Meng couldn't resist it anymore.

 “Eldest Prince, what should we do? They actually put out the fire?”

The eldest prince of Yaguo was furious and said, "What are you afraid of? That little bit of water is worth your while. Go ahead and pull all the fire oil over and start pouring it along the wall."

He didn't believe that they could have so much water to put out the fire.

 “Go and smear all the arrowheads with fire oil. If you don’t believe it, they won’t be able to catch it.”

The smell of fierce fire oil is very strong, and Shi Rong can smell it as soon as Dongjing Shirong comes out.

He secretly had a bad idea and immediately asked the 50,000 troops inside the city wall to pick up sand.

The most commonly used weapon in fighting is fire, so they also prepare a mountain of sand all year round to put out fires.

 After all, the water source here is not abundant, only enough for daily food and drink. But there is a lot of sand.

 “Go, bring the sand, I want all of it.”

 Because there are many people, it is convenient to use it at this time.

The eldest prince of Yiguo looked excited when he saw the soldiers pouring oil on the fire.

Although the soldiers who poured fire oil were all shot by Ling Jun on the wall, he still had people continue to pour fire oil along the wall.

Jing Shirong saw that they were going to burn down the city wall, so he immediately asked people to bring sand over in a steady stream.

 When the other party started burning the fire oil, the sand poured down like snow.

 Because the fire is not big yet, it is easy to put it out.

 Prince Kaguya’s face turned dark.

 He raised his head and glared at Jing Shirong fiercely.

 “That man named Jing is really causing trouble for this prince, bring me the arrows!”

If we don't shoot the man named Jing today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win.

 In this case, kill the man named Jing first, and then attack them when they are leaderless.

How could Jing Shirong give him a chance? When the opponent pointed a sharp arrow at him, he also pointed an arrow at the opponent.

In order to lure the snake out of the hole, both of them stood still, as if they wanted the other to see them so that they could take the opportunity to shoot the other.

Seeing this, Sister Ying picked up the arrow and hid aside, planning to shoot both arrows at the same time.

 Coincidentally, the other party thought the same way.

The second prince of Yaguo stood behind the eldest prince, also wanting to shoot with both arrows.

 Now it depends on whose arrow is more accurate.

Sister Ying turned around and asked Sister Yang to come with her.

They learned their archery skills from the ancients, and they don’t usually use them very much. But since they had children, they take them to the grassland to ride horses and shoot arrows every now and then. Gradually, their archery becomes more and more accurate.

 The two of them have very good eyesight, especially the master’s teachings.

The two princes of Danyi Kingdom have been riding horses and shooting arrows since they were young, and they are also very capable of archery.

 So we cannot underestimate the enemy and must be more precise.

Jing Shirong stood on the city wall as a target to lure the opponent out.

The other party also shows his head and gives the other party a chance.

 The two of them pulled the arrows at the same time, and with a sound of "咻~", two sharp arrows were shot out at the same time.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang also fired their arrows at the same time, and their movements were particularly neat.

The opponent's arrows were all shot at the same time.

Jing Shirong turned around and pulled Sister Ying and Sister Yang down to the ground at the same time.

 They missed the arrow, and neither did the opponent. It seemed that they were not easy to deal with.

Now the opponent's number is smaller than theirs. If they open the city gate and go out to fight, they may have a chance of winning.

 But the cost of doing so was also high, and at least half of the soldiers were lost.

 But if the stalemate continues like this, it is not an option.

If the opponent has a lot of fire oil, the wall will always collapse.

Once it collapses, the enemy will enter the city, and then the people will suffer. Qi Yuanming also thought of this and came over to ask, "Ajing, what should we do now? Do you want to go out and fight?"

Jing Shirong thought for a while, "How many large iron cannons are there in the warehouse?"

 “There are forty more, and we are running out of ammunition.”

This kind of ammunition itself is difficult to make, and there are not many materials. These forty units were made at a high price.

 If it is used up, it will be gone.

 Just don’t know how much the other party has in hand? It would be bad if the opponent had more big iron cannons than they did.

 The most troublesome thing now is that the other party stays far away and does not move forward.

If they lose their patience and climb up from the city wall, it will be easier to attack.

The key is that if they don't advance, you can't attack either, otherwise you will be blown up by their rockets and large iron cannons.

 In order not to lose his soldiers, the eldest prince naturally refused to take the initiative to advance. They have been blowing up their city wall not far away, hoping to blow it down so that Ling Jun has nowhere to hide so that he can rush over in one fell swoop.

 Now it depends on who can't help but move forward first.

Jing Shirong wanted to test how many large iron cannons the opponent still had, so he simply went down to the city wall and asked the soldiers to push out all 40 large iron cannons for a head-on bombing.

As long as you know how many iron cannons the opponent has left, you can grasp the chance of victory.

 “Put the iron cannon in position!”

There are cannon holes under the city walls. The soldiers placed the big iron cannons and waited for orders.

The eldest prince of Yiguo also realized that they were going to use big iron cannons, so he quickly asked them to put out all the big iron cannons.

 “Back off!”

He was afraid that the Yiguo army would be blown up, so only those soldiers with large iron cannons were left behind, and the rest retreated.

Jing Shirong calculated the distance. The opponent retreated too far. The big iron cannon might not be able to blast their troops, but it could hit the opponent's iron cannon.

Since you can't blow up anyone, you might as well blow up those iron cannons.

So he raised his hand and asked the cannons to take their positions.

The other party is also raising his hand.

 The two parties raised their hands at the same time, "Let go!"

The flames were ignited at the same time, and with the bombing sound of "bang bang bang!", the two large iron cannons were fired at the same time.

Huge ammunition exploded in the air, and thick black smoke suddenly emitted in the air.

Because of its great power, not only the city wall was hit, but also the large iron cannons of the Yi army were hit.


The soldiers who fired the cannon were blown away.

 When the eldest prince saw this, he quickly let the second wave of people come on.

 “Hurry up!”

 New iron cannons were brought out one after another, and the two parties continued to explode the cannons.

  It exploded with a "rumbling" sound.

Jing Shirong watched the opponent's speed of changing cannons from a high place, and estimated that the opponent's number of cannons was about the same as theirs.

 Perhaps even ten more of them.

Jing Shirong knew that he could no longer be so passive.

Took the chili powder from Sister Ying's hand and Sister Yang's itching powder, stirred the two together, and then scattered them in the direction of the wind.

Because he stood high and the wind blew far away, even if the group of soldiers couldn't come over, the chili pepper powder could still hit them.

 “Ah sneeze~”

Soon, some people began to sneeze and have runny noses after smelling the chili pepper powder, and even their eyes became itchy and watery.

The eldest prince of Yiguo was also tricked. He cursed with a runny nose, "Why is that guy named Jing such a villain? He keeps taking these medicinal powders."

His men said, "Prince, we also have some poison, do we want to spread it out?"

The eldest prince also wanted to spread poison, but they were on flat ground and how could they blow it up to the high wall? He could only wave his hands dejectedly and said, "Keep shooting rockets."

 I don’t believe it, they can have so much soil to put out the fire.

  This weather is changeable



 (End of this chapter)

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