Chapter 1077, the fight was fierce

 The eldest prince knew that what he said was right.

Neighboring countries are already married to the Ling Kingdom. If Ling Jun goes to ask for help, Princess Gran may come to help.

Even though the grassland country doesn’t have a lot of manpower, the monarch of Gran is a madwoman. If they really charge, they will have no chance of winning.

The military advisor gave him a cold look and said, "If you know it, why don't you attack quickly?"

“Even if our people are bombed, how will they fare?”

 “I’m still going to get bombed by you.”

 I made a lot of promises when I came here, but in the end, I didn’t end up being a coward.

"Could it be that you want your 50,000 troops to laugh at you? They are all waiting for you to win."

These words successfully aroused the eldest prince's desire to win.

 “Okay, let’s fight head-on!”

Since both of us will die in close combat, let’s die together.

So he gave the order, "The soldiers listened to the order, pushed up the big iron cannon, and moved forward. If you don't kill him today and leave no trace of his armor behind, you are not a hero of our army!"

 “Kill me!”

After hearing this, the soldiers became more motivated and said, "Kill!"

They suddenly attacked, Jing Shirong immediately asked people to set up a formation, raised his hand, "Fire rockets!"

Fifty thousand archers pulled up their flaming bows and arrows and gave the order, "Shoot!"

 50,000 rockets were launched at once.


 When an army fell, the eldest prince immediately gave the order, "Fire!"

Their artillery fire sounded, and so did Jing Shirong's artillery fire.

 With the "rumbling" sound of artillery fire exploding, smoke rose on the battlefield and sparks flew everywhere.

When the artillery fire was over, the soldiers from both sides rushed forward with their swords raised.

 “Go for it!”


 The two parties charged head-on and started fighting each other.

Several princes from Yiguo also went out to kill one by one.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming also went to the battlefield together, and they struck quickly and accurately.

They have high martial arts skills. One person can kill fifty people, and two of them combined can kill 500 people on the other side.

Upon seeing this, the eldest prince of Yiguo immediately came over to fight with the two of them.

 His martial arts skills are lower, but his strength is better.

 The second princes also chased after them and worked together to capture Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming looked at each other and immediately jumped up from their horses.

 The two of them used their swords together to deal with the six princes of the Yi Kingdom.

The six princes formed a circle, surrounded them, and stabbed them with their swords.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming pointed their toes to the ground, stepped on each other's knife handle, rotated their legs, clamped the eldest prince's neck, turned their bodies several times in thirty-six and five degrees, and broke the eldest prince's neck in one fell swoop. .

The remaining princes were shocked. They never expected that their eldest brother would die so quickly. They all glared at Jing Shirong angrily.


 “Brothers, kill him!”

 “Here comes the cannon!”

It's a pity that the cannons were all blown up just now, so now we can only fight hand to hand.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming would be physically exhausted if they were to deal with six strong men weighing more than 200 kilograms.

If you can kill the eldest prince, you can already win in a dangerous situation.

The remaining five princes are still in good physical strength, and they all rushed over with a ruthless face.

"kill him!"

 “Kill! Avenge my eldest brother!”

They were furious and started to chop hard.

Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming hid quickly, otherwise they would be chopped into pieces.

 Seeing that they kept hiding, the five princes were so angry that they took it out on Ling Jun and killed more than a hundred people in one go.

Jing Shirong's eyebrows turned cold and he hurriedly went to help. The battlefield was now in chaos. Both armies and horses were fighting, and the shouts were deafening.

Sister Ying watched in horror upstairs, but she calmed herself down, took Jing Shirong's special bow and arrow, lit the kerosene, pulled the bow, and aimed it at the backs of the five princes.

   "咻!"", hitting the target.

Although it only hit the back and did not kill the opponent, once the fierce fire oil started to burn, the prince had no time to kill the person.

Sister Yang also took a bow and arrow mixed with fire oil and shot it with accurate aim.

Their actions quickly attracted the attention of Scar's military advisor.

Scar's military advisor looked coldly at the city wall and saw two slender figures. He seemed to have thought of something. He immediately raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer, then raised his hand and asked his men to bring the ammunition.

 “Go up to the ladder and throw the ammunition up there for me.”


The soldiers quickly leaned the ladder against the city wall and tried to climb up.

 But the Ling army above could not let them come up.

So the bows and arrows continued to shoot down, and the stones and sand were thrown away together.

 One of the Yajun soldiers was attacked and unfortunately fell down, but the Yajun soldiers behind them kept climbing up and even started throwing ammunition.

That ammunition has been improved and is very powerful. Although it cannot blow up the city wall, it can injure people.

So they threw ammunition upward one after another. When other soldiers saw it, they immediately ordered people to fight back.

 “Quick, throw down the ammunition!”

Ling Jun's ammunition was quickly thrown down, and the Yajun army was also hit and fell down one after another.

 The military advisor saw the time and asked them to shoot arrows filled with kerosene.


Sister Ying quickly shouted, "Defense!"

Ling Jun immediately raised the shield in his hand and blocked the sharp arrow.

 The archers from behind immediately came up and Sister Ying gave the order, "Shoot!"

She held up her shield and looked down to check the situation, and asked someone to bring up the lubricant she had prepared earlier.

 “Pour the peanut oil down and pour it on their hands.”


 The soldiers hid under their shields and began to pour lubricating oil and peanut oil down.

These slick hands are very slippery. Once they fell down, Yajun couldn't hold on to the ladder and started to slide down.

 Then a steady stream of oil was carried up and poured down on the enemy army.

 Then chili powder and boil water.

 “Ah sneeze! Ah!”

First sneeze, then your hand slips and falls.

When the military advisor saw this, his chest heaved with anger.

 “Go, let those flying bats come down, bring the fierce fire and oil, I don’t believe they can’t be burned today.”

He had long ago developed a bamboo bat that could carry people flying based on historical records. As long as he flew down from a high place, he could throw the ammunition in his hand onto the city wall and kill those Ling troops.

But this area is empty, except for Ling Jun's city wall, there are only mountains in the distance.

The wind direction is neither too strong nor too weak today. As long as the flight goes smoothly, you can fly to Lingjun's city wall and throw down the ammunition and fire oil.

 It will be perfect when Ling Jun suffers heavy losses.

So the military advisor ordered them to "fly!"

The group of monks on the mountain received the order, lay down on the bamboo bats, and slid down.

 Following the wind, they really flew a hundred meters away.

Sister Ying looked up and saw those huge bamboo bats.

 That is a plane made of bamboo, which relies on wind power to fly.

Sister Ying looked through the binoculars and saw that those people had bags of fire oil in their hands. Because it was packed in a bag, the kerosene kept dripping down.

Sister Ying secretly thought something was wrong, so she immediately drew her bow and arrow, lit the arrow, pointed it at the bag containing kerosene, and shot it at once.


The enemy on the bamboo bat was originally pulling the kerosene bag to fall down, but before he could get close to the city wall, the rocket head came over.

The kerosene caught fire very quickly. As soon as the fire touched the bag, it ignited immediately. Yajun was so frightened that he dropped the bag of kerosene in his hand.

 (End of this chapter)

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