The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1078: , the origin of Military Advisor Scar

 Chapter 1078, The Origin of Strategic Advisor Scar

The commanding general on the city wall also saw the bamboo bats flying in the sky. He was about to give orders when he heard what Sister Ying said.

“Archers, get ready, aim at those people’s bags of kerosene, and shoot for me!”

 The soldiers knew that she was Jing Shirong's wife and inexplicably trusted her.

Especially because of her quick reaction just now, the soldiers in the congregation did not hesitate, drew their bows and arrows and started shooting at the kerosene bags.

If it were normal times, they would shoot people instinctively.

 But after listening to the words of the general's wife, it is indeed more effective to shoot the kerosene bag.

 “Next, throw the eagle hook and pull down their bamboo bats.”

In order to prevent the opponent from still having ammunition, Sister Ying started to have people throw hooks when the bamboo bats came over.

 Because the hook was heavy and the throwers were professional soldiers, the hook immediately caught the wings of the bamboo bats.

Sister Ying raised her hand, "Pull down!"

All the soldiers worked together and immediately brought down the bamboo bats.

The soldiers did not expect that the opponent was so powerful, so they threw all the ammunition at them in anger.

As soon as the general upstairs saw this, he immediately fired the last big iron cannon.


 "Bang bang bang!" There was a loud noise, the big iron cannon collided with the small ammunition, and another group of people died.

 Seeing so many injured and dead people, Sister Ying let out a long sigh.

 She really still doesn’t like fighting.

 But today's war was initiated by the Yi Kingdom. If we don't win, there may be countless wars in the future, so we must win this war!

 Only by winning this battle will the world be at peace in the next hundred years.

She glanced coldly at the soldiers under the city wall, and finally glanced at Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

 The two men were sitting on horseback fighting against the five princes, and their bodies were covered with wounds.

 But the other party couldn't get any advantage, and three of the five princes had already died.

  The number of people lost by the two sides is almost the same. Both sides have lost more than 10,000 people so far.

 In the past, the Yi army relied on many artillery bombardments and killed many of them.

Looking at their rear, it seems that there are no big iron cannons.

Sister Ying is thinking about whether to let all the soldiers in the city go down at once and attack them quickly and accurately.

But she is not the third princess and does not have the power to give orders.

While she was thinking, the third princess suddenly came back.

She came galloping forward on horseback. As soon as she reached the battlefield, she jumped up from her horse and pounced on them, killing the remaining two princes.

 Although she rushed back day and night, she was still in good physical condition and full of strength.

 After beheading the two princes, Ling Jun suddenly became excited.


Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming were also very happy.

 “The general is back?”

The third princess snorted with a cold face, held up the token, and said with great momentum, "Listen to the order, the thirty thousand soldiers in the city, open the city gate, and all move out!"

Her voice was sonorous and powerful, and the soldiers immediately executed it. Their momentum suddenly rose, as if they had found the backbone.

This group of soldiers admired her very much and had fought with her. They immediately opened the city gate without any reservation and came out to line up.

The third princess went to lead the team and directly led 30,000 soldiers to charge into the battle.


The soldiers were full of passion and raised their swords, "Kill!!"

Yu Jun was caught off guard by the sudden high morale of his opponent and some retreated.

When General Scar saw this, his face was very cold and he asked someone to bring the poison that had been prepared in advance.

"Follow the wind and spread the poison." Yajun was worried, "But, will our own people be poisoned too?"

General Scar, "What are you afraid of? I gave them the antidote before coming here."

Yi Jun felt relieved and immediately went to spread poison.

As soon as the poison came out, Sister Yang smelled it. She immediately took out the antidote powder that she had prepared in advance and sprinkled it out.

The third princess also smelled the smell and immediately told the soldiers, "Hold your breath!"

 As long as you don’t inhale it, the powder will disperse after being blown by the wind for a while.

Even if you are poisoned, as long as you don't eat it, you won't die immediately.

Jing Shirong finally figured out that what happened today must be related to the scar military advisor who was hiding behind the team, so he immediately went to report to the third princess.

After hearing this, the third princess drew her bow and arrow, pointed it in the direction of the military advisor, and shot at him.

Her archery skills were fierce, and she shot three arrows, but they missed the military commander Scar, and instead shot to death the three soldiers in front of the military commander Scar.

Strategic Advisor Scar looked directly at each other. The two faced each other with murderous intent in their eyes.

Jing Shirong felt strange, "General, do you think those eyes are a bit familiar?"

 The two of them have been in the capital since childhood and have a photographic memory. They can basically remember any suspicious people.

That scarred military advisor’s eyes looked really familiar, and I always felt like I’d seen them before somewhere.

Jing Shirong’s eyes widened, “It’s King Dier.”

The third princess was also stunned, "Second uncle?"

  King Dier is the half-brother of the emperor and can also be considered a prince.

But his mother was a maid of honor to the Queen Mother, and the only way she could get pregnant was because the Queen Mother charmed the emperor when she was pregnant.

 The Queen Mother fell out with her since then, but in order to maintain the image of a disdainful Queen Mother, she did not deal with the mother and son.

  But King Dier has been smart since he was a child, and is especially talented in arms.

 The late emperor admired him even more, and promoted his mother's status one after another, thinking that if his mother's concubine had a high status, it would also be good for him in the future.

 The Queen Mother never dreamed that the mother and son would not only betray her, but even compete with her son for position, she couldn't bear it immediately.

So the two women began to fight in the palace.

 If the mother doesn’t get along, the children will naturally get along too.

So the two pairs of mother and son kept fighting with each other, neither giving in to the other, but secretly killing each other.

The final trigger that turned them against each other was actually the late emperor's preference.

 The late emperor did not like the son of the palace maid at first.

But King Dier was smart and talented in ammunition, and he helped him a lot, so he began to value his son.

He thought that if the position of prince could not be given to him in the future, he could be given the position of general Zhenguo and let him control the military power.

When the emperor heard that military power was going to be given to the son of this palace girl, he couldn't do anything, and he hated him so much.

Had the mother not been so soft-hearted, the mother and son would have been poisoned to death.

I didn’t expect that people were not only ungrateful, but also wanted to take their place. This is an unforgivable crime.

As a result, the grievances between the two parties became more and more serious. In the end, the former emperor died of illness, and the queen mother seized the opportunity to take over the crown prince's position, which became a foregone conclusion.

At that time, King Dier suspected the falsehood of this imperial edict. Neither mother nor son believed that the late emperor would pass on his position to them, so they rebelled overnight.

 Because King Dier has always been interested in gunpowder, he developed a large amount of gunpowder in the palace.

  On the night when he rebelled, the palace was bombed loudly.

Because of his move, he gave the emperor an excuse, saying that he had already planned it and was waiting for the death of the late emperor to change the throne.

After hearing this, all the officials felt that King Dier was too cruel.

The late emperor had just passed away and had not yet been buried. He bombed the palace and completely ignored the comfort of the late emperor's body. Didn't he chill the hearts of all the officials?

 (End of this chapter)

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