The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1079: , if you want to survive, pay for the food.

Chapter 1079: If you want to survive, pay for food

 Because King Dier was not of high birth, his mother was a palace maid, and his maternal ancestors were also slaves, so he was inferior in status.

In addition, the emperor never revealed that he wanted to pass the crown prince's position to him, so the officials believed that he was cruel and unkind and wanted to kill his brother to ascend the throne.

Although there are some officials who support him, the bombing of the palace is a fact. If they dare to speak out, wouldn't they become a group?

 So those supporters acted according to the situation and did not say anything.

Since no one could speak for King Dier, the emperor was convinced that he was cruel, unfaithful and unfilial, and immediately sent people to capture him.

Seeing that the wind was turning, King Dier knew that the situation was over, so he simply tried his best and continued to explode.

 With this explosion, the good reputation will be completely lost.

 The entire palace was engulfed in flames, and the emperor was eager to put out the fire, so he gave up tracking him.

He thought that if he could escape, the monk would not be able to escape from the temple, so he went to take the palace maid and the imperial concubine as a hostage.

It happened that the palace maid was also ruthless and committed suicide without giving the emperor a chance to be a hostage.

 It was also because of the death of this noble concubine that King Dier hated the emperor.

 The emperor has a clear conscience. The position of prince was originally passed on to him by his father.

  It was King Dier who wanted to blow up the palace, and it was also his mother who wanted to commit suicide. It was not him who killed her, so why should she hate him.

He didn't blame King Dier for blowing up his father's palace, which caused heavy losses to the treasury and made life difficult for two years.

He just let that **** run away.

 He sent people to chase him, but the other party evaded him.

Until one time, we finally caught up with him, but the opponent had ammunition in his hand, and the bombs were blowing up, and the hidden guard was also dead.

But King Dier couldn't do anything better, and his face was injured by the explosion.

 Finally the guards went to check and saw a corpse that looked exactly like the body of King Dier. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and thought he was dead.

 The emperor was suspicious and did not think he was dead.

But he thought, in a fight between brothers, even if the quarrel reached this point, the other party would be injured in the bombing. As long as he didn't show up in the future, he would be spared his life.

Even gave him the title of "King of Dier" and buried his mother properly, which was an end to all the grudges between the two.

Who would have thought that this evil beast not only survived, but also went to the country to recover from his injuries, and even helped others develop large iron cannons, and even helped others find powerful fire oil.

Upon seeing this, the third princess sent someone to deliver a letter to the emperor immediately.

 When the emperor knew this, he almost died of anger.

"That evil beast actually united the army to deal with his own people. You beast, you should not have let him go in the first place!"

 “Go, let the third princess bring the man back, I will deal with him personally!”

The third princess has not received any letters yet. She is thinking the same as the emperor and wants to capture King Dier as soon as possible.

Now that the opponent had no weapons, the third princess jumped up and rushed over, heading straight for King Dier.

When King Dier saw that his poison and ammunition were useless, he knew that the situation was over.

 He turned around and wanted to run away, but the third princess had already chased him, and a sharp square halberd was fired straight at him. Pricking directly into the carriage next to his ear.

The one with such sharp force cut off the hair on his ears.

 When he looked up, the third princess had already appeared in front of him.

 “Second uncle, long time no see.”

King Di'er clenched his fists and said, "Oh, I don't count you as your second uncle. Your second uncle has died long ago."

The third princess sneered, "I don't know whether you are dead or not, but your face is very impressive to me."

The emperor has always regarded King Dier as the most dangerous person. After his death, he even drew a portrait of King Dier to remind the children of this face and to tell them that this person was a bad person.

Lest the other party really fake his death and take revenge one day.

 He recognized him, but the children did not, so the portrait of King Dier always hung.

 Hundred officials didn't know the truth, and thought that the emperor was so kind that he remembered his deceased brothers so much that they had no relationship with each other, and even sang his praises for a long time.

The third princess had heard about this second uncle's deeds when she was a child, but she thought he was dead. Who would have thought that he was not dead and even came to the country of Yi?

 She put a square halberd on King Di'er's shoulder and asked him, "Were those big iron cannons developed by you for the Yi Kingdom?"

 “And those ammunition are also yours?”

King Di'er has heard of the third princess's name, and also knows that she is very fierce on the battlefield.

 He had a confrontation with this niece many years ago.

 It's just that he didn't show up at that time, but he had seen her ability to lead troops secretly.

I didn’t expect that **** emperor to have such a capable daughter.

It's a pity that when he fled the capital, he didn't have any children. Until so many years, he was alone, and he was really unwilling to do so.

The third princess saw the unwillingness on his face and said coldly, "If you have anything to say, go back and tell His Majesty."

 Speaking, he knocked him unconscious.

Then he picked up his collar and dragged him back directly.

Jing Shirong has almost finished fighting here.

 As long as there are no big iron cannons, his formation is the strongest among the strongest.

He only used 20,000 men to capture the opponent's 30,000 men.

Yijun saw that the situation was over and had no motivation to fight anymore.

This time I came out with all my heart, but I didn't expect that they only used 20,000 people to capture all of them.

The third princess happened to be back with the people. When the army saw that all the military advisors had been captured, they still had no fighting spirit. They were so sad that they had no desire to live anymore.

The third princess was kind again, with a cold face and a loud voice, "We in the Ling Kingdom have always loved peace and have never taken the initiative to provoke you. This time, it is because this over-the-top military advisor incited you that we let you fight."

  "I will put this debt on the head of the military advisor."

"If you don't want to die, just obey and I won't arrest you. I can even let you go back, but you have to give me something in exchange!"

Yijun looked at each other after hearing this.

"This? The third princess is willing to let us go?"

"real or fake?"

Several princes are dead, can the third princess let them go?

The third princess was riding on horseback, her voice was sonorous and powerful, "I always keep my word. I will send someone back to tell you, the king, that as long as there is no war in thirty years, I will let you go back."

“Of course, bring me all the grain and grass in your granary, otherwise, you will leave it here today!”

The soldiers understood that the third princess did not need to kill them, but she had to exchange them for food.

 To say that just now they were determined to be executed and did not struggle.

 But now that they heard that they can live, everyone still wants to live.

 One of the young generals heard this and immediately asked, "Does the third princess keep her word?"

 The third princess kept saying, "Naturally."

 The general was very grateful and immediately sent someone to ask King Yiguo.

The king of Yiguo was worried in the tent at this time, fearing that they would fail and lose all their money.

But the military advisor seems to be very smart, so he shouldn’t lose too badly, right?

 But thinking about it, their number is still not enough. Although there are many large iron cannons, they still feel unreliable.

 He walked around the tent, worried that he could neither eat nor sleep.

At this moment, the soldiers outside came to report, "Your Majesty, it's not good, our entire army has been wiped out!"

 (End of this chapter)

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