Chapter 1080: The twins are here

The great king of Yiguo fell down and almost lost his footing.

 “What? The whole army was wiped out?”

“Yes, all five princes are gone.”

The King of Yiguo's eyes turned black and he almost fell into coma.

 “All dead??”

 He covered his heart and wanted to cry, "My son~~"

"Your Majesty, don't cry first, we still have 20,000 troops in the hands of the third princess."

The king of Yiguo sat down weakly and asked, "The third princess is back?"

Didn’t you say you were going back to the capital? Why come back so soon?

The soldier didn’t know either, so he hurriedly said, “The third princess said that as long as you hand over all the food in the warehouse, the 20,000-strong army will be released. Look.”

The king of Yiguo regrets that he did not dare to listen to that dog-headed military advisor in the first place.

 With powerful iron cannons, you dare to fight others directly.

But I didn’t expect that they had more troops and stronger strength, but in the end they miscalculated.

 “Your Majesty, those 20,000 soldiers”

These are 20,000 national troops. If you don't save them, you would be very unhuman.

The king of Yiguo also felt sorry for his soldiers. He waved his hands heartbrokenly and said, "Go and hand over all the food."

 The soldier's eyes lit up, "Yes."

 Fortunately, the king is still their good king.

The guards quickly transported the food and grass, and the warehouses were emptied.

 After the third princess saw the grain and grass, she really kept her promise.

“Now that the food and grass have arrived, you can go back.”

“But I have agreed in advance that if you dare to come to Fan again in the next thirty years, food will not be able to save you.”

Twenty thousand troops lowered their heads and did not dare to fight.

 Although they are very ambitious.

But after comparing it, I did find that Ling Jun's brains are better. No matter what tricks they come up with, they can be picked up, and they can even counterattack an entire army.

 They lose because of their brains.

 It seems that we need to let more children read in the future. We really can’t win if we don’t read.

 The third princess raised her hand and said, "Let him go."

The 20,000-strong army returned in despair. When the King of Yi saw them, he had a headache and a pain in his body, which lasted for several months.

When Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming saw this, they both admired the three princesses.

 According to their intention, they also want to put people back.

Even though they have no friends on the battlefield, now that the war is over, they don’t want to kill so many people.

 Furthermore, with the financial resources of Yiyi, it would be impossible for them to send more troops for thirty years.

 Coupled with the fact that their food supplies have been emptied, eating has been a problem this year, so I guess they won’t be able to behave like monsters anymore.

 The third princess looked cold, but she was very upright.

 She grabbed the man and prepared to go back to Beijing.

 Leave Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming to clean up the battlefield.

 “I’m going back first, you can take care of the aftermath.”

 She still believed in the abilities of Jing Shirong and Qi Yuanming.

Even if she doesn't come back, they can win this battle.

Jing Shirong hummed and took the people to clean up the battlefield.

The city wall was blown up and several holes were created, and people had to be sent to repair these.

The dead soldiers must also be given consolation payments and their families must be accommodated.

There are still many things to deal with, and we need to do them one by one.

When Sister Ying saw that the matter was settled, her body softened and she went back in the carriage with Sister Yang.

 After the two arrived home, the nearby people were also called back.

 When everyone heard that the war was over, they breathed a sigh of relief and went back to cook.

After Sister Ying and Sister Yang arrived home, the secret guards quickly brought the children back.

As soon as the four children came back and saw their little faces, which were still strong, they burst into tears when they saw their mother.


 “Woooo~I’m scared~”

 After all, children will still be scared if they are woken up by the sound of a big iron cannon in the middle of the night. When Qi Qi woke up and couldn't see his mother, he almost cried out of fear.

 Fortunately, they have all been taught to calm down before encountering problems and wait until the matter is resolved before crying, so they behaved well all night and neither cried nor made trouble.

 It wasn’t until I saw Sister Ying coming back that I came over to cry.

Sister Ying has been standing for so long, and her physical strength has long been exhausted.

  This will make me unable to move even while lying in bed.

 “What’s the matter? Are you scared?”

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze hugged her, "Well, I'm scared to death. Where did mom go?"

Sister Ying touched their heads and said, "I'm going to find your father. Don't be afraid. It's okay."

Xiao Miguo saw that she looked very tired, so she held back what she wanted to ask, "Mom, are you tired? Then you can have a good sleep. We'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Sister Ying's eyes were about to close, she sighed and fell asleep.

The two children looked at each other. Seeing that their mother was so tired, one behaved better than the other. They quietly hugged Sister Ying and fell asleep next to her.

 When she woke up the next day, Sister Ying felt alive.

As soon as she woke up, the two children sat next to her and played without going anywhere, as if they were afraid that she would disappear again.

Sister Ying smiled and touched the back of their heads, "Why are you still in the house?"

As soon as Xiao Miguo saw that she was awake, she immediately rushed over and hugged her, "I want to be with my mother."

Xiao Dongze also hugged her, "Me too."

 Sister Ying was moved to see how well-behaved the son and the daughter were.

“Okay, okay, mother won’t leave.”

 “By the way, where are your younger brothers and sisters?”

It suddenly occurred to me that she had given birth to twins, a boy and a boy.

The secret guard was ashamed and thought that it was enough for Madam to be so forgetful.

Sister Ying herself was embarrassed and said quickly, "Bring the child over quickly and let me take a look."

The wet nurse quickly brought over the two children, a son and a daughter, who were both sleeping in their blankets.

 “Madam, this is the young master.”

The wet nurse first held the little son to her, and then put the little girl over.

Sister Ying lowered her head and looked at the eldest son. He was a son, and his facial features were very similar to Jing Shirong.

 Looking at the little daughter again, her facial features actually look a bit like hers. Her little face is round, her little hair is soft, and her little baby’s mouth is red and pouty, as if she’s eating something. She’s so cute.

It really gets cuter the more I look at it.

 Was she so cute when she was a child?

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze also came around to take a look.

“Mom, my sister looks like you.”

 Four children, three of them are more beautiful than Jing Shirong.

Only the fourth child is more like Sister Ying.

 The two children kept watching the fourth child, and they all liked it.

 The third child seemed to be unhappy when he was left aside and ignored, and he suddenly opened his mouth and started crying.

 “Woah, woah~” I cried loudly.

Sister Ying smiled, hugged her and kissed her, "What's the matter? Are you hungry?"

The wet nurse came over to feed her, but she refused to eat. Instead, she cried very loudly.

Sister Ying checked his diaper and found that it was wet, so she quickly changed it and it was cured.

My mother-in-law took the baby and was about to feed it when she stopped eating.

Still crying.

 When he cried, the fourth sister also cried.

 Two babies cried at the same time, and the crying was really annoying.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze felt they were noisy, so they patiently helped to calm them down, saying, "Brother, be good and don't cry."

 But the third child kept crying and crying, and the fourth sister also cried and cried.

They continued to cry like this, and Xiao Dongze and Xiao Mi, who were crying, covered their ears and ran away immediately, "Mom, we still have morning classes, let's go out first." The one who ran shouted faster.

Sister Ying is speechless.

"Why are you going? Why don't you help me?"

 But the two heartless little ones ran away long ago without even looking back.

 (End of this chapter)

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