Chapter 1081, two cute little guys

Sister Ying couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry. She shook her head and could only comfort herself.

 She first picked up her third son and sang a few lullabies.

I thought it would have no effect, but after humming a few words gently, the little thing actually calmed down.

He didn’t cry, and the fourth sister didn’t cry either. It was really amazing.

 It is said that twins have telepathy, but I don’t know if it is true.

Sister Ying held her third son in her arms, looked down at her little girl, and wanted to give her a naughty pinch, but was reluctant, so she sneered and resigned herself to her fate.

The wet nurse had the foresight and immediately picked up the little fourth sister to feed her.

Sister Ying didn’t feel any **** at first, but when she saw her daughter eating, she felt it immediately.

 Open your clothes immediately to feed the child.

As soon as the third child smelled the fragrance of milk, he immediately began to eat with a groan. The little baby's mouth was smacked, and he ate as hard as he could.

Sister Ying made a hissing noise and pinched his little face, "Take it easy, mother, or I won't let you eat."

 The little guy was not afraid at all, but he ate very hard.

Sister Ying immediately removed it for him, hoping to change his intensity.

 But as soon as it was taken off, people immediately opened their mouths and started crying.

This crying posture is really like a naughty child.

 She had no choice but to continue feeding.

 Fortunately, after eating it for a while, the strength was reduced, otherwise the skin would have broken.

Seeing this, the nanny smiled and said to her, "My young master didn't like eating my **** very much before. He took one bite and stopped for two, but it made me anxious to death. He may be being cruel now, so he should use more force. I will respond later." Not anymore."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "Is that so?"

She didn’t expect that her youngest son wouldn’t eat the nanny’s food. She thought he was full already.

 I didn’t expect this boy to be so difficult to take care of.

 Just like the little Miguo when he was a child, he didn’t eat the wet nurse, he only recognized her.

On the other hand, the fourth sister was obedient and ate food in the nanny's arms without causing any fuss.

  When I was brought back to her arms after I was full, she was also well-behaved and as cuddly as I wanted.

Sister Ying fell in love with her pouting little mouth.

He kissed her lovingly several times and said, "My dear baby, you are so cute."

 The third child had just finished eating and was put aside. Seeing that no one was holding him and his sister was not around, he immediately started to cry insecurely.

 “Woo-ah, woah-wah.”

 The cry was so loud that the servants outside the door heard it.

Sister Ying couldn't laugh or cry, "Okay, okay, don't cry, I'll just hug you."

 She put the fourth sister down and picked him up, and she stopped crying immediately.

Sister Ying was ashamed and thought to herself that she would not have to carry this boy until he was one year old, right?

They say you should hug less during the confinement period, otherwise your waist will be strained, and she understands this very well.

So she coaxed the third child and put him on the bed, ready to lie down with the twins.

 But the lad, the third child, was obviously not happy to put it on the bed. He cried as soon as he put it down, and cried as soon as he put it down.

Sister Ying feels sorry for them because they are nine-month-old premature babies, so she should pamper them more.

 It just so happens that the third child is a pushover.

As long as you let him go, he will cry deafeningly.

Feed him more slowly, as if he was taking revenge on you. He was eating so hard that Sister Ying almost beat him.

  Feed it to the wet nurse. If she doesn't eat it, then take it from her.

Sister Ying has only been taking care of her for one day, and she is already going crazy.

 I have brought up so many children, but none of them are as noisy as this kid. He is not considerate at all, and he is not a good boy like his mother at all. But it’s useless to get angry with him. He’s just a baby, and he’s still a baby with a temper.

  Everyone says that a newborn baby is a blank slate, but a person’s personality is already there from birth.

 For example, some babies love to cry as soon as they are born.

 Some people just don’t like to cry, no matter how much you tease them, this is their personality that was born in the mother’s womb.

For example, the third child in her family is really convinced and has such a big temper. If you don't take good care of him, people will not let you go and serve you with a loud voice.

 In the next month, apart from confinement, Sister Ying will compete with him in a battle of wits and courage.

This brat needs to be hugged every day. Even if he goes to sleep, he has to be coaxed to sleep before he can be put down. Otherwise, he will cry to you.

Sister Ying didn't want to get used to his bad habits, so she let him go a few times and let him cry, hoping to wait until he stopped crying before hugging him.

  But people just don’t admit defeat.

 Just crying, and it’s not a violent cry, it’s a whimpering cry, a cry of pity for Aba.

The little mouth curled up and glanced, humming and whining, looking for mother, and the little expression looked as pitiful as possible.

Sister Ying was convinced, put him on the bed, lay down and hugged him. Reason with him, "Your mother and I are in confinement, and my third child's waist is no longer good. Please calm down for me, and I will play with you when you are older. Don't torture me."

The third child hummed for a long time, and saw his mother talking about words he didn’t understand, and finally fell asleep due to the chanting.

 After the crying stopped, the room became quiet again.

The two little guys were cute and sweet, sleeping side by side, with their little fists placed next to their little heads in sync, and their little mouths pouting, looking as cute as possible.

  I didn’t have time to look at them when they were born, so I lay on the bed and looked at the two little guys carefully.

Although they were born prematurely, the two little guys weighed in at 4 pounds and were both healthy.

She is relatively small, and her little hands and feet are too thin, which makes Sister Ying feel distressed.

 Happily, they can eat and sleep, even if they cry a little, it’s okay.

Just after he praised him, the third child closed his eyes and groaned, feeling hungry again.

Sister Ying was convinced by him, so she quickly took off her clothes and fed him.

The little guy didn't even open his eyes. He kept eating with his eyes closed.

 After eating, he lowered his little hands and fell asleep again.

The fourth sister has been very good throughout the whole process. Even when she wakes up, she waits obediently and doesn't cry or make trouble. It's really rare.

Sister Ying saw her waiting obediently, and looked at her softly and cutely with her big eyes, like a little white rabbit.

Sister Ying's heart softened, "My dear, are you hungry? Mom will feed you right away."

 After putting the third child down, he brought the fourth sister over to feed him.

The little girl is so soft and soft, her little face is softly arched against Sister Ying, she is obviously very hungry.

Sister Ying quickly fed her, and the little girl started to eat hungrily.

 When you are full, you will return to your leisurely state.

Sister Ying watched her take one bite and stop after another. She thought she didn't want to eat anymore and wanted to take it away for her. But the little girl seemed to realize that her rations were about to be taken away, and she started gobbling them up again as if to protect her food.

Sister Ying was stunned for a moment, then she became happy.

  "Okay, okay, I won't rob you, just eat slowly."

A little girl, she is so small, how can she have such a big appetite? She can still eat even when she is full.

Sister Ying touched her belly and found that it was round and still eating, so she immediately stopped.

 “It’s time to stop eating. It’s time to go to bed.”

But the little guy didn't seem to have enough to eat. He looked at Sister Ying with tears in his eyes. He was so pitiful.

Sister Ying was so happy that she lowered her head and sniffed her neck, "Hmm~ It smells so good, baby, but you have eaten a lot, and your belly is bulging, so don't eat anymore."

The fourth sister didn't understand. She looked at her mother with moist eyes. Finally, she realized that she didn't have anything to eat, so she groaned, closed her eyes and fell asleep slowly.

The fairies have been very quiet recently~



 (End of this chapter)

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