The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1082: , twins are not easy to take care of

Chapter 1082: Twins are difficult to take care of

Sister Ying saw her moaning and falling asleep without even shedding a single tear. She thought to herself that the little girl was really pragmatic. She slept obediently when she couldn't eat and didn't make herself uncomfortable at all. She was very smart.

 After the two little guys fell asleep, Xiaomiguo and the others also came down from reading.

 The steps he walked into the house also knew how to handle it with care.


Sister Ying gestured "Shh" to them.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze immediately walked over cautiously, lay beside the bed and looked at their two sleeping brothers and sisters.

Xiao Miguo whispered, "You can be considered asleep."

 She said she was disgusted, but she still lovingly kissed the two little guys’ little hands. "Still asleep and cute."

Sister Ying smiled and said, "They were born prematurely. Let's take more care of them and beat them after they are healthy, okay?"

Xiao Miguo covered her mouth and snickered, "Okay."

Xiao Dongze waved his hands magnanimously like a young adult, "I'm an elder brother. If I don't have the same experience as them, just cry."

 At worst, he can run away.

Xiao Miguo rolled her eyes at him and said, "De Xing, have you finished writing all those copybooks?"

 She is now responsible for overseeing Xiao Dongze's homework, and she is very strict.

When Xiao Dongze heard that he wanted to check his homework, he was depressed and said, "I'll write it later."

 It’s still early.

Xiao Miguo tugged his ear and said, "It's still early, it's already this hour. If you don't write for a while, you will go to bed. Go write quickly!"

Xiao Dongze was very angry and didn’t want to go.

 “I’ll write it later, I don’t want you to worry about it.”

  Xiao Miguo groaned, "You don't want me to ignore you? I study better than you, so I can take care of you. If you have the ability, you can study like me. Then I won't care about you."

Xiao Dongze was angry, "Humph, just wait, I will definitely learn better than you after a few years."

 Sister will no longer be able to control him then, huh.

Xiao Miguo clasped her fists in her hands, like a big sister, "You can show off your strength after you have learned well, and practice calligraphy for me."

 Speaking, regardless of Xiao Dongze's objections, he dragged him away.

The two siblings went upstairs to do their homework, while Sister Ying got up to take a shower and change clothes.

  I was too tired to take a shower yesterday. The weather is nice now, so I should wash up quickly to avoid getting bacteria on my body.

The servant understood her and immediately went to boil water for her.

The maid helped her wash her hair with a medicinal bath, dried it, and then refused to let her go out.

“Madam, you can have a good confinement at home for the next few days, but you can’t go out again.”

 Before, I had no choice but to go out, but now that the war is over, I have no choice but to sit in confinement.

 If the body is broken, the gains outweigh the losses.

Sister Ying agreed, "I know, I won't go out anymore, I will just take care of myself at home."

 Health is the capital of survival. She also wants to take a good rest for a while to recuperate her body.

By the way, I spend time with my two children at home. After all, both children are premature babies, so they still need to be taken good care of.

The maid brought the food in and said, "It's windy and sandy outside, so you can eat in the house this month."

Sister Ying has no objection. The city wall is going to be built, and it will definitely be under construction for some time to come.

Her room is also quite big, so she can do activities in the room.

 Have two meat and two vegetables for dinner, along with two bowls of soup. These are all recipes given by Mr. Zhong.

Sister Ying has tried his recipe and it is indeed very nourishing, but a little oily.

 She asked the kitchen to use less oil and try to keep it as light as possible, otherwise she would not be able to eat it.

 The kitchen knows her well and cooks everything according to her preferences.

After finishing the meal, Sister Ying stood up and tidied her things before lying back down again.

 The two children slept for a while and woke up again an hour later, opening their mouths to eat.

Sister Ying lay down to feed her. She was afraid that she would not be able to feed her, so she asked the wet nurse to pick up the fourth sister and feed her.

 The fourth sister didn’t pick on anyone at first and ate well.

 But as I ate and slept with Sister Ying every day, I seemed to feel that this was my biological mother, so I was no longer willing to be held by the nanny. If Sister Ying doesn't hug her, she will moan and cry.

 The little girl is small, and her cries are small and painful.

Sister Ying felt really distressed after hearing this, and immediately stretched out her hand to hug her over. Let the third child feed the wet nurse.

 But the third child only recognized her and cried as soon as he took her away.

Both the son and the daughter were crying. Sister Ying’s son had a big head, and he couldn’t hold one or that one. In the end, he stopped holding them and put them both on the bed.

“Okay, stop crying, guess the game, whoever wins gets to eat first.”

 Speaking, he grabbed two little hands and played rock, paper, scissors at the same time.

It was all a joke at first, but the third child actually opened his hand, as if he wanted to catch something.

 The fourth sister turned into stone if she kept clenching her fists.

So the third player in rock, paper, scissors won.

Sister Ying kissed her fourth sister and said, "Your third brother has won. Feed him first this time. Remember to give him a cloth next time."

 She was talking to the fourth sister and feeding the third child.

 Lao San wolfed down the food as if he was afraid he wouldn't be able to eat it.

 The fourth sister burst into tears when she saw her mother talking to her all the time but not feeding her.

  “Wow~Wow~” She was also hungry.

Sister Ying felt distressed, "I'm done, don't cry, you can eat too."

 Speaking, he hugged and fed him directly.

 The third child was fed while lying down.

The fourth sister finally stopped eating.

 The two little guys had something to eat, so they became quiet.

 Sister Ying’s hands were very sore, so the maid came to help her hold them.

Sister Ying sighed with her arms sore.

“Sooner or later my ears will be ringing from their noise.”

Although it is recommended to breastfeed twins in person, it is really torturous to breastfeed twins.

There are obviously wet nurses here, but neither of them eats.

The key is that they all wake up at the same time and are hungry at the same time, which makes people collapse.

Sister Yang came over to see her and was very happy.

“How about you let them sleep at different times, so that one can sleep and the other wakes up. Otherwise, if you feed two of them at the same time, they won’t be sucked dry?”

Sister Ying lowered her head helplessly and looked at her slim waist, which was now eaten up.

  “You still say sarcastic words, and I’m almost sucked dry by them.”

 Originally, I felt pity for them being born prematurely and wanted to feed them myself.

 Now it seems that it is better for the twins to be fed by the wet nurse, as she is almost exhausted.

It just so happened that the two little guys stopped looking for a nurse since they slept in the same room with her.

Even the well-behaved fourth sister no longer wants to be fed by the wet nurse, which is really depressing.

Sister Yang didn't mind watching the excitement, "You have such a loving mother's heart that you want to feed it yourself. It would be great if you give it directly to the wet nurse, and you can still maintain your health."

Sister Ying was depressed, "I want to do it too, but what should I do now?"

  Although the two children are small, they are very smart and they actually know who is holding them.

 Isn’t it said that children under one month old do not recognize people? Why are these two little ones different from others?

Sister Yang smiled, "Otherwise, let them sleep with the nanny for a few nights."

“Children are not all like this, as long as they have a baby, they are their mothers. Just let them sleep with the nanny for a few nights and cultivate their relationship.”

Sister Ying didn’t think it was feasible. “These two little guys are very stubborn. I don’t want them to cry like that.”

 It is good for a child to cry, but it is bad to cry a lot.

 I keep crying so much that I eat air into my stomach, which makes my stomach bloated and becomes even more uncomfortable.

Sister Yang shrugged, "This won't work, that won't work, then I have nothing to do."

 (End of this chapter)

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