The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1083: , thank you for your hard work, General Jing

Chapter 1083 Thank you for your hard work, General Jing

Sister Ying thought for a while, "Forget it, let them stay with the wet nurse for a while and see their reaction."

Let the wet nurse come and stay with the three of them for a few days. After the children become familiar with the wet nurse, they may not cry so much.

So the wet nurse stayed in their house for the next few days.

When the child cries, he is held by the wet nurse. After a few days of holding him, he becomes familiar with it.

The nanny then tried to feed them pigeons, but the two little guys obviously didn't want to eat.

Sister Ying walked over and touched their little faces, and then they reluctantly took a few bites.

I was really hungry, so I started to caress my sister.

Sister Ying was already convinced, "Why is the wet nurse's milk poisonous? Is it so difficult for you to eat her milk?"

 Lao San and Xiao Si Mei didn’t understand, so they continued to **** her.

Sister Ying had a look of despair on her face, but she also thought it was funny. She had no choice but to continue feeding her.

But she also figured out a way, which is to catch whichever one wakes up first and feed it.

 When you are full, move on to the next one, and eat one at a time so that there is no imbalance in size.

 The third child is always the first to wake up, so he is the first to eat.

 After he finished eating, the fourth sister woke up slowly, and then Sister Ying turned over to feed her.

Now Sister Ying no longer holds and feeds her, she just lies down to feed her.

 If she hugged her all the time, her wrists and waist would become useless.

 Now it’s all in a way that is comfortable for her.

 If the money is not enough, just ask the wet nurse to come.

 The two little guys will be hungry if they don’t eat.

 The two children seemed to understand their mother's sternness and became much more well-behaved.

  If you are really hungry, just eat from the wet nurse, and treat it as fast food.

 Just feeding and taking care of the children every day, the days passed quickly.

 A month later, two large holes were repaired on the other side of the city wall.

 Then we have to continue repairing the wall that was blown up.

 Including the stables in the military camp, they need to be rebuilt.

Jing Shirong was so busy that he didn’t come back for a month.

Sister Ying understands him and won’t call him unless it’s a big deal.

 She is confinement at home, exercising, and taking care of her children. She has a sufficient life and does not have any extra time.

 After the weather got better, Sister Yang went to the herbal field carrying a bamboo basket and came back every night.

Little Yunduo and Xiaopangpang are both being taken care of by Xiaomiguo.

Xiao Miguo not only has to read and practice calligraphy every day, but also practice martial arts.

 The most important thing is to take care of three children.

But she has become perfect with practice, and she is also very proficient in raising her younger brothers and sisters.

 After school, first supervise the younger brothers and sisters to do their homework.

 Take them out to play after you finish writing.

 What the four children look forward to most every day is to go out and play. They play until dark every time before being brought back.

 As the eldest sister, Xiaomi Guo is the one who plays so much that she doesn’t want to go home.

Each time, they were brought back by the secret guards, two in each hand.

Sister Ying knew they were catching crickets when she saw that they were covered in dirt and grass clippings.

But he didn’t reprimand him, “Go and take a bath, and then come and eat.”

 The four children stuck out their tongues, laughed and ran away.

 After taking a shower, I went out to have dinner.

 The lamb pilaf was eaten in the evening. After the children played around, they had a big appetite and they all ate a small plate.

Sister Ying also ate a big plate.

 Just after eating, the two little guys in the room woke up.

This time Sister Ying did not go immediately, but asked the wet nurse to feed her first.

The two little guys are aware of current affairs. When they see that their mother has not come, they might as well feed the wet nurse first.

Sister Ying heard that there was no more noise in the house, so she finished her meal slowly and then went into the house.

As soon as they entered the house, the two little guys were excited when they saw her, and their little hands and feet fluttered.

Sister Ying lowered her head and kissed them, hugged and played with them for a while, and then put them to sleep.

 This is the advantage of babies in their infancy. They eat and sleep, and they are easy to take care of as long as they are not sick. Mother and son sleep together at night, and Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze sleep in a small bed.

 The third child and the fourth sister sleep in a crib.

Sister Ying sleeps on the big bed by herself.

The moon shines gently on the earth, the house is breathing quietly, and the whole family sleeps peacefully.

Jing Shirong came back the next morning.

 Just got home, the children are still sleeping.

He came in quietly, first went to kiss the two older children, and then went to look at the two younger ones in the crib.

This was the first time he saw his third son and his youngest daughter.

 The two little guys are the smaller one, with a fleshy little face and a round belly. They look so cute.

 He kissed the two younger ones lovingly, and then went to the big bed to see Sister Ying.

At this time, Sister Ying was fast asleep, her pajamas were all on her belly, and she had no appearance of sleeping at all.

Jing Shirong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He stretched out his hand to cover her with a quilt, then went to take a bath and came back to sleep with her.

 After dawn, Xiao Miguo woke up first, and then went to call Xiao Dongze.

 “Dongze, get up and go to school.”

Xiao Dongze made a sound and reluctantly stood up.

 “I want a mother.”

 As soon as I got up, I had to look for my mother.

Xiao Miguo pulled him out of bed, and the siblings went to the big bed together.

As soon as the two of them came over, they saw their biological father coming back, and their eyes suddenly lit up.


Jing Shirong seemed to be fast asleep and did not hear their voices.

Xiao Miguo guessed that her father must have not slept for several days, otherwise he would not have slept so hard.

So she took Xiao Dongze out carefully, fearing to disturb her own father while he was sleeping.

 The two little guys are very sensible. They brush their teeth and wash their faces, eat and go to school without bothering adults. They take care of themselves very well.

Until noon, Jing Shirong and Sister Ying were still awake, but the youngest and fourth sister were awake.

The first thing the third child did when he got up was to eat Nai. As soon as he snorted, Sister Ying sensed it. She immediately opened her eyes and went down to feed Nai in a daze.

As soon as he took a step forward, he stepped on the man next to him.


Jing Shirong groaned, covering her thighs, and pulled Sister Ying back.

“Madam, please be gentle, this is your treasure. I almost stepped on it.”

Sister Ying.

 “When did you come back?”

She rubbed her eyes, got out of bed first, and carried the third child out to the nurse. She also took the fourth sister with her.

 After the two little guys were taken away by the wet nurse, the room became quiet again.

Jing Shirong pulled her back to sleep, "Lie with me for a while longer."

Sister Ying lay with him and looked at his tired and handsome face.

 “Are you exhausted?”

Jing Shirong said silently, "It's not bad."

You are obviously very tired, but you still refuse to be persuaded.

Sister Ying smiled, lowered her head and kissed him, "Thank you for your hard work this time, a good general for the people."

Jing Shirong smiled with his eyes closed, his white teeth showing.

The thugs fished her over, lowered their heads and stamped her.

“Since I have worked so hard, then you can reward me.”

Sister Ying looked at his tired face and joked, "Brother, please calm down for a while and take care of yourself."

Jing Shirong opened his eyes and laughed, "What are you thinking about? I just want you to have a meal with me and help me comb my hair."

 “What do you think?”

Sister Ying coughed and smiled, "Then I didn't think you were 'hungry'."

Jing Shirong was happy, "I am hungry, but I have no strength. I will satisfy you next time."

Sister Ying.

"screw you."

 I don’t know, I thought she was hungry and thirsty, but he obviously wanted it, huh.

 (End of this chapter)

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