The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1084: , Brother Sen’s peach blossom is here

Chapter 1084, Brother Seng’s peach blossom is here

Jing Shirong saw the resentment on her face, and finally couldn't help but raise his head and laugh.

 “Hahaha, naughty.”

As he spoke, he rubbed her head with his big hands, making it a mess.

Sister Ying lay on top of him, "How's the finishing work going? Do you want to help?"

Jing Shirong kissed her forehead, "No, there are so many people in the military camp, there is no need for a pregnant woman like you, you should just rest at home."

Sister Ying was depressed, “I’ve been resting at home for a long time.”

She hasn't been out for a long time. Even the full-moon banquet for her two children was a simple matter. The maid was reluctant to overwork her and didn't let her interfere. She simply invited the neighbors to have a meal.

 She was lying rusty.

As the couple lay hugging each other, Sister Ying asked, "How is the third princess doing?"

Jing Shirong said, "We escorted people to Beijing. It should go smoothly."

Sister Ying suddenly thought of something, "By the way, remember to tell His Majesty the heavy fire oil and large iron cannons that we borrowed from the Prairie Country before. These will all have to be returned."

Jing Shirong hummed, "I have reported it to you a long time ago. Your Majesty will pay it back, don't worry."

"That's good."

As the two of them were chatting, Jing Shirong suddenly said, "By the way, I forgot to tell you that after Brother Sen sent those girls back, he seemed to be very interested in one girl and even sent her back personally."

Sister Ying said "Huh?" "No way? Whose girl is she? Tell me quickly."

Is that old iron tree in Seng'er finally going to bloom? She was so curious.

Jing Shirong smiled fondly, "I knew you would be curious, so I asked someone to find out."

“That girl is the cousin of the Minister of Rites.”

“It is said that the girl was mute and her parents were dead, so she was given to the aunt of the minister’s family.”

Because my aunt has little status in the Shangshu family, the mute girl has always had a hard time in the Shangshu family.

Especially because she is beautiful, but she is mute, which makes the ladies of the bookstore dislike her. I think she is a bit unlucky and I don't like her at home.

There was also one time when the girls went to swim on the lake and saw her following them. They were not willing to let her follow them, so they sailed away directly. The little girl was left alone and was captured by the gangsters.

“However, Brother Sen seemed to feel sorry for her and actually escorted her back all the way.”

 The other girls all rode in carriages, but he took them on horseback.

Sister Ying wanted to laugh just by imagining that scene.

 “Oh my God, this is so exciting. What’s that little girl’s name?”

“It is said that her name was Pingle, and she was also the apple of her parents’ eyes at home. It’s a pity that her father was assassinated in a case, and her mother was retaliated by gangsters, so they died together.”

 Otherwise, we are a happy family of three.

Sister Ying felt distressed when she heard this and frowned, "Do these brothers Seng know about it too?"

Jing Shirong said, "I know, that guy checked more carefully than I did."

 “It seems that you are interested in it.”

Sister Ying was so excited. She didn’t know whether the boy was investigating the case or if he really cared about the little girl.

 After all, that guy has been single for so many years, and I have never seen him be tempted.

“If that girl has good character and they like each other, my mother will definitely be very happy.”

Jing Shirong patted her head lovingly, "Don't worry, I will send someone to keep an eye on her. I'll let you know if I have any news."

 Sister Ying likes it so much.

"Okay, let me talk to my mother about this, so that she won't have to worry about it."

Jing Shirong didn't stop her, "You tell me to calm down and don't say anything, otherwise Brother Sen will know that I'm watching him."

 Even my brother-in-law doesn’t like to be stared at.

Sister Ying hugged him and said, "He can't."

Jing Shirong sent people to keep an eye on Brother Sen, mainly to protect him. He must have known Brother Sen’s martial arts for a long time. Jing Shirong smiled, "It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to report something."

Sister Ying nodded, "Okay, then I'll tell my mother and ask her to hold it back."

 It’s strange that Mrs. Wu can hold back.

She has been looking forward to it for many years. She has long hoped that Brother Sen would have a wife to love.

Now that I know that he has paid attention to a little girl, I am naturally excited and want to ask him if I can arrange a marriage or something?

But she didn’t dare to say it, for fear of having the opposite effect, so she could only endure it.

 Sen Ge'er also noticed that his mother was hesitant to speak, so in the end he didn't ask and continued to go out.

The girls sent back to Beijing this time were, as the third princess expected, despised by their families. In the end, they were given marriages by the emperor and were married off to the border.

 The girls couldn’t believe that their parents would do this, and they cried for a long time.

 Only the little mute girl was not given a marriage.

She is the cousin of the Minister of Rites, but she is not a cousin of the same clan. She is just a niece from her aunt's family, so naturally she is not eligible for the marriage.

However, the wife of the Minister of Etiquette did not intend to keep her at home to ruin the reputation of the girls in the family, so she wanted to find someone to marry her.

Pingle knew that Mrs. Shangshu would marry her casually, so he packed his bags and left early.

 She is not a scholar, so she can leave at will.

So she carried her baggage and headed south directly.

  Within a few days, he arrived in Jiangnan and came to the Liang family.

Wu went out early in the morning to go to the store to check the accounts. As soon as she opened the door, she saw a very beautiful little girl sitting on the threshold.

 The little girl’s eyes are sparkling, and she smiles brightly when she sees her, making those who see her feel happy.

"Who are you?"

 The little girl stood up, holding a piece of paper in her hand, and handed it to Wu with a smile.

Mrs. Wu took it and looked at it. She wrote on it a self-introduction and an application statement that she wanted to find a job at her house.

Seeing Mrs. Wu's suspicious look, she wrote another sentence, "I can do dirty work. The monthly salary can be less, as long as it includes food and accommodation."

Mrs. Wu saw that she was so beautiful, with slender fingers, and she didn't look like someone who did menial work. He was suspicious of her origins, but suddenly remembered.

"where do you come from?"

The little girl pursed her lips, not daring to lie after all, so she wrote, "Jingcheng."

Mrs. Wu suddenly understood, "You're from the capital? Are you the cousin of the Minister of Rites?"

The little girl was stunned, not expecting that she would guess it.

 Obviously what she wrote on the paper was that she was from a small town in the north. How come Mrs. Liang guessed it right away?

Or maybe her fame has spread to the south of the Yangtze River.

She thinks it is very possible. After all, good things don’t go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles.

Everyone in the capital knew that the niece of the aunt of the Shangshu family had been kidnapped. The women would ask a few questions every time they saw Mrs. Shangshu, which made Mrs. Shangshu almost go crazy.

In order to avoid harming her aunt, she would come out overnight. So as not to cause trouble for my aunt.

 Fortunately, my aunt gave birth to four sons for Master Shangshu, so everything will be fine.

This time I went to Jiangnan mainly because I wanted to come to Brother Sen's house, hoping to meet him.

She has heard about Brother Sen's background and knows that he is the second son of the Jiangnan magistrate's family. He is nobler and smarter than her, so she feels she is not worthy of him.

But he saved her life, and her parents said that the grace of saving her life was beyond heaven, so she packed her bags to repay his kindness.

Although she liked him, she didn't dare to have any bad thoughts about him, so she could only come to his house to work as a cow or a horse in order to repay him for saving her life.

However, she did not dare to tell Mrs. Liang her true situation, fearing that she would also dislike her for being kidnapped by bad guys, so she pursed her lower lip tightly, not knowing how to explain it for a while.

 (End of this chapter)

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