The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1085: , the little mute girl came to seek refuge with the Wu family.

Chapter 1085, The little mute girl came to seek refuge with the Wu family

Mrs. Wu finally reacted when she saw that her face was nervous, her face flushed, and she didn't know how to explain it.

“Hey, look at me, even though I’ve heard about this, I don’t know if you are.”

 “Okay, come in first.”

Mrs. Wu was afraid of scaring people away, so she quickly pulled her into the yard and asked the kitchen to boil hot water for her.

"Wash yourself clean first. You see that your body is covered with dust. I'll go to the store and arrange for you when I come back."

With that said, he ordered the maid to keep an eye on her and don't let her run away.

Pingle watched Wu leave with a nervous look on his face, feeling uneasy in his heart. He was afraid that if Wu knew about her kidnapping, would she drive him away?

If she leaves, how can she repay her kindness?

However, it seems even worse if she lies to her benefactor’s mother.

 So she was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do for a while.

The maid took her to wash up, changed her into beautiful clothes, took her to eat, and then coaxed her to sleep.

Pingle looked at the clock and saw that Mrs. Wu hadn't come back yet. She wanted to leave first, but the maid said it was rude and she should at least wait until the master came back to say goodbye before leaving.

 Pingle nodded, said good things to her, and sat down to wait.

When the maid saw that she didn't speak, she was also surprised by her words and deeds, but she didn't ask any questions and went out to work.

Pingle looked at the warmly decorated courtyard of the Liang family and felt a little warm in his heart.

She looked at the room next door with her eyes wide open. She didn't know which room was her benefactor's room, and she really wanted to take a look.

 But thinking that this was very rude, her face turned red all of a sudden.

She was looking forward to Brother Sen's coming back, but she was also afraid that he would be unhappy when he saw her when he came back.

 After all, she came uninvited and had a bad reputation because she was afraid of causing harm to her family members.

The more she thought about it, the more she couldn't sit still. Finally, she stood up and wanted to leave quickly.

Mrs. Wu happened to be on her way back. As soon as she arrived at the door of her house, she saw Pingle who was about to leave in a hurry. She immediately ran over and looked as if she was trying to catch her daughter-in-law. Pingle was stunned.

Mrs. Wu stopped her in front of her before she could escape, and said with a smile, "Little girl, are you here to pick me up? You are so considerate. Come on, let's talk in the house."

 Ping Le who was about to escape.

She uttered ahhhhhhhhhhh twice, but unfortunately no sound came out from her throat. Even if she tried to explain, people couldn't understand her lips, so she had no choice but to follow Wu in.

Wu held her hand, fearing that she would run away, and happily took her into the house and poured her honey water.

 “Have you eaten just now? Do you want some snacks?”

Pingle shook his head, took out his pen and paper, and wrote, "I just ate, thank you, madam."

Mrs. Wu looked at her handwriting, and her words were just like her person. She looked like a good child with a heart for the sun.

Although he can't speak, his eyes are watery, as if he can speak.

I don’t know what big events her family has gone through, and her voice has become hoarse.

According to Sister Ying, Pingle’s father and mother seem to be spies or bounty hunters.

Originally, they were a happy family of three, but her parents were hunted down. It is estimated that the child became mute because of the consequences.

Mrs. Wu felt sorry for her just thinking about it. She touched her head and said, "I don't know what you have been through, but my intuition tells me that you are a good child."

“From now on, you can stay at my house and I won’t have to do any dirty work. You can just help me keep accounts and make plans at home.”

“By the way, you know how to make an abacus, right?”

 Pingle was stunned by this. She never expected that her benefactor’s mother would be willing to take her in.

Many people are afraid that she is mute, thinking that being mute is unlucky and will harm the peace of the family, and they always look at her strangely.

Even the closest aunt always looked at her with a look of pity, always hesitating to speak.

She has been out for so long, and her aunt has never looked for her. Apparently she still thinks she is a burden.

Unexpectedly, my benefactor, my mother, who was neither a relative nor an acquaintance, was willing to take her in and give her food to eat. He even wanted her to help him.

Mrs. Wu saw her eyes were red, her mouth was pursed, and she looked like she was about to cry but was holding back. It was very distressing to see her.

 He ​​touched her braid lovingly with his big hands, "Don't be afraid. From now on, we will treat you well when you call this place your home."

 The little girl who had been strong for a long time finally couldn't bear it anymore and cried.

There was no sound when she cried, but the look of sobbing still made Wu feel distressed.

  "Okay, okay, don't cry, look at how pitiful you are."

I don’t know if Seng Geer would be distressed if he saw it.

Just as he was talking, Brother Seng came back.

 After the case was settled this time, he could finally rest for a few days.

As soon as I got home, I heard a burst of sobbing, like a cat, crying and sobbing.

He had a question mark on his head. He didn't know who was crying, so he walked to the main room to take a look.

As soon as I arrived at the main room, I saw the brave little girl from before, who was crying and crying, and the little girl who had been bullied miserably.

Her mother had a fierce look on her face at this time, she didn’t know what she was talking about, and she was waving her hands as if she wanted to hit someone.

 Brother Sen misunderstood and thought his mother was beating someone. He walked in quickly and shouted, "Mom!"

This angry voice made both Wu and Pingle pause.

Mrs. Wu was the first to react and was happy to see him back.

“Ah, dear son, are you back?”

 Happily he ran over and pulled him in, "Quick, quick, quick, come in."

“Come on, mother, I’ll introduce you to you. This is the shopkeeper we just applied for.”

 Seng Geer has a question mark? ?

“Shopkeeper? What shopkeeper?”

 Why did this little girl come here to apply for the position of shopkeeper?

Shouldn’t she be in the capital?

Seeing the question mark on Brother Sen's face, Mrs. Wu quickly explained to him, "Son, you don't know, this little girl is really miserable. Her parents are dead, and her aunt doesn't protect her, and now she has no place to go." Now, I can only come to our house to be a shopkeeper.”

“Or are you afraid that she won’t be able to shoulder the responsibility of the shopkeeper? How about letting her be a maid?”

 This last sentence is deliberately meant to test Brother Seng. I just want to see what he thinks about this girl.

Hearing her description, Brother Sen roughly understood why her girl came over.

  Perhaps the old antiques in the capital were as big as a needle's eye and could not tolerate these kidnapped girls. They thought they had a bad reputation, so they let them go.

 He was speechless when he thought about this.

A group of old immortals, obviously all the girls have been rescued, everyone is happy, but they tolerate these victims and drive them away, which makes people speechless.

It would have been better if we had just let them get married at the border, so why bother with this?

The other girls are okay and have been given marriages.

It seems that this little girl is the niece of an aunt. She thought that life would be better, so she came to join him, right?

But how did she know she lived here?

 Sen Ge'er looked at her suspiciously, but the little girl thought he was caring about her, so she immediately rushed over and hugged him.


Although he couldn't cry, his little nasal voice was humming and he looked pitiful.

  Good night my dears~



 (End of this chapter)

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