Chapter 1086, Pingle’s departure or stay

Brother Sen was hugged by her, and he wanted to push her away, but seeing how pitifully she cried, he couldn't bear it, so he put his hand down and let her hug her, since he couldn't hug her for a while anyway.

  Wu’s eyes widened in surprise.

She could see clearly that just now Brother Sen clearly wanted to push the little girl away, but he didn't push her away. This shows that there is still a place for the little girl in his heart.

 Wu looked at the Coke, intending to test Brother Seng's attitude, and coughed.

Deliberately pretending to be a bad guy, "What about that? Pingle, right? Since you want to come to work in our house, you have to sign a deed of betrayal. Do you want to sign a death deed? Or a living deed?"

“The salary for a living deed is not high. Once you sign a dead deed, you become a member of my family. You can’t leave at will in the future. You have to work as a cow or horse in my family forever.”

What she said made her look like a landowner.

Ping Le held Brother Sen in his arms, wiping his tears while listening to Wu's words.

She had a simple idea. When Mrs. Wu said that she could become a member of her family by signing a death deed, she was immediately moved.

Stretched out his hand, wanting to write something, and told Mr. Wu that he wanted to sign a death deed.

 But Seng Geer looked unhappy.


He glanced at Wu with a rather reproachful look.

“Isn’t she miserable enough? What are you doing?”

Wu felt happy in her heart, but continued to pretend to be a bad guy during the interview.

"Then what I said is correct. I don't know her either. She can't speak yet, so it's already a great favor to be able to recruit her. I don't want to accept how many people want to come to work in our house. I already have That’s great mercy.”

This would be fine for other people, but it still sounded a little unhappy to Brother Seng.

 He looked down at the little girl and saw her eyes were red, and finally made the decision for her.

 “There is no need to sign the deed of sale, just let her do it for you.”

Mrs. Wu looked at him like a fool, dragged him over, and told him in a low voice.

 “You are stupid, you don’t sign the deed of sale, what if she runs away?”

 Finally, I got a little white rabbit. What if it runs away?

 Sen Ge'er doesn't want to be like this. The prostitution contract is a good ending for a servant, but it is not a good ending for her.

 This girl’s family background was not bad at first, and her family was quite wealthy.

He was also the child who grew up as the darling of his parents, so he signed the deed of sale because he was afraid that her parents would crawl out from the ground and beat him.

 Besides, it’s not like there’s no food at home. If she can get a mouthful of food, why should she sign a deed of betrayal?

Seeing that he was unhappy, Mrs. Wu was very happy, but she pretended to be embarrassed on her face, "It's okay not to sign, but she has no name and no status, so it doesn't seem appropriate to just come to our house, right?"

 “If someone asks me, what should I say?”

“She is my new maid, or is she?”

 Brother Sen frowned, feeling that his mother's words were getting more and more outrageous.

I couldn't help but say something for Pingle, "She is a girl from an innocent family, not a bought maid."

Mr. Wu was extremely happy in her heart, but she was still embarrassed on her face.

“Then what do you mean? A strange girl, who is also a beautiful woman, suddenly appears in our house. The neighbors will definitely ask questions when they see her.”

 Seng Geer was helpless, but he also knew that this was a problem.

He thought for a while, "Otherwise, let's say she is a relative from the second aunt's house and she will live in our house temporarily." This excuse should be enough, right?

  Wu pointed her finger at his forehead and said, "You are also investigating the case after all. This is a terrible excuse."

“It’s okay for your second aunt’s relatives to come to our house. The key is that she is unmarried and you are unmarried. If you live in our house like this, people will gossip about you, right?”

Brother Sen clicked his tongue, a little impatient, "This won't work, that won't work either, what should I do?"

Ping Le saw that mother and son were quarreling, and quickly got up to break up the fight.

He took a pen and paper and wrote, "Stop arguing. It's my fault. I shouldn't have come. I've made things difficult for you. I'm leaving right now." As he said this, he picked up his baggage and was about to leave.

She also knew that it was really embarrassing for a grown-up girl like her to live in someone else's house with no name or status.

Let's say she is a maid, but Brother Sen is not happy for her to be a maid.

 She is said to be a cousin, but a cousin who is neither a relative nor an acquaintance is likely to be gossiped by the neighbors.

Especially since she has a pitiful face, women will inevitably speak ill of Brother Sen if they see her.

 So she had better leave, for the sake of the peace of their family.

 Wu Shi refused to let her go, and Seng Geer also grabbed her.

 “Don’t go.”

 “Don’t leave.”

 Mother and son both spoke at the same time and glared at each other.

Mrs. Wu, "I asked you, what do you want? Otherwise, let her go to the shop to lay the floor."

“But the shop is close to the river. I’m afraid it’s a little damp. I’m afraid it won’t be good to sleep there for a long time, right?”

 What I want to say is to make this kid feel distressed and make him feel uncomfortable.

Brother Sen frowned, feeling that his mother was so harsh for the first time.

It’s too bad to ask her to lay the floor for a little girl.

 Pingle also looked at them blankly, a little at a loss. He felt as if he had caused trouble to them and felt a little guilty.

 She took Laseng Geer's hand and wrote to him with a pen, "My dear friend, let me go. I will just find a place to live by myself."

Seng Geer refused and held on to her arm, "No, you stay at home while I go out to stay."

Since an unmarried man and an unmarried woman cannot live together, the worst he can do is go out to live together.

But Wu refused, "No!"

"Where are you going if you can't live in a good home? Do you think I'm dead?"

 Finally got a pair for them, how could they let this kid run away.

 If he runs away, how can he develop a relationship with Pingle?

 Seng Ge'er was so tempered that he asked, "Then what do you want?"

Mrs. Wu had already thought about it, "Didn't I buy the yard next door last month? When the east gate is opened, the two families can become one family."

"Ping Le will live in the house next door temporarily and give her a maid. She will be treated as a relative from our hometown and raised as a cousin. What do you think?"

“When the time comes, I’ll raise her until she’s white and fat, and find a good home for her, and I’ll be considered a good person for once.”

 Seng Geer originally thought the previous plan was appropriate.

Just when I wanted to praise him, I heard his mother say that she wanted to marry Pingle, and it suddenly became awkward again.

"Where are you going? Marry her when she is old. Let's not talk about it. Let's arrange a place for her first."

Mrs. Wu was happy to see his awkward tone.

“Okay, okay. Anyway, she has just gotten her haircut, so she can still wait two years to get married. Don’t worry, let her help me with the bookkeeping first, and I can count on myself working to earn accommodation expenses.”

Ping Le was moved to tears when he heard this, and hurriedly wanted to kneel down in front of Mr. Wu.

Mrs. Wu pulled her up and said, "Silly girl, since you are destined to our family, you can live in peace of mind and help me in the future. You will be doing me a favor."

 Pingle nodded heavily and vowed to help Aunt Liang well so as to live up to her sincerity towards him.

She took a pen and wrote, "Ping Le will be my aunt's family from now on. I am willing to be a cow or a horse if you ask me to do it. Please feel free to order me around. Pingle will work hard and will never be lazy."

 (End of this chapter)

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