Chapter 1087, Old Mother’s Help

 Seeing that the matter was done, Brother Seng breathed a sigh of relief.

“Now that her residence is settled, I’ll go and rest first.”

Wu Shi was stunned, "Are you leaving right now? Why don't you take Pingle to the next door to have a look?"

Brother Sen was confused, "Should I take her there? Isn't there a maid at home? Wouldn't it be better to let the maid take her there?"

 Why do you still call him for such a trivial matter?


 Pinch him secretly, "Do you really don't understand or do you pretend not to understand?"

Everyone has been invited to the house, but you still haven't taken the initiative. What do you think?

 What is this guy’s attitude towards Pingle?

Wu Shi was also confused and couldn't figure out Seng Geer's true inner thoughts at all.

 Seng Ge'er didn't have much idea.

He just felt that Pingle's life experience was pitiful. He was the only apple in his family, but he became an orphan because his parents were hunted down while investigating a case.

 Coupled with the fact that she was courageous and strong, he looked at her a few more times, sincerely admiring this girl's strength.

 There is nothing else, it’s that simple.


So this guy has been arguing with her for so long and has no idea about Pingle at all? ?

Then what was he doing like he was protecting a calf just now?

 Seng Geer had a righteous look on his face, "Isn't that because she is pitiful?"

 It was because he felt pity for her, otherwise he wouldn't have cared about it.

 Wu's head is big, "You."


 She didn’t even know what to say.

 Why is it that other people’s sons are so active in pursuing girls? However, in her house, all the girls have come to find a home, and he just wants to let go after a few words of protection. Is this ridiculous?

Brother Sen didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, and felt that his mother was making a fuss.

 “I’m tired, I’m going to bed.”

 Speaking, he turned around and left, adding, "I want to eat fried dumplings tonight."

Wu Shi was trembling with anger, "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat!"

Pingle, however, didn't think anything was wrong. Instead, he was very grateful and wrote to Wu, "Let me cook the young master's dinner tonight."

She was already very touched that Brother Sen could take her in, and she didn't dare to ask for anything else. She was already very happy to be able to work as a horse for him and Aunt Liang.

 Speaking, he happily went to the kitchen and wanted to make dinner for Brother Seng. I'm not worried at all whether Brother Sen likes her or not.


 So what has she been busy with all day?

I thought the two of them were interested in each other, but it turned out that neither of them were interested?

 No, she doesn’t believe it.

 She knows her own son.

 Sen Ge'er has never begged for any girl, and he wouldn't mind her buying a maid.

But just now he was obviously not happy to have Pingle come to the house as a maid, and he looked angry, thinking that being a maid was insulting the little girl.

Later, I was reluctant to leave Pingle to sleep by the river, for fear that she would not be in good health.

 Taken together, it shows that Brother Seng still cares about Pingle.

 It's just that this boy has never liked a girl, and he doesn't understand the taste of love.

It seems that she needs to help a little more to prevent this marriage from happening again.


Ping Le really cooked a table of food for Brother Sen, but it was a pity that it didn’t look very good.

 Look at the dumpling, the skin is torn and the bottom is burnt, which shows that I don’t usually cook at home.

Wu remembered that she had been pampered when she was growing up, so it was normal for her not to know how to cook.

 After Brother Sen woke up from his sleep, he went out to eat and saw a table full of browned food. It didn’t taste good at first glance.

The key thing is that the cook looked at him with bright eyes, as if he was expecting him to try it.

  Wu wanted to add emotion to them and was deliberately picky.

“Ping Le, your craftsmanship is not that good. Look at these dumplings, they are all burnt. How can you eat them?”

This disgusting tone made Pingle feel very guilty.

She also knows that she is not good at cooking, but she will learn hard. So she had red eyes and wanted to apologize to Mrs. Wu, but Seng Geer pulled her over.

 “Go get chopsticks to eat.”

Ping Le made an "Huh?" expression, not quite sure what he meant?

 Seng Geer used his feet to hook up a chair and asked her, "Sit down."

Pingle looked at Mrs. Wu, saw her nodding, and then sat down.

When the maids brought her food, she hesitated, so she could only pick up her chopsticks and eat with them.

 Sen Geer gave her a battered dumpling, "Have a try."

 Pingle was so happy because Brother Sen gave her dumplings, she put the dumplings in her mouth to eat with her big eyes shining brightly.

 However, the dumplings were fried and burnt, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

She was so embarrassed that she quickly put the dumplings away and shook her head at them, meaning, "Don't eat them, they don't taste good."

 Speaking, he quickly collected all the food.

Then I hid in the kitchen and didn’t dare to come out.

 Because the food she cooked was so unpalatable, she had no face to face her father-in-law, mother and son.

 After all, people were kind enough to take her in, but she couldn’t even cook. She was really useless.

 Sen Geer and Wu waited in the main room for a long time, but they didn't see her coming out. They thought that Sen Geer wouldn't care.

Who knew, he stood up directly and went straight to the kitchen.

After arriving in the kitchen, I saw her looking at the cook seriously with her big eyes, as if she was learning to cook from her, and she was taking notes on paper, as seriously as she wanted.

 After seeing this, Brother Sen couldn't help but sigh.

 In the end, he didn’t say anything and went out directly.

Seeing that he was back, Mrs. Wu couldn't figure out what he was thinking, but said nothing.

 After mother and son finished eating, Brother Seng was about to go back to the house to rest.

Seeing that he was not busy, Mrs. Wu smiled and said, "The roof in the yard next door is a bit broken. You go and repair it. Otherwise, what will happen if Pingle lives in a house with leaks?"

After hearing this, Brother Sen didn't think much, turned around and went to the next yard.

Mrs. Wu saw his attitude of leaving as soon as he asked, and thought to herself, "Humph, I can't cure you anymore?"

 Looking at this trend, this guy must be interested in Pingle.

But the meaning may not be that deep, and we still need to help them add fuel to the fire.

 This afternoon, Seng Geer has been repairing the roof in the yard next door.

Ping Le learned to cook at home.

 After studying, I came here to apply to Mr. Wu, saying that I wanted to borrow materials to learn how to cook.

Mrs. Wu waved her hand, "Go and learn more. From now on, Brother Sen's meals will be handed over to you. After all, he leaves early and comes home late every day. When he comes back, he falls asleep in the kitchen and there is no one to cook for him."

"Since you want to learn, his midnight snack will be left to you from now on."

 Pingle thought that Brother Sen really had no food to eat when he returned home in the middle of the night, so he nodded vigorously and said that from now on, Brother Sen’s midnight snacks would be left to her.

 She will definitely study hard and try to feed her benefactor well.

Wu Shi gratified and said, "Go ahead and study hard."

They say that if you want to capture a man's heart, capture his stomach.

Since Brother Sen is so slow, let Pingle attack his stomach first.

The two of them are facing each other day and night, and their feelings will definitely work out.

 Wu felt extremely beautiful when she thought of this.

Although Pingle's current situation is not worthy of the Liang family, she is a person who values ​​character more than family.

As long as Ping Le is kind-hearted and has upright views, Brother Seng also likes her, and the two of them can take care of each other, she has no objection to this marriage.

 When Liang Jin returned home in the evening, Mrs. Wu told him what happened today.

“That kid Pingle, apart from being unable to speak, I think he’s doing pretty well in other aspects.”

 (End of this chapter)

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