The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1092: , Brother Sen protects the shortcomings

 Chapter 1092, Brother Seng protects his shortcomings

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 What does it mean to sleep lazily all day? Just one meal a day? Is he that useless?

Mrs. Wu didn't allow him to quibble, "Anyway, I'll let Pingle watch you. You have to give me three delicious meals a day."

 Looking at this thin body, he looks nothing like the child she raised.

 Though none of the children in the family are fat, they are all well-nourished.

 Only Brother Seng would be as skinny as a piece of firewood when he went out for several months at a time, which made her feel distressed.

  I asked him what case he was investigating, and he didn’t say anything. She fell asleep immediately when she came back, sleeping so darkly that she was frightened.

 But every time he came back well, she didn't ask any more questions.

It's just that this tall height coupled with a skinny figure made Wu feel uneasy, so he wanted Pingle to help him take care of his body.

"Ping Le, look at your brother Sen. He is as thin as a bamboo pole. He must be malnourished. In the past few days, help your aunt to recuperate him and nourish his body, so as not to look like a beggar at such a young age. They're all the same, skinny and shriveled."

Ping Le also felt that Brother Sen was too thin and felt very distressed.

She frowned, guessing that every time Brother Sen went out to investigate cases, he must be so busy that he had no time to eat, so he was so thin.

Her parents are also investigating cases. Every time they go out to inspect the area, they dare not eat or drink for fear of being discovered. They are also very thin.

 At that time, she felt very sorry for her parents' hard work and wanted to make up for them.

 It's a pity that they are all gone, and she has no chance to cook for them even if she wants to.

Now that her parents are gone, Brother Sen is her savior. She must learn cooking skills and replenish his body to prevent him from collapse.

 So she nodded heavily to Mr. Wu and said, "Auntie, I will definitely make Brother Sen fat."

Although Wu couldn't read lips, he could read her expression.

 So she nodded heavily and patted her shoulder, "Auntie is optimistic about you."

  This slap made Pingle "hiss~" in pain, but he laughed again.

 She was covering up the pain with a smile, and Seng Geer's sharp eyes noticed.

He clicked his tongue and glared at his mother dissatisfied, "What are you doing? So rude."

 Don’t you know the little mute’s shoulder hurts?

Wu Shi really didn’t know, and was stared at by Seng Geer inexplicably.

 “What’s wrong with me?”

 She didn’t use much effort.

 Seng Geer pulled Pingle over, rubbed her shoulders, and gave Wu a look.

“She is young and has been pampered and raised. You are strong, so please be gentle in the future so as not to damage her.”


 “Is it that exaggerated?”

 She just patted it twice?

Brother Sen tutted at her, "You are used to being big and strong, and you can make a child cry with just a few pats. I'd better stop patting him in the future."

 Speaking, he picked up Pingle, who was still eating chicken legs, and went directly back to the backyard.


She looked at Liang Jin with a look of disbelief, "Your son just hurt me, did you see it?"

Liang Jin nodded, "I saw it."

 “But isn’t this a good thing?”

   Wu: "This unfilial son dares to bully me. What good thing can it be?"

Liang Jin smiled, "Aren't you hoping that he will be tempted by Pingle? Now he will be tempted."

Wu Shi was stunned for a moment, then reacted, "Hey, look at my memory."

That’s right, she just slapped Ping Le, and the brat was not happy about it. Sure enough, he was obsessed with Ping Le.

"Okay, for the sake of his concern for Ping Le, I will reluctantly forgive him once."

 When I marry Pingle in the future, let’s see how I deal with that brat. Liang Jin shook his head and smiled, "Okay, let's eat."

Mrs. Wu had no choice but to sit down and continue eating.

 After eating, I went directly to write a letter to Sister Ying.

She has been having so much fun these days, so naturally she wants to share it with her two daughters.

 This head.

Sister Ying was also very happy after receiving the letter. He smiled and said to Jing Shirong, "I didn't expect that guy Sen Ge'er to be quite proactive."

 Since she has grown up, this is the first time that Sister Ying has seen him take the initiative.

  Although I only saw it in the letter, I can already imagine the scene.

Jing Shirong held two children in his arms and asked with a smile, "How do you say it?"

Sister Ying smiled and said, "My mother said in the letter that Brother Seng not only took the initiative to help others with work, but also built a pool for others and rebuilt the yard."

  I don’t know what kind of relationship I thought the two of them had. I think Seng Geer is a loser.

 After the house was repaired, Pingle moved there.

But she would come over every day to cook and make snacks for Seng Geer, without skipping a beat.

 After a month, Seng Geer actually asked her to raise some meat. On the scale, it weighed five kilograms.

 Wu was so happy that he kept praising Ping Le as a little lucky star.

 As soon as she came home, the house became very lively.

Seng Geer not only didn’t go out to drink, he also obediently finished all three meals a day and even had midnight snacks.

 Occasionally, a friend came to ask him to drink. He went to drink, but halfway through the drink, Pingle came over.

She didn’t say anything to him to go home, but sat down with a smile and wanted to drink with them.

How could Brother Sen let her drink? He drove her back with a cold face, "Go back quickly. It's late at night. Don't wander around in the street when girls are gathering."

Ping Le refused and greeted his brother with a smile.

The other party had met Pingle several times and knew that she was mute, but he did not show any contempt for her. Instead, he felt sorry for her plight and was particularly gentle to her.

“Xiao Pingle wants to drink? Girls don’t drink, right?”

But Pingle shook his head, acting coquettishly, and the other party gave in, "How about some fruit wine?"

This doting tone made Brother Seng unhappy.

  "Step aside, how old is she? What kind of wine do you want her to drink?"

 Actually, she has haircut a long time ago, but she has a childish face, and she looks like an innocent little girl no matter how she looks at it, so Brother Sen is very strict with her and usually does not allow her to go out alone.

Ping Le could feel how kind he was to her, and she felt happy and wanted to have a drink with him more and more.

Unfortunately, Brother He Sen didn't allow her to drink, let alone other men to drink with her, so he stopped drinking in anger and dragged her back directly.

He was still sulking after returning, and he warned her with a snort, "When I'm not at home, you are not allowed to go out alone in the middle of the night, let alone talk to other men, do you hear me?"

Ping Le naturally heard it. She was mute due to poisoning. She was not born deaf and mute. She could still hear voices.

 This was the first time she saw Brother Sen being so cruel to her, and she was very unhappy.

He replied angrily, "Why, you can drink it, and so can I."

 Daddy said that girls can drink too, and she has a pretty good drinking capacity.

Why doesn't Brother Sen allow her to drink? He's so chauvinistic, huh.

 Brother Sen didn't expect that she would dare to get angry with him. He was so angry.

 “Are you not convinced or what? You’re still humiliating me?”

This little girl, who doesn’t know the pain of his conscience at all, still scolds him, is really cowardly.

 (End of this chapter)

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