Chapter 1093, Drinking together

"I said you are not allowed to drink, so you are not allowed to drink, let alone drink with other men. You just need to remember my words."

 “If I find you drinking with other men, let’s see how I deal with you.”

Ping Le was particularly aggrieved by his harsh reprimand.

 Biting her lower lip, she stared at him with an unconvinced expression.

Brother Sen was furious, "Are you still staring?"

 “You’re not convinced, aren’t you?”

Ping Le stared at him angrily, unconvinced.

She angrily took two bottles of wine and gestured to him, "I can drink too, and my drinking capacity may be better than yours. If you don't believe me, compare!"

 Brother Sen shouted, "You're a little girl, you're still full of energy, aren't you?"

"Well, I'll make you cry at night to see if you're still stubborn."

With that said, he went to get two more jars of wine, preparing to give the little mute a hard time to see if she would dare to drink with others casually in the future.

 Pingle didn't notice his intention, and thought he really wanted to compete with him, so he suddenly became interested.

She even ran to get the big bowl, and dropped the bowl in front of Seng Geer with a loud bang, intending to have a drink with him.

 Seng Geer's eyes widened, "You? You still want to use a big bowl?"

How can this girl be so brave and dare to use a big bowl?

“You should have fainted after a while. Do you really want to drink so much?”

Ping Le was very confident, "Well, drink!"

She liked drinking with her parents since she was a child, but she was too young to drink at that time. Later, when she grew up, she would drink secretly by herself.

Although she didn’t know how much she could drink, she felt that drinking was a very happy thing, so she planned to stay drunk tonight.

 She held the wine jar and began to pour wine into the bowl.

 Two large bowls, held in two small hands, clinked glasses with Brother Seng with a bright smile.


Then he raised his head and drank, pouring it into his stomach.

Brother Sen was speechless and wanted to stop her, but also thought it would be better to let her get drunk once.

 When she becomes dizzy and uncomfortable after being drunk, she will not dare to drink next time.

In addition, she traveled all the way to the capital to find her aunt, but was kicked out again, and she was in a bad mood. It would be good to drink to release her emotions.

So he picked up the wine bowl and drank with her.


Ping Le smiled brightly, "Do it!"

The two of them drank wine, one bowl after another.

 Ping Le’s face turned red after drinking, obviously he was drunk.

 She began to sit unsteadily and was about to fall backwards.

 It was Brother Seng who had quick eyesight and quick hands to catch her.

  Pulling her to sit on his lap, he said in a loving voice, "Drunk?"

Ping Le nestled in his arms and smiled innocently, "Hehe~"

The mouth is fine, but the little nasal sound is like a whine, like a cat.

Brother Sen's heart softened when he saw her smiling so innocently, her big eyes full of water, and her small mouth also watery. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he kept beating "bang bang bang".

She didn't sit properly and twisted her waist, which made him blush and suddenly felt weird.

He understood what this weird thing was, and he was so ashamed that he quickly pulled her up.

 “Okay, you’re sleepy too, go back to sleep.”

Ping Le looked at him drunkenly and nodded obediently.

He said silently, "Okay~"

 Then he stumbled to his feet and prepared to go back to the yard next door to sleep.

 But as she got drunker, her head became more and more confused, dizzy, and she didn't know where to go.

 Even my calves became weak and I gradually became unable to stand up.

Seeing that she was about to fall down, Brother Seng pulled her back and sighed deeply, "I really admire you."

 Speaking, he picked her up and carried her back to the other courtyard. Even though she is small, she is quite substantial.

Brother Sen raised the corner of his mouth and said, "It seems you were right to come to my house, look at this little face."

I remember when she first came here, she was so skinny and light, without any weight.

If she hadn't eaten with him every day and he forced her to eat two more bowls, this girl would have become skinny.

How good would it be like this? It’s fleshy, heavy when you hold it, and fragrant.

 Sen Ge'er smiled with a sense of accomplishment. He carried her back to the house and put her on the bed. Just as he was about to get up, someone came up to her.

He hugged Brother Sen’s neck and said, “Hmm,” as if to say, “Don’t go.”

Although there was no sound, Seng Geer knew that this was what she said.

His ears felt even hotter this time, and the temperature that had finally calmed down suddenly increased again.

 “Be good, sleep by yourself, don’t hug me.”

He stretched out his hand to pull the little hand away from his neck, but it quickly wrapped around him like a boneless snake.

Even groaned and looked like he was crying, as if he was bullying her.

 Seng Ge'er had no choice but to say, "You can sleep by yourself."

Ping Le refused to listen, hummed and hugged him without letting go.

 Sen Ge'er was really convinced and wanted to stay with her for a while and then go back when she fell asleep, so he sat down and watched her sleep.

It just so happened that this little girl was usually well-behaved, but when she got drunk, she changed into a different person and wouldn't let go of him.

 Even dragged Seng Geer to the bed and sat on him.


 “Little girl, I advise you to stop in moderation.”

 He is not Liu Xiahui. If you bully him like this, he will fight back.

After Pingle heard this, not only was he not afraid, but he smiled and, relying on his drunkenness, bowed his head and kissed her directly.

 Sen's eyes widened suddenly. It was the first time in his life that he was forcefully kissed, and he was a little confused for a moment.

When he reacted and tried to push her away, she hummed and hugged him, and then started to cry.

Humbling, I don’t know what I’m talking about, but my tears keep flowing.

I think she was crying because she was alone because her parents were gone, and her aunt didn't dare to raise her.

 Sen Geer sighed helplessly, hugged her and slowly coaxed her.

  "Okay, it's okay. From now on you will be at my house and you won't go anywhere."

This sentence seemed to comfort her so much that she stopped crying for a moment and stared at Brother Seng with watery eyes. She hugged him tightly and hugged him tightly, as if she was holding some life-saving straw.

   Sen Geer felt soft and a little distressed. He touched her head and sighed, "Go to sleep. This will be your home from now on. I will protect you."

 After saying this, he saw the little mute smiling at him.

 After laughing, she lay on him sweetly, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

 Seng Geer became drunk, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

 On the second day.

The maid came to call Pingle for dinner, and saw the two of them sleeping on the same bed. She was so frightened that she hurried to call Wu.

Mrs. Wu was also surprised and hurriedly came over to take a look.

He also asked the maid to close the door to the other courtyard and keep quiet.

This maid is a member of the family, so naturally she will not make any noise.

 Otherwise, there will probably be gossip if the neighbors hear it.

Mrs. Wu carefully entered the house and saw the two hugging each other. She didn't even look at them. She tugged Brother Sen's ears and told him to get up.

 “Damn it, get up quickly!”

 Sen Ge'er fell asleep in a daze, and then he became drowsy when he heard his mother's voice.

"What's wrong?"

Mrs. Wu clicked her tongue, "What's wrong? What did you do to Pingle last night? Why did you sleep on her bed?"

 Sen Geer turned around and was startled to see a little mute sleeping next to him.

 “Hey, me.”

 He was really confused, "I, I drank last night."

 Then he carried the girl into the house. Both of them were sleepy, so they fell down and fell asleep.

   It’s been really uncomfortable with my gastrointestinal discomfort recently, everyone should pay attention to their health~



 (End of this chapter)

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