Chapter 1094: Be responsible

  Wu was dubious, "Just sleeping? You didn't do anything to her, right?"

Brother Sen blushed, "What nonsense are you talking about? What can I do to her?"

 A little girl, how can he still be so messy?

Wu Shi glared at him, "Aren't you Liu Xiahui? You can't even do serious things?"

  Can't do anything yet, can this brat do it?

Brother Sen was so ashamed that he glared at Mrs. Wu, "Mother~"

 “Stop talking about it, it’s embarrassing.”

Mrs. Wu pulled him up in disgust, "Okay, since this has happened, let's choose an auspicious day to get married."

“When the time comes, let Pingle live at your second aunt’s house and marry her from your second aunt’s house.”

Brother Sen asked, "Huh?" He didn't quite understand, "What do you mean? Why did you marry from your second aunt's family?"

Mrs. Wu tugged at his ears like an idiot, "You've already slept with someone else, how can you not marry someone else?"

“How did I teach you when you were young? You should keep a distance from the girl’s family. If you touch her, you will be responsible.”

"You have slept with Pingle all night, do you want to shirk your responsibility?"

Brother Sen was speechless, "I didn't touch her, I just slept!"

How unfair it is. He didn't do anything else but just sleep. It's like he touched someone else.

Mrs. Wu knew that he was not messing around, but she still said righteously, "Whether you touch it or not, it is not clear that a man and a woman live together in the same room. For Pingle's reputation, you have to take responsibility."

 Sen Geer has a big head and scratches his scalp irritably.


This happened so suddenly that he hadn't thought about it yet.

  Wu was speechless, "What are you thinking? Are you so reluctant to marry her?"

“It’s been so many days, don’t tell me you don’t like Pingle at all?”

"If you really don't like her, I will start looking for her tomorrow and marry her to another man. Let her sleep with other men and have children."

This is an unpleasant thing to say, but for the sake of their marriage, Mrs. Wu had to poke Seng Geer's heart.

“Since you don’t want to marry her, then I’ll start looking at her.”

"You know, a few days ago, many matchmakers came to me to ask for help."

“Although she can’t speak, she is good-looking. She is also talented, can do accounts, and is literate. How many men want to marry her.”

 Seng Ge'er was annoyed by what she said, "You are too impatient."

Where are you now? Why are you so anxious to find a home for the little mute?

“The family doesn’t lack food for her. If you are so anxious to marry her off, aren’t you driving her away?”

Mrs. Wu angrily slapped him on the back and said, "You know nothing. She is already past the age of hairpin and can get married a long time ago. You just have to work hard. If you don't like her, don't delay her."

 “At Pingle’s age, he would have been able to get married and have another child long ago.”

As he spoke, he pushed him out, "Xiaolan and I are the only two people who know what happened last night. Since you have no interest in me, don't come to other courtyards again in the future. You will save me from wasting my youth."

 After saying that, he closed the door of the other courtyard and locked it.

Ping Le was still sleeping soundly and had no idea what was going on.

 Seng Geer walked around in his room depressedly.

This happened so suddenly that he hasn't reacted yet.

As soon as he woke up, his mother told him to take responsibility. He instinctively resisted, but when he heard that his mother wanted to marry Pingle, he was not happy.

So he rubbed his head irritably, really not knowing what to do.

 Let’s just say he likes Pingle, but he doesn’t dislike it.

 But when it comes to getting married, he feels like it's not yet time.

But if he really asked her to marry someone else, he would be very angry.

He doesn't even know what he wants to do now. The more he thinks about it, the more angry he becomes. He doesn't know whether he is angry with himself or something else.

Seeing that he was still so dishonest, Mrs. Wu was so angry that she ignored the boy all afternoon.

 Finally, Mrs. Liang came over and gave her advice after hearing about the matter.

"Since that boy hasn't started yet, don't worry. Let's take Pingle out for a walk during this time. If there is an outstanding young man, let him know him." If Brother Sen is jealous and finds that he cannot accept Pingle's marriage If you give it to someone else, they might take the initiative to marry her.

If Brother Ruosen really doesn't have that much interest, it would be a good idea to take this opportunity to find a good home for Pingle.

This child seems to be well-behaved and sensible. Apart from being unable to speak, there really is nothing wrong with him at all. He is very well-behaved.

Mrs. Wu really felt sorry for her, so she was going to search for outstanding young people nearby.

 She did it as she said and went to do it immediately.

Ping Le slept until noon before waking up. Everyone was spinning around and his head was in a daze.

The maid poured water for her, "Miss, are you awake?"

Ping Le nodded, hummed, and rubbed his head.

The maid hurriedly brought her the sobering soup, "My wife made this specially for you, please drink it quickly, miss."

Ping Le grunted and finished the hangover soup.

 After drinking, I went to wash up, changed into clean clothes, and then sat in a chair in a daze.

 She was recalling what happened last night, but she couldn't remember it.

 The memory is just about getting drunk, and then there is nothing more.

She took a pen and paper and asked the maid, "Where is Brother Sen?"

Maid: "Master, the master is sleeping in the house. He probably drank too much."

 Pingle had no doubts and lay back down to sleep.

 She is not feeling well today, so she will not cook for Brother Sen.

The maid did not persuade her, but said with a smile, "Madam is going to take you out to play in the next few days."

Pingle’s eyes lit up, “Really?”

During the time she came to the Liang family, she had been studying cooking at home. She occasionally looked at the account books and kept accounts for Mrs. Wu. The rest of the time she spent in her yard and never went out at all.

Now that Mrs. Wu is taking her out, she is very happy and busy choosing clothes to dress up.

 Girls’ families all love beauty, and so does Pingle.

She hurriedly went to look in the cupboard, but found that she had no new clothes to wear.

When the maid saw this, she said, "Let's go out and buy some clothes later. There are many styles of clothes in Jiangnan."

Pingle thought about buying new clothes, was in a good mood, and followed her with a bright smile.

The two of them happily went out from the back door of the other courtyard. Not only did they buy several sets of clothes, they also bought them for Mrs. Wu and Brother Seng.

 I bought a lot of delicious food and bracelets along the way.

 The delicious food will be given to Brother Sen and Uncle Liang, and the bracelet will be given to Mrs. Liang.

She and her maid returned with a full load. As soon as they arrived in the west courtyard, they happily went to find Brother Seng with the gifts.

 Seng Geer was still in the house at this time.

 Because he was depressed, he had not come out of the house yet.

Ping Le didn’t know the inside story, so he knocked on the door happily.

 She knocked on the door with a unique sound, and Brother Sen immediately knew she was coming.

 He coughed and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ping Le continued to knock, asking him to open the door.

 Brother Sen didn't want to open it at first, but he was afraid that she would hit the door again, so he had to come over and open it.

 As soon as I opened the door, I saw her smiling and looking very happy.

 Also handed him a basket of fruit snacks.

 “Now, eat.”

Brother Sen looked at the items in the basket. They were all steaming hot, and he was still holding the paper. He thought he had just bought them. "

 “Are you out?”

 (End of this chapter)

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