The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1098: , even dogs dislike the two little ones.

Chapter 1098, two little dogs that even dogs dislike

Jing Shirong felt the same and continued to squeeze her shoulders.

“Otherwise, I’ll leave it to the wet nurse, and you can have a good rest.”

 Looking at this tired person, his eyes are all light blue.

Sister Ying rubbed her head with a headache.

“It’s not like they started to have a fever a few days ago after teething. The fever lasted for three days and they cried all night. I also coaxed them, so they stayed up late.”

 Otherwise she would have to sleep for a long time every day.

That time the two children had a fever at the same time and kept crying because of the discomfort. She couldn't just ignore them and had to get up and take care of them herself.

Even though the wet nurse usually hugs them, they know very clearly who is their biological mother.

 Sister Ying will also get angry sometimes when she sees them being disobedient and losing temper.

 But seeing how pitiful they were when they were sick made me feel sad.

 So she scolded him, but she accepted her fate and coaxed him personally.

 Fortunately, the fever is gone now and the children are able to eat and sleep again, so she can have a good sleep.

Jing Shirong has a day off today and plans to stay with her at home.

“Where do you want to play later? I’ll take you there.”

   It has been a long time since the couple went out to play together.

Now that the country of Yi is in peace, other small neighboring countries are also doing their duty, there is no sign of war anymore, and the border has become peaceful.

 The people felt the peaceful atmosphere, and then they happily went out to buy and sell things.

 The streets have returned to their original liveliness, and the Bonfire Festival is also full of singing and dancing.

Jing Shirong hasn’t been home for a long time, and he thought about taking the children out to play when he came back.

 But if you think about it carefully, it is easy to spend time with your children, but it is very difficult to take your wife out to play.

I don’t know since when, the couple’s focus revolves around their children, and it’s been a long time since the two of them went out together.

Sister Ying recalled, "It seems that we haven't gone out together for a long time."

 It must be two or three years ago.

  Previously, I secretly went out on a date in the middle of the night.

 I haven’t gone out even once now.

Even if we go out occasionally, we are a family of four, and we occasionally take Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Pangpang with us. There is no time for the couple to be alone at all.

Jing Shirong looked at her thin collarbone and suddenly felt unspeakably guilty.

“I’m too busy. I’ll make you support the whole family by yourself. You’ll be tired.” You’ve lost so much weight.

Sister Ying touched her flat belly. There was no extra fat on her waist. She had indeed lost a lot of weight.

 But it was because it was so hot in the summer that he didn’t want to eat, and he was even irritable with his children and had no appetite. That’s why he lost weight. It had nothing to do with him.

Jing Shirong felt distressed, "Why doesn't it matter? If I went home to help you take care of the children, you wouldn't lose your appetite."

Said and looked at her waist again, "Even here has become smaller, it's so pitiful."

  It used to be so round and round, it looked like a big white steamed bun just out of the oven.

  Now I am so thin from the weight of my children, I look so pitiful.

Sister Ying.

She looked down at her waist and glared at him angrily, "What can I do if your son or daughter can eat you?"

Who would have thought that she would give birth to two foodies.

 You can eat so much since you were a baby, but you may not know how much you will eat in the future.

 Fortunately, she has stopped feeding now, and will spend the next time getting back into shape to prevent the stinky man from thinking she is small.

Jing Shirong’s thoughts were seen through and he coughed, “I didn’t.”

I just took a second look at it occasionally and realized that it was a little thinner, so I sighed.

Sister Ying pinched him, making him scream.

 “Hey, madam, I was wrong, I was wrong, please be gentle.”

Sister Ying was so angry that she pinched her, "You're wrong. You don't have to feed the child, but you still have the nerve to think I'm thin. I'll start eating fatter tomorrow so you can't even see it!"

Jing Shirong was pinched so much that he hissed, but when he saw that she had regained her vitality, she smiled. "Okay, okay, I really know that I was wrong. From now on, I will go home frequently to help you take care of your children. I will also help you replenish your body and make up for your mistakes."

Sister Ying knew that he was just teasing her, her mood recovered, and she snorted, "Then it depends on what you do."

“If you don’t take good care of me, let’s see how I take care of you.”

Jing Shirong hugged her and kissed her, "Don't worry, I'll keep her safe and serve you well."

As he was talking, the twins cried again.

Sister Ying subconsciously wanted to go out to pick them up, but Jing Shirong said, "Don't worry, let them cry for a while, and I will take you out for a walk."

As he said that, he took her hand and ran away from the window.

The third child and the fourth sister cried outside the door for a long time. When their parents didn't come to hug them, they cried loudly.

The wet nurse had no choice but to carry them into the house to look for them.

 As soon as I got into the house, I couldn’t see anyone. I was surprised, “Where are the people?”

 The two little guys also looked for their parents in the house with their eyes wide open.

But after searching around, I couldn't find anyone.

They pouted their lips at the same time, as if they were about to cry loudly again. The frightened wet nurse quickly lifted up her clothes and tried to gag them.

The two little guys curled their lips, glanced at each other, and then ate obediently.

The wet nurse looked at them with surprise. She never expected that they wouldn't cry? ?

And they actually slept obediently after finishing feeding? ? He actually didn't cry, and the two wet nurses couldn't respond for a long time.

“What’s going on? Why don’t they cry?”

Nurse 1: “I don’t know, are you sleepy?”

The second wet nurse said, "You shouldn't. I usually cry even when I'm sleepy."

  Not only do you cry when you are hungry, you cry when you are looking for your mother, you also cry even when you are not holding them.

 Why are you so well-behaved today?

Xiao Miguo came down to see her younger brothers and sisters. When she saw them sleeping obediently, she asked, "Why are they so quiet today?"

  It is unusual to see ghosts crying and wolves howling on weekdays.

 Speaking, he went to look for his parents in the house, but saw no one.

 Then I looked at the two little things sleeping quietly, and suddenly I understood.

“The co-authors are also very aware of current affairs.”

On weekdays, when my parents are around and I cry and scream, I need my parents to hold me and coax me. I won’t stop until I hold me.

 Today I found out that my parents were completely gone, so I was very realistic and stopped crying.

I guess I knew my parents wouldn’t come even if I cried, so I became quiet.

It seems that these two grinders are also very good.

The two nannies looked ashamed. They never thought that these two little things could be so realistic.

“But usually they can’t even see my wife crying.”

 Xiao Miguo, “That’s because they know my mother is nearby.”

The wet nurse was surprised, "Then how did they know that Madam was not at home this time?"

Xiao Miguo didn’t understand either, “Maybe babies can feel it.”

For example, one time my mother went to the store to look at the new goods. The two little guys cried for a while and then became quiet when they found that their mother had not come back. They don’t know how they knew that their mother was not at home.

 The two wet nurses recalled carefully, and it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Even though the two little guys are small, they can still sense whether their mother is within ten meters.

It's really amazing, they all fell to the floor in admiration.

Xiao Miguo smiled, "That's good, just be a little more quiet, otherwise I will be disturbed to death by them."

The two wet nurses also laughed, secretly saying that the young master and the young lady are really the representatives of dogs at home now.

 (End of this chapter)

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