Chapter 1100, a warm family of four

 The two little guys looked at each other, not knowing why.

 But when he reacted, he realized that he was disliked.

They disliked them, and they didn't care. When they saw their father and mother, they opened their small hands to hold.

Jing Shirong came over and held one in each hand.

 The two little guys like their mother the most on weekdays, but their father likes him when he is at home.

 So she didn’t cry even when being held by Jing Shirong. Instead, she giggled, showing her little milk teeth.

The little teeth only popped out a little bit, just a small white head, which was not very obvious.

But it’s enough for parents. Just having these little teeth will make them happy for a long time.

For example, Jing Shirong held his two children and played with them for a while, then fed them some fruit puree, and then he held them and rode on the horse.

 This Ma Ma is naturally Jing Shirong himself.

  He has always loved the children very much, letting them sit on his head and **** and urinate without any complaints.

The two little guys like him very much. Even if he doesn't come back for a month, they will get to know each other immediately after getting along for a while. They don't know if they are biological relationships, but the two little guys still like him every time they forget about him. This happens every time.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze were jealous from the beginning, but they have no feelings now.

 Because they found that parents treat every child the same.

 Just because my younger siblings are young now, I hug them.

Like tutoring on homework, parents only tutor them because they are studying and need tutoring. The younger siblings couldn't walk, so they were held in arms.

 Compared with this, if parents love every child, then it doesn’t matter.

Especially, the gifts are always for four people, and no one is ever missed. There is no psychological gap among the children. They know that they are part of the family and the biological children of their parents, so they will not be jealous.

Like this moment, Xiao Miguo saw her father playing with her younger siblings, so she took Xiao Dongze and others out to throw stones without looking back.

Sister Ying couldn't help but laugh and cry, "Are you four going out again?"

Xiao Miguo didn't look back, "I made an appointment with the big brothers and will come back later."

 The four of them went out to play every day after school, and they never missed a day.

 Because the children have a lot of company, they try to think of ways to go out together every day, but they can’t hold them back.

Sister Ying sees that every time they go out, they are clean, but when they come back, they are dirty. She doesn’t know what they did.

It was the secret guard who told her, "The young lady and the young master are going to catch four-legged snakes today."

 Then I will go catch crickets tomorrow.

  I will bake sweet potatoes the day after tomorrow, and I play in the fields every day. It would be strange if I didn't get dirty.

Fortunately, Sister Ying gave them a lot of knowledge about poisonous insects and asked them to be careful. The four children understood what she said, so she felt relieved.

Jing Shirong watched his eldest daughter and her second son go out from a distance, and smiled helplessly.

Hold up the baby dragonborn and told them, "Your sister and brother have gone out again. When the baby was born, he was not home even a day."

The twins couldn’t understand what he said, but they could understand their older brothers and sisters, so they happily waved their little chubby hands, as if they also liked their older brothers and sisters.

Jing Shirong saw them smiling so happily, so he also laughed.

“Don’t you usually hate your sister and brother the most? Why are you still smiling so happily?”

 I remember one time when he came back, he saw the twins crying loudly after being bullied by Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze. They cried for a long time and refused to stop.

When I asked about the reason, I found out that it was Xiaomiguo who saw that they were unwilling to eat complementary food properly, so she gave them a lesson and even slapped their little hands.

That stern tone and disgusted eyes made them feel wronged and cried loudly. Sister Ying almost couldn't hold back her laughter at that time, but she still restrained herself and told them with a serious face, "You see, if you don't eat obediently, you will be scolded by your sister."

Xiao Miguo glared at the two little guys cooperatively, and from then on, the image of the fierce sister was formed in the hearts of the twins.

Even though I know my sister is fierce, I still like her because she sometimes plays with them and they have a lot of fun.

 That’s how babies are. They are bullied by older children but still want to play with them. I don’t know what their characteristics are, but they are always attracted to older children. It’s magical.

Sister Ying brought the cut fruit plate over and ate it with Jing Shirong. She smiled and said, "Maybe the word sister is charming."

 Because the children in the family all liked to play with the older children when they were young, there was no exception.

 There may be exceptions, but their children all like to play with older children.

Jing Shirong ate the fruit fed by Sister Ying and chatted with her, "I heard that a new group of caravans came to the market recently. They are from Persia. They have curly hair and green eyes. The things they sell are all... It’s very strange, do you want to go and see it?”

As soon as Sister Ying heard that there was a lot of fun, she naturally wanted to go.

 “Yes, let’s go and have a look when the time comes.”

 She has a lot of Persian caravan items at home, but she has never really seen a Persian.

Jing Shirong smiled and said, "Those businessmen only come here once every few years. After all, the journey is too long."

"But this time, they brought a lot of small things. You can buy them after you check them out."

 Some things are indeed valuable, and it’s okay to be more expensive.

 Some are just ordinary gadgets, and the materials are just so-so. The shapes are more exotic, but the prices are very expensive. At this time, you can negotiate the price.

“But don’t keep the price too low. After all, people come here a long way and they have to earn some travel expenses.”

Sister Ying nodded, "I understand."

 She owns a shop and does business, so she naturally understands the rules.

The couple chatted for a while, and the two little guys looked at it with gusto. Finally, they curled their lips and ate with their little hands. It looked like they were hungry.

The wet nurse quickly picked them up and fed them, for fear that they would cry.

 Fortunately, there are parents here, and the two little guys are very good and don't cry at all.

After eating, I took her back and played with Sister Ying and Jing Shirong for a while, then she fell asleep obediently.

Sister Ying changed them into pajamas and carried them to the crib to sleep.

 The two younger ones fell asleep, and the four older ones were also brought back by the secret guards.

 After Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze came back, they went to take a shower and change clothes by themselves without being called by adults.

 Even washes and dries hair before coming here.

By the time they had washed themselves and put on their pajamas, their parents were already sleeping on the big bed.

 The couple fell asleep hugging each other, even hugging each other when they fell asleep.

 Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze opened the door and came in. They went to check on their brothers and sisters first. When they saw that they were sleeping well, they gave them a rare kiss. Then they came to the big bed, next to their parents on the left and right, and then fell asleep contentedly.

The moon hangs high in the sky, and the bright light still reaches the house gently. A warm family of six is ​​sleeping peacefully.

I remembered the sound of insects chirping outside the door, chirping, chirping, chirping, adding a touch of sleep music to the quiet night.

A few days later, when Jing Shirong was patrolling, he saw the Persian caravan and stopped them for inspection as usual. When he saw that there was no problem, he sent someone to notify Sister Ying.

As soon as Sister Ying heard that the caravan selling goods was coming, she hurriedly changed her clothes, took Sister Yang and went to the street.

  The four children saw them running so fast and rode on their ponies to chase them.

 “Mom, wait for us!”

 (End of this chapter)

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