Chapter 1101, businessman routine

Sister Ying and Sister Yang looked back at the four children, mounted their horses, and laughed, "Let's meet at the market and see who is faster!"

Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze, Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Pangpang also became interested. They said "drive~" and chased with great enthusiasm.

By the time they arrived at the market, there was already a crowd surrounding them.

 Because the group of Persian caravans sat down directly and began to resell some strange things.

Sister Ying and Sister Yang left their horses at the inn, paid them, and ran over to watch the fun.

 At this time, the Persian caravan had put everything on the red carpet for the guests to watch.

 They can speak Chinese, and although the introduction is not standard, they explain the prices very clearly.

The locals can also speak Chinese, so there is no problem in daily communication.

 Especially when it comes to money figures, everyone is very smart and understands them.

  There are a dazzling array of trinkets on the carpet, and the eyes of the women who look at them are bright.

Especially when they saw the glass cup, everyone’s eyes lit up and they all wanted to buy it.

 “What is this cup made of? It’s so beautiful.”

Look at it, it's crystal clear, there are reliefs on it, it's very crystal clear when it's placed in the sun.

 The women liked it very much and asked about the price. The other party compared it to five.

 “Fifty taels?”

 Persian businessman shook his head, "Five thousand taels."

 The woman took a deep breath and said, "Is it so expensive?"

 It’s just a cup, but it costs five thousand taels. It’s too expensive.

Sister Ying squeezed in, carefully picked up the glass cup and looked at it. She found that the material of this cup seemed a little thin and easier to break than ceramics, so she didn't plan to buy it.

Persian merchants stared at her closely, fearing that she would break the glass cup.

 Fortunately, I handled it with care and nothing happened.

Seeing that none of the women wanted to buy glass cups, he took out other goods and put them on display.

 Some of the bright-colored fabrics caught the attention of the women as soon as they were taken out.

 “Wow, the color of this material is really nice.”

Red, yellow and orange, it looks so beautiful.

 Many women came over to grab it in surprise and asked the Persian businessman, "How can I sell this?"

Persian businessman still compared five.

 “Five hundred taels?”

The businessman shook his head, and the woman was surprised, "It's not another five thousand taels, is it?"

 Why are the things of Persian merchants so expensive?

The women looked at it in awe, "Isn't there any cheaper one? Less than one hundred taels?"

 One hundred taels used to be a luxury for them, but now under the influence of five thousand taels, one hundred taels seems cheap.

Persian merchants knew that they could not afford the price, so they waved their hands in disgust and told them not to touch it if they didn’t want to buy it.

But the woman couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to see if he had any other cheap goodies, so she asked him to bring out cheaper ones.

Persian merchants were frightened by them and had to take out some daily utensils.

 There are tea sets, a kettle, and the usual gauze scarf to wrap your head.

These prices are not expensive, only twenty or thirty taels.

Comparing the five thousand taels just now, these one or twenty taels seemed to the woman to be free, and they all paid for them.

The Persian merchant knew that they would buy it, so he took out all the remaining two boxes of gadgets, and they were all robbed in a short time.

Sister Ying finally understood his tactics.

First he raised the price so that the women could not get what they asked for at the high price, and then reluctantly gave them a price of one to twenty taels, but then they were all robbed.

 Otherwise, these women would not be willing to buy the headscarves that usually cost 12 taels each. The most they can buy is a piece of cloth and go back to dye it, which is only a matter of 1,20 taels.

Today, I was so excited that I took out all the twelve and twenty taels. It cost 40 to 50 taels to buy them all.

 A woman reacted first, looked at her empty pockets, and quickly stopped.

Even wanted to return one or two pieces.

 But the Persian merchant said, "Once the goods are shipped out, they will not be returned."

 They sell along the road and do not provide returns or exchange services.

 A woman came to her senses when she heard that she could not return the goods.

 Hurry up and count how much you bought.

 Some people who haven’t paid yet stopped buying immediately.

 Some of them spent more than what they wanted to buy today, and they covered their chests in pain, fearing that they would be scolded when they went back.

 But I liked all the things I bought, and I still couldn’t bear to return them. In the end, I went back with satisfaction.

Sister Ying didn’t buy those headscarves because the quality was not too fine and would cause friction on the skin when worn on the face, so she didn’t want them.

Actually, there are a lot of good things at home. She has all kinds of treasures. She came here just to see the excitement.

 On the other hand, the children struggled to squeeze in, curiously looking at this and that.

Xiao Miguo spotted an orange piece of fabric at a glance and pulled Sister Ying's sleeve, "Mom, I want to buy that orange piece of fabric for a skirt, the one with the sunflower pattern."

Sister Ying went over and touched the piece of material. Although it was not very delicate, the pattern was suitable for children's clothing.

“Then ask the boss how much it costs.”

 She took her children to buy things by themselves very early, learning how to pay and negotiate prices, and how to make change.

 At this time, Xiaomiguo will also be asked to ask for the price.

Xiao Miguo had learned these things since she was a child and was very confident. She went over to ask the Persian businessman.

 “Uncle, how do you sell this piece of cloth?”

Persian businessman gave her a number, "One thousand taels."

Xiao Miguo clicked her tongue, holding the cloth in disgust and telling him the truth, "The fabric you have can only be worth twenty taels at most. If you include dyeing and embroidery, it can be counted as one hundred taels."

“This piece of cloth is not very valuable, and the fabric is slightly rough. It cannot be used as an inner garment, but can only be worn as an outer garment.”

“And the embroidered patterns on this piece of fabric are too ostentatious. Ordinary women would not wear clothes with such exaggerated patterns. Even if they did, they would be children at most.”

"But ordinary women will not buy a thousand taels of cloth for their children. A rich person can buy a thousand taels of cloth, but it is not as rough as you."

  The Persian businessman was irritated word by word.

 “Then how much do you want?”

Xiao Miguo raised the corners of her lips like a little fox and compared the number, "One hundred and fifty liang."

The businessman gasped, "One hundred and fifty taels?"

What a little kid, you really dare to cut him.

This batch of cloth is indeed not valuable, but it is more beautiful than anything else. Children will like it if they see it.

But it’s useless for children to like it. Adults ran away when they heard it cost a thousand taels. How could they buy it?

 In addition, the base material is indeed rough, and rich people will not like it. The poor family couldn't afford it, so they took it all the way without selling it.

Originally I wanted to sell it for three hundred taels, but no one asked, only this little girl asked.

The key point is that she bargained too hard, and actually cut it to one hundred and fifty.

 Fortunately, the base price of this batch of cloth is one hundred taels.

The little girl is willing to pay one hundred and fifty, which is indeed enough.

But the Persian businessman felt that it was too much of a loss to only earn fifty taels after carrying it all the way, so he raised the price, "Three hundred taels, I'll sell it to you for three hundred taels."

Xiao Miguo has seen a lot of good things, so she naturally knows that this piece of cloth is not valuable. Fifty taels is the shipping fee for the other party, and she won't be happy with it any more.

 But she still liked the pattern of sunflowers on it, so she reasoned with the Persian businessman.

“To be honest, if you don’t sell this cloth to me, you really can’t sell it.”

 Children have no money to buy it, and adults are reluctant to part with it, so why don’t they just throw it away in the end?

 (End of this chapter)

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