Chapter 1102, smart little guy

 The businessman knew she was right.

 Because along the way, he has sold this piece of cloth many times, but never succeeded in selling it.

As soon as people touch the fabric, they feel that the goods are not right and not worth the price at all.

 The pattern is good-looking, but it doesn’t cost so much to look good.

We are ordinary people, how can we spend such a high price to buy this.

 Occasionally someone is willing to buy it, but I just want to buy it as a tablecloth.

 But the price of tablecloths is even lower, so once or twice this cloth becomes a pile of goods and cannot be sold.

 Now that a little girl is interested in this piece of cloth, he thinks he can try again.

So he told Xiaomi Guo, "Well, I think you really want to buy it, so I will give you a discount of three hundred taels. If you are willing, you can take it."

Xiao Miguo waved her hand, "One hundred and fifty one tael."

Persian businessman waved his hand, "Two hundred and eighty taels."

 Xiao Miguo, "one hundred and forty taels."

Persian merchant

 “Why don’t you play according to the routine?”

Xiao Miguo chuckled, "Because the price is too high, I can't afford it. Besides, someone in your industry is selling this kind of fabric, so I plan to try my luck."

“Maybe someone else’s price is lower than yours.”

The Persian merchant turned around, and sure enough, the brothers who had traveled together also came out to sell goods.

Some of them, some of them are from the caravan family, and some are specially followed to make more money.

They paid for food and drink on the road themselves, and they also got what they sold.

 So when you see merchants from the same town selling goods, they also have competition from their peers.

 Although the items sold are similar, in order to sell them, the prices are somewhat lowered by each other.

It's okay to lower the price, but you can't fight. You have to restrain yourself, otherwise you will be kicked out of the team.

 So when the Persian businessman saw his colleague setting up a stall, he immediately said to Xiaomiguo, "Two hundred and fifty taels, I'll give it to you directly!"

Xiao Miguo shook her finger, "One hundred and thirty taels."

Persian merchant

 “Are you kidding me?”

Xiao Miguo shook her head, "No, I told you one hundred and fifty taels at the beginning, but you didn't want it."

Since we don’t want it, there will be less and less.

 The neck merchant closed his eyes calmly and took a deep breath.

"Okay, one hundred and fifty, one hundred and fifty. Take the money if you want."

 Xiao Miguo chuckled, "Deal!"

 She ran to get money from Sister Ying in a triumphant manner, and happily came over to pay the bill.

“Now, one hundred and fifty taels, one hand pays the money and the other hand delivers the goods.”

Persian merchant

 Now you wonder why it’s so hard to fool a little kid?

  I still remember when they were stupid fools at their age.

 Why are today’s children so naughty?

“Okay, take the fabric away. I’m really scared of you.”

 Xiao Miguo won and ran back happily.

 “Mom, I bought it.”

Sister Ying smiled and touched her head, "That's great."

  I was so clingy when I was a child, but now I am so confident and capable. I am really proud of it.

Xiao Miguo smiled, holding the materials and said, "I want to use these cloths to make schoolbags. My younger brothers and sisters have them. Then I will make a few more and send them to Xiao Liujin."

  I still remember the friendship between the two of them.

Sister Ying touched her head happily.

“Since I made it for Liujin, let’s make one for the other cousins ​​as well.”

 Speaking, he also picked out a piece of fabric to make schoolbags for his nephews or nephews. Xiao Dongze watched his sister finish shopping, and went to the stall to have a look, hoping to buy what he liked.

 He scanned around and found a nice-looking long tube that could be used for throwing arrows or playing other games, so he wanted to buy it.

 The businessman thought he was young and wanted to deceive him.

However, he was well-informed and it was hard to deceive him. He quickly succeeded in bargaining and bought the product.

Sister Yang looked at her two outstanding nephews and then at her two children.

Little Yunduo has a naive temperament and doesn't look very smart. He takes whatever he is told and doesn't negotiate the price at all. He naively thinks that everything he says is true.

Looking at Xiaopangpang again, he is also a fool. He doesn't understand the boss's routine at all. He looks innocent and ignorant, and he doesn't know what to do with him.

She held her forehead and said to Sister Ying, "Sister, why are children living under the same roof so different?"

 Four children are together every day. Why is the difference between the top students and the poor students so obvious?

Sister Ying smiled and said, "It's not that exaggerated. Little Yunduo and Little Fatty are just simple-minded. Don't think of them as stupid."

 Some children mature late and are always naive in mind.

The two in her family are too shrewd, otherwise ordinary children would be like Little Fatty and Little Yunduo.

Sister Yang is helpless and funny.

 “Forget it, just be naive and just teach him well from now on.”

 You can’t just be fooled all the time.

 After the six people finished shopping, they went to the street to eat jelly.

Sister Ying doesn’t need to feed her anymore, so she’s not in a hurry to go home.

 But I still cared about the two little ones, so I bought many novel toys for them.

 After arriving home, the two little guys were still looking at the door eagerly, as if waiting for their mother, sister and brother to come back.

As soon as Sister Ying's footsteps came in, they heard it immediately, and they immediately opened their mouths and cried loudly.

The whining sound made Sister Ying unable to laugh or cry, so she quickly ran in to hug her.

 “What’s wrong? Do you miss your mother?”

The third child and the fourth child held the baby in their arms and cried, holding Sister Ying in their arms without letting go.

Sister Ying held them with both hands and lamented that her arm strength had improved again, and now she could hold two little ones at once for a long time.

She kissed one thing and another and asked the wet nurse, "Did you cry at noon?"

The wet nurse explained helplessly and amusingly, "When I woke up, I cried for a while when I saw you weren't here. Then I played with my toys and didn't cry at all."

It was only then that I heard the footsteps of Sister Ying coming back, and I cried in grievance, otherwise I would have been fine at noon.

Sister Ying clicked her tongue in surprise, "It doesn't look stupid." She also knew that it would be useless if she didn't cry.

 At the beginning, she was afraid that they were too stubborn and would not listen to what they said.

Now it seems that I am only distracted when she is at home, and I just want to cry to her.

 If she is not here, just eat well, sleep well, and you are not stupid at all.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze also laughed when they heard this.

"I think they just want to torture my mother on purpose. It's too annoying."

Xiao Dongze nodded vigorously, "That's right, it's a grinding spirit."

 The whole family did not object, which shows that they all think so.

 The two little guys saw that everyone was looking at them with disgust, and they didn't care at all. They stayed close to Sister Ying's arms and were very happy.

Sister Ying took them into the house, put them on the floor, and took out the newly bought toys to show them.

“Now, eldest sister and second brother have chosen this for you, see if you like it?”

 The two little guys saw so many new toys for the first time, and they immediately became interested.

  Touch this for a while, touch that for a while.

Sister Ying waited until they had seen enough, then took the toys away.

“Okay, let’s not play now. We’ll play again after we wash it off.”

 (End of this chapter)

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