The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1103: , small rice bucket but big eater

Chapter 1103: Small rice bucket but big eater

 When the two little guys saw that the toys were taken away, they were immediately unhappy, curled up their little lips and were about to cry loudly.


Sister Ying has become immune to their cries. She picked up the new toys and went to the yard to wash them for the maid. I'm not afraid of them crying at all.

The two little guys cried angrily for a while, but when their mother didn't come to hold them, they stopped crying and flopped on the ground, trying to crawl out to find Sister Ying.

Sister Ying wanted to laugh when she saw their slapping movements.

“Look at you, you are as round as a fat little pig.”

The round head, the rolling belly, the rolling belly, like a chubby small dumplings on the ground, looked at it.

"If your grandma and grandma see it, they will probably die of curiosity again."

 The two little guys couldn't understand it, but when they saw their mother smiling, they immediately laughed very happily.

Xiao Miguo and the others were playing shuttlecock in the yard.

 “Ah, my sister is cheating.”

Xiao Miguo laughed, "You can't handle it yourself, so you don't have to rely on me, haha."

 Speaking, he took the shuttlecock and ran away.

Xiao Dongze angrily chased after him, "Ah, give me my shuttlecock."

 “Don’t give it, just give it a little bit.”

 “Give it back to me quickly.”

 “No, no, hahahaha.”

 Laughter was floating in the yard. Sister Ying held the twins and watched them chasing and laughing, with the corners of her mouth raised.

Jing Shirong just returned home. Seeing them having fun, he also raised the corner of his mouth.

Autumn is turning to winter, and soon the twins will be one year old.

Sister Ying held a birthday party for them as usual.

The things drawn in the lot this time will be bought in double portions, and men and women will buy them together.

 Because they are twins, a dragon and a phoenix, who were born together, the lots were drawn together to see what they drew.

 The third child and the fourth sister are still chubby and have baby fat on their faces.

 They are not yet very steady when walking, but they can crawl very quickly.

 I think it won’t be long before I leave.

At this time, the two of them saw the things being drawn in front of them, looked at the adults, and saw Sister Ying saying to them, "Go and grab what you like."

After receiving the order, the dragon and phoenix immediately crawled over and took a look in front of those things.

The fourth sister chose a steamed bun and steamed buns, so she was definitely a foodie.

The third child chose a sword and a bow and arrow. The two brothers had clear preferences.

 Then it’s time to open the table for dinner.

 The two children were directly handed over to Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze, and a group of children played together.

Sister Ying went to the table with Mr. Zhong and Qingfeng.

 A few of my best friends ate melon seeds and drank tea together and started chatting.

Mr. Zhong asked, "The two little ones in your family don't usually fight, right?"

 Sister Ying just wants to laugh when she talks about fighting.

   "Why don't you beat me? I beat you every day, there is no exception."

 Either they are fighting over toys, or they are quarreling because they want their mother to be the first to hug them.

 In short, every day was not better for even a quarter of an hour, and the quarrels started immediately after a while.

 Even though they are young, they can still scratch their faces and hair.

Sister Ying saw her a few times and gave her a hard lesson, so she stopped slapping her in the face. Otherwise, when she was not at home, both little ones would have wounds on their faces.

The wet nurse was quite frightened, but fortunately Sister Ying did not blame her.

 Sister Ying watched them several times later, and sure enough she saw them fighting fiercely. Lao San has a bad temper, he gets angry at the slightest bit, and he doesn't show any mercy when he beats people up.

Little Fourth Sister has a soft temper, but she is only soft when she is happy. When she is really angry, she is also very explosive.

Especially when the third brother hit her, she didn't suffer at all. She grabbed him and scratched her brother's face directly.

Although the third child is a firecracker, he will definitely be the first to cry when he is scratched.

He has a bad temper and the softest heart. He is also a crybaby. His personality does not match his cool expression at all.

Sister Ying was so happy that she told Jing Shirong about the tempers of the brothers and sisters in the middle of the night. Jing Shirong laughed with trembling shoulders.

 “Then did you criticize them severely?”


 It's okay to fight, but you can't hit your brother or sister in the eyes. They're not enemies, so how can they hurt each other like this?

 The brothers and sister could already understand most of the words. After being taught a lesson by their mother, they both bowed their heads obediently and knew they were wrong.

  Although I know I was wrong, I will still fight next time without any delay.

 Fortunately, they learned to control their strength and stopped slapping them in the face and scratching their eyes. It seems that education is still effective.

When they could walk and talk, they started to quarrel with their mouths.

The third child speaks early and is very talkative. He chatters every day and never stops.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze both disliked his big trumpet and kept talking every day.

But the fourth sister has a quiet personality. She only eats and drinks every day, and her belly is round after eating.

Sister Ying sometimes suspects that she is a big eater. Otherwise, how could she eat two bowls of rice and still drink two bowls of soup?

Although it is a child's bowl, a normal child will be full after eating one bowl. It was a bit scary for her to eat four bowls.

Sister Ying was afraid that she might be exhausted, so she asked Sister Yang to give her a good look.

After the examination, Sister Yang said everything was normal, but her stomach was bigger than other children of the same age, so she ate so much.

Sister Ying knew the term "big stomach king", but she didn't expect that she would actually give birth to one.

 If you don’t have this knowledge, you will probably be scared to death.

 Fortunately, if the family can afford to raise this little girl, let her eat.

Little Fourth Sister doesn’t care about her big stomach, and is even glad that she has a big stomach, because she likes to eat, but she is afraid that she can’t eat what she likes all the time, so she might as well have a big stomach to hold food all the time.

Sister Ying.

“A big stomach is not a bottomless pit, so you have to control yourself and don’t overeat.”

This child even said he couldn't eat as much as he wanted, but he didn't listen at all and just wanted to eat.

 Look at this little belly now, it’s round, like a little rubber ball.

 “You can control it a little bit more and stop eating so much, otherwise you will only be able to eat two meals in the future.”

It's not that Sister Ying doesn't want her to eat, it's mainly that the child really ate too much, which was beyond the point of a big stomach.

She was afraid that her stomach would be broken if she continued to eat.

 When the fourth sister saw that her mother would not let her eat happily, she curled her lips and wanted to cry.

However, my mother was determined. She said she could only eat three bowls at a meal, so she really gave her three bowls. She didn’t take too much from each bowl, even if she cried.

The fourth sister knew that it would be useless for her mother to be strict and act coquettishly, so she could only cry, eat three bowls of rice noodles with tears in her eyes, and take away a big steamed bun, and then she gave up.

Jing Shirong was helpless when he found out about this.

“It’s okay to love to eat, but it’s definitely not okay to eat too much.”

 Look at that protruding belly, it’s scary to look at.

  Although children’s bellies are all round, the ones at home are really too heavy on the appetite, so we still have to control them for the sake of health.

The couple and their three children helped supervise her. After a month of training, the fourth sister finally stopped overeating. She finally learned not to overeat and to keep some space in her belly, otherwise she would eat like a pig.

Sister Ying was pleased that she could listen, and even took her to do morning exercises every day to exercise.

  When I have time, I take my four siblings to swim.

Summer is here, are your watermelons red? ()



 (End of this chapter)

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