The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1104: , go to school, go to school

Chapter 1104. Go to school. Go to school.

 Because summer is here, Sister Ying wants to teach the children to swim.

Although her swimming is average, after Jing Shirong’s training, she can swim very well now.

 After she could swim, she began to teach children.

There is a small stream nearby, with some depths and some shallows, which is perfect for taking the children to swim.

As soon as the six children heard that they could go swimming, they immediately went to get their clothes and cloaks, put on their water bottles and set off.

 Only the fourth sister brought snacks in her big and small bags.

Sister Ying glared at her, "It's okay to have snacks, but after eating snacks, you can only eat two bowls of rice."

Xiao Simei loves snacks very much, so she agreed.

 “Two bowls are two bowls.”

  She can drink another bowl of rock sugar water anyway.

 After arriving at the small stream, the children first did some exercises, and then got into the water happily, splashing and splashing.

Jing Shirong came back from vacation today and came out with them.

He first took the four children to test the water in the deeper water, while Sister Ying took the two little ones to splash in the shallow water.

Xiao Miguo, Xiao Dongze and Xiao Yunduo can already swim a little bit, but their swimming is not stable.

Jing Shirong stood in the deep water area and taught each person one by one.

He is very patient. If the children cannot learn or choke on the water, he will handle it calmly, just like an old coach.

 The third and fourth sisters saw how happy their elder sisters and brothers were playing, so they wanted to go over and play with them.

But Sister Ying said no, "You are too short. You will choke when you go to the deep water area. Play here first, and then go over there when you grow taller."

The two little ones were not happy and cooed, "We want to play too, mom is partial."

Sister Ying clicked her tongue and put her hands on her waist, "Okay, if you want to go, just go. Don't cry if you choke on water for a while."

 The two little ones were full of confidence, "We won't cry."

The two little guys thought that they were very mature and would not cry as much as they did when they were children, so they immediately walked to the deep water area with great courage.

 But as they walked deeper into the water, the water began to cover their chests and necks, and they gradually felt like they were about to be submerged in the water. The two children were instantly frightened.

 “Mother~I want to hug~”

They were weak and helpless and looked for help from Sister Ying, pitifully.

Sister Ying came over and asked them, "Will you still be blindly confident in the future?"

This is because I have never choked on water. If my head sinks, it will be a big lesson.

 Although the two little guys didn't fall into the water, they were still afraid.

 At their level, a water depth of two meters is a huge abyss for them.

“Mom, I was wrong~ Please save me~”

 The third child spoke first, and his little mouth was quite sweet at the critical moment.

 The fourth sister also came over fearfully and hugged Sister Ying's thigh.

 “Mother’s nest~”

 Little girl, even at three years old, she is very good at acting coquettishly. She has a fleshy face that makes you want to pinch her just by looking at her.

Sister Ying smiled and picked them up one by one.

 The two little ones were tightly wrapped around her arms and waist, using both her hands and feet, for fear that she would fall.

Sister Ying carried them back to the shallow water area and said, "Let's play here."

 He also gave them a small funnel and a small shovel for playing with water.

 After playing for an hour, Jing Shirong raised his hand and asked the children to finish and go ashore.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze haven’t had enough fun and don’t want to go back.

 “Dad, let me swim for a while.”

Jing Shirong grabbed her and said, "I've been swimming for an hour, it's enough. Come back next time."

 Staying in the water all the time, even in summer, is not good for your health.

Xiao Miguo knew that her father sometimes said the same thing, so she could only accept her fate.

 The other children could only behave themselves when they saw their eldest sister being fished out. Jing Shirong wrapped cloaks around them and asked them to change clothes. After changing, they went back together.

We ate barbecue outside in the evening. The whole family sat on the roadside and ordered five large plates of barbecue, which were paired with naan, which tasted unique.

 After eating, I packed another portion back for Sister Yang to eat.

 After arriving home, the children took a bath, brushed their teeth, and then went to sleep.

 Because they exercise enough, they can sleep all night.

Sister Ying and Jing Shirong were also sleepy. They lay on the bed directly after taking a shower, too tired to move.

“Brother Rong, taking care of children is really more tiring than working.”

Jing Shirong twitched his lips sleepily, "Yes, it's much more tiring than training new recruits for me."

The two of them fell asleep while talking.

 Turn over, hug each other, and soon fell asleep.

 By the next day, everyone got up late, and the children couldn't get up either.

 Fortunately, the teacher asked for leave today, otherwise he would have been criticized for being late to study.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze are no longer attending classes at home, but have started attending classes in the school.

 That school was run by Jing Shirong and the third princess.

Jing Shirong came to search for the teachers, and the money came from the imperial court.

Originally, it was okay for Jing Shirong to provide the money, but the third princess said that the money should come from the court to educate the children of veteran generals and soldiers.

 Firstly, it is a reward for the veterans and soldiers, and secondly, these children will also serve the court in the future, so the court will not lose money by paying this money.

After reading this, the emperor thought that it was appropriate to treat the children of veteran generals favorably, so he approved it.

 Once the school is built, children can go to school.

 Originally, men and women were educated separately.

But Jing Shirong felt that this was not good. Since he wanted to teach, he should teach them all together, regardless of gender.

As for the defense between men and women, just put a bamboo curtain in the classroom so that men and women can sit separately, and then take classes together, so that the knowledge they learn is the same.

 Children in small classes don’t do this, they just need to sit in two rows apart.

 On the first day of class, the children were very excited and also very nervous.

 The older children are okay and have strong adaptability. They got used to it in just one day.

 The same cannot be said for children in small classes. From being excited at the beginning, to being impatient and being scolded by the master, I suddenly became irritable, and in the end I cried even after being scolded.

 Gradually, children in small classes no longer want to come to class.

But the family is very strict and they bring their children to class directly, and there is no point in crying.

 It can be seen that reading is still very important to parents.

Xiao Miguo and Xiao Dongze are both in the upper class, in the same class.

Although there is a difference in age, Xiao Dongze's grades are already ranked first in the middle class, so he was promoted as an exception.

Even though he doesn’t like to attend classes, he is really talented and can learn everything very quickly.

Jing Shirong is proud in his heart, but he won’t be too proud on his face, lest they become complacent.

 Xiao Yunduo and Xiao Pangpang are in the middle class.

 The twins are in the small class.

There is also a small knot tied on the head.

 The third child and the fourth sister are twins, and they look exactly the same. The third child has a cooler face, while the fourth sister is softer.

The two men and women are obviously similar, and no one will admit their mistake.

 Plus the third child is a naughty and mischievous person, so basically all the children in the class know him.

 In less than half a month, he became the child king of the small class.

  Many children looked at him in a very obedient manner, and they all listened to him, making the master dumbfounded.

 Fortunately, he doesn't do anything bad. He just likes to lead a group of children to go out to play. After school, they all gather in groups. I don't know what kind of big army they think they are.

 (End of this chapter)

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