The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1105: , if you don’t study well, you will be the king of children.

Chapter 1105: If you don’t study hard, you will be the king of children.

  Before the children went to school, Sister Ying and Jing Shirong both came to take a peek.

First I went to the big class to see a pair of children. I felt relieved when I saw that they were studying hard.

 Then I went to the middle class to see my two nephews. When I saw that they were also well-behaved, I smiled.

 The small class that I went to last.

I thought that the two younger ones were studying like their elder brothers and sisters, but I didn't expect that they were actually napping during class? After class, I went to catch crickets. The master was so angry that he blew his beard and glared, and immediately took them out to make him stand.

Several children were not afraid even after being made to stand, and even showed off how many times they were made to stand. The angry master almost asked the parents.

After Jing Shirong saw it, he pursed his lips and rubbed his fingers hard.

Sister Ying knew he was angry as soon as she saw this action.

You should really be angry. If you don't have a good class, you just sleep. Even a father can't bear it.

So he went in angrily and taught the children a lesson in person. ’

 The children in this class were so frightened that they vowed never to sleep in class again.

Even the third child was so frightened that he cried. He promised Jing Shirong that he would never sleep in class again, danced around after class, and promised to study hard, and then he was liberated.

Sister Ying was curious and asked Jing Shirong, "What lessons did you teach them?"

She wanted to watch before, but Jing Shirong took the children out directly without letting her follow.

She thought that he had his own way of teaching children, so she stopped following him and let him go.

Unexpectedly, after this lesson, the children were as if they had seen ghosts. They no longer dared to mess around in class, and suddenly became good students, and they all listened to the class in a well-behaved manner.

Jing Shirong knew that she would be curious, so he smiled and said in her ear, "I will take them to the forest for a nature class to let them see what the power of knowledge is."

Don’t the third child like to take the children to play in the woods?

Then he would take them to the woods together and let them see the big beasts in the woods, including the **** snake.

Let’s see if they dare to be crazy.

Every little one really thinks that they are awesome, and if they don't teach them a lesson, they don't know how high the sky is.

Sister Ying chuckled and said, "No way, are you trying to scare them?"

Jing Shirong shook his head, "No, just show them how poisonous snakes eat food bigger than themselves."

 Otherwise, children always think that they are more capable than the children in small classes.

 They are still complacent if they are not allowed to see the real food chain.

Sister Ying got goosebumps when she thought about the scene of snakes eating meat.

 “Aren’t you afraid that they will have nightmares?”

Jing Shirong shrugged, "There are many woods here. Sooner or later, you will encounter snakes. You will have to go through nightmares or nightmares. Otherwise, how can you grow?"

Children are raised here in a rough way, and the children are very courageous. They dare to go into the forest to pick wild fruits in broad daylight. They are just scared away when encountering big beasts, but they will still go there the second time. This shows that their courage has been cultivated.

This time Jing Shirong took the children to see the food chain. The children deeply realized that their knowledge was too narrow and they had little ability, so they should just learn knowledge in class.

“And the third child is the leader. As long as he is willing to study seriously, other children will follow suit.”

 In addition, the third princess assigned tasks to the master and established a reward system, so the children will study harder and strive for rewards.

Sister Ying really admired him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

“Not bad, it seems you are quite suitable for this.”

 I saw that he was very good at training soldiers before, but now he is also very good at training children.

 From now on, if the children study well, they will feel relieved.

And there are many activities in the school.

For example, those who study literature on the 1st, 4th and 6th will go to Cao Cao’s school for jogging, horse riding and sword practice on the 24th and 6th.

  It can be said that civil and military arts are learned together. Boys prefer to practice sword riding on horseback because it is fun for them.

 Girls prefer to hold books and read.

Xiao Miguo is different, she can learn both literature and martial arts.

 As soon as I got to the horse riding lessons, I would compete with other boys in horse riding, always competing for first place.

Her temperament is like this, either she won't compete, or she will be the first when competing.

 She is usually an excellent academic, not inferior to boys at all, and her grades have long been above them.

 The boys had witnessed her strength with their own eyes and were convinced.

 Otherwise, they wouldn’t believe that a girl could be capable in literature or military affairs at first.

In particular, Xiao Miguo has a beautiful face, beautifully combed hair, and a beautiful skirt. She doesn't look like someone who knows martial arts.

 It just so happened that he was not only good at martial arts, but also very good at martial arts.

 There is only one child in the school, Cheng Jin, whose grades are higher than hers, while the other children's grades are relatively mediocre.

Chengjin is the eldest son of the third princess, nicknamed Xiaozhuzhu.

But the little pigs are now big, and they all use the name Chengjin.

 He is three years older than Xiaomiguo and has grown into a big boy now.

Before this school was built, he had been studying at home. Every day he practiced martial arts, learned formations, read the art of war, and also took cultural courses.

He has a full schedule of homework at home, but he studies well and has always been the pride of Young Master Zhong and the third princess.

This time the school was completed, the third princess asked Mr. Zhong to send it to him.

It is also beneficial to be able to study in a group, at least to create a deep relationship with your peers.

 You can also feel the tension of omission in a large environment.

Furthermore, most of the boys in the class will come to the military camp to become new soldiers. The third princess plans to let him take these brothers to train and grow together in advance, so naturally she will let him come to the school every day.

Xiao Miguo also expected to meet Chengjin when she came to class.

Originally, they had a junior class, but the master's manpower was temporarily insufficient, so they merged into a senior class.

 Although the age groups in the large class are not uniform, the children get along very happily.

 It's just that boys and girls are somewhat different, especially the psychology of teenagers and little girls.

Boys as old as Cheng Jin don’t like to play with girls. They think they are crybaby, don’t know martial arts, are weak, and are not cool at all.

 So every time they take martial arts classes, they are automatically separated from the girls and do not play with the girls at all.

Even Xiao Miguo was teased a few times, saying that she shouldn’t practice martial arts because she was pretty, so as not to make her arms thicker and look ugly.

Be careful not to get married in the future.

Xiao Miguo became angry after hearing this. She has always been the eldest sister at home, when had she ever been laughed at like this?

 Immediately took a square halberd and started fighting with the boy who was teasing her.

The boy saw that she was still excited and said in a mean tone, "Miss Jing, the sword has no eyes. Don't fight me just to be competitive."

"What if I hurt you and you cry again, how will you explain to Uncle Jing?"

Rebellious teenagers in their teens are at an age that even dogs would dislike.

His such mean words made Xiao Miguo unhappy. She raised the Fangtian Halberd and stabbed the boy in the eye.

It’s Children’s Day, have you guys celebrated Children’s Day? ( ̄▽ ̄)



 (End of this chapter)

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