The Group’s Favorite Cute Baby is One and a Half Years Old

Chapter 1106: , Xiaomiguo quarreled with Chengjin

Chapter 1106, Xiaomiguo and Chengjin quarreled

The boy didn't expect that she would actually stab her, so he quickly spun to avoid it.

Xiao Miguo didn't let him go, and once again raised the square halberd and stabbed him backwards.

The opponent hurriedly jumped up, but Xiaomiguo quickly stabbed the Fang Tianji upwards with quick eyesight and hands.

The boy was panting while hiding and was almost impaled several times. In the end he could only raise his hands and beg for mercy.

“Miss, I was wrong, I was really wrong, please let me go.”

Xiao Miguo snorted, not really being as knowledgeable as him, she took back the Fang Tianji and jumped onto the platform in a cool manner.

 Swear an oath to the boys.

"From now on, in this class, whoever is stronger will be the king. There is no distinction between men and women. Do you hear me?"

 The other boys saw her ability to stab people in circles, and they did not dare to refute, and nodded silently.

 Because of this matter, Xiaomiguo will compete for first place in any competition in the future.

 She wanted to show these stinky boys that girls can be strong too.

 Other boys are no match for her, whether in civil or military aspects, they are all defeated by her.

It just happened that Chengjin, a big pig, was one point higher than her in everything, which really **** her off.

Whether it's a literature test or a martial arts test, Chengjin's scores are higher than hers.

 There were several times when she wondered if her husband had cheated.

Otherwise, why would her literary talent be so good, yet inferior to Chengjin's?

She was not convinced, so she went to see her master.

The master didn’t protect anyone, so he directly showed Cheng Jin’s paper to her.

 After Xiaomi Guo read it carefully, she found that this guy was quite talented.

Then the anger was extinguished and turned into admiration.

But after admiring her, she was beaten by Chengjin in the afternoon, and she was so angry that she hated Chengjin again.

There is no other reason for this, because when competing with Fang Tianji, Cheng Jin accidentally slipped down her skirt, almost exposing her **** with a little yellow duck pattern.

Angry and ashamed, she glared at him fiercely, turned around and ran away.

Before she left, she could still hear the boys laughing, as if they were laughing at her for having such a day.

Xiao Miguo was so embarrassed that she didn’t want to go to school the next day.

Sister Ying was surprised and came over to ask her, "Why don't you go to class? Don't you like class the most?"

 This girl has been a top student since she was a child. Not only does she study seriously, but she also has a very positive attitude towards learning.

 Especially in a big environment, she is more motivated to study after having competition.

This is the first time I’ve seen someone crying and not going to school like today.

Sister Ying touched her head and asked her, "Tell me, tell me, what's going on? Who bullied you?"

Xiao Miguo sniffed and snorted, "Who else could it be? It's the eldest son of the third princess's family."

Look, he even refused to call his name, which shows that he is really angry.

Sister Ying laughed when she heard it was Cheng Jin.

“Didn’t you call him brother Chengjin before, why don’t you call him brother Chengjin now?”

Xiao Miguo wiped her tears, "I don't want to call him, he is just a big pervert!"

Sister Ying had a question mark on her face, "What happened to you? How did he become such a pervert?"

Xiao Miguo pursed her lips in shame, and finally said, "I tried to compete with him yesterday, and he tore my skirt and almost leaked my underwear. It was very embarrassing."

 She was always trying to get wind and rain in school. When had she ever been so embarrassed?

That group of stinky boys were not convinced by her at all. They felt that she was stronger than a girl in every aspect, and they had long wanted to cure her, but they were not strong enough.

Cheng Jin subdued her with one move yesterday, but that made the boys who were disgusted by the dogs proud. "Mom, I'm so embarrassed now. I won't go to school anymore. This will save them from laughing at me. I'll just hire a tutor at home from now on."

Sister Ying touched her face and said, "If you say something stupid, get up wherever you fall. It's just a little shame, it's not a big deal."

“If you really don’t go to school because of this little thing, those boys will really laugh at you.”

“In the future, they will definitely say that you are a coward who ran away after being beaten. They will also laugh at you and say, ‘Girls are useless and can’t stand a little setback’. Why go to school!”

Xiao Miguo was angry, "Fart! I'm not a coward. Besides, who said girls are useless!"

  No, "I can't drop out of school, I have to continue to go to school, so as not to be arranged by those loud-mouthed boys."

Sister Ying united with her, "Yes, I just want to continue going to school and slap them in the face with my grades to see if they still have the nerve to say useless things about girls."

 Xiao Miguo was encouraged and nodded seriously.

 “Yes, I will crush them with my strength!”

As for that **** Cheng Jin, "I will never talk to him again from now on."

 When she was young, she was a caring big brother, but now he is not caring at all. Instead, he is ruthless and bullies her.

Hum, I won’t play with him anymore.

Sister Ying smiled, "It's okay. Boys will go through puberty when they grow up, and their personalities will be different from when they were young, but their intentions are not bad, and you will slowly find out in the future."

 Xiao Miguo doesn’t believe it.

“Mom, don’t you even know that that **** Chengjin hasn’t talked to me or played with me since I went to school, so what’s the point?”

Even if she took the initiative to look for him, he would just give a cold hum or say oh and walk away. He was no longer the cute piggy brother he was when he was a child.

Sister Ying smiled helplessly.

 “It’s adolescence, please understand.”

Xiao Miguo doesn't know many older boys, and doesn't know much about boys' adolescence. She still thinks that Chengjin has become cold and ruthless, and she wants to ignore him even more.

Sister Ying pinched her face and said, "Forget it, it's up to you. But it's still good to practice more martial arts with your brother Chengjin. After all, his martial arts is better than yours, so you two can compete more."

Cheng Jin has been very talented in martial arts since he was a child. He was also trained by the third princess himself, so his ability is naturally excellent.

Especially since he was taken into the military camp by the third princess a few years ago and received strict training, it is inevitable that his personality will change.

 When he was a child, he was a cute and cute kid. Now that he is older, it is normal for his personality to change.

Sister Ying firmly believes that he is still the kind-hearted and good boy before, but his personality was awkward during adolescence. Maybe he will be better when he matures in the future.

Xiao Miguo didn't think so. She changed her clothes and went to school without even looking at Cheng Jin.

Cheng Jin was originally worried that she would not come to class, but fortunately she came anyway.

He was also very embarrassed when he accidentally cut her skirt that day.

 Fortunately it was only the outer layer, otherwise things would have been a big deal.

He was also afraid that his male classmates would use these to tease Xiaomiguo, so he kept a cold face and refused to allow them to tease a girl in such a dishonest way.

 So after Xiao Miguo came to the classroom, the other boys just looked at Xiao Miguo as if they were joking, and did not dare to say the rest.

 After all, if someone gets aggressive, you can really blow their heads off.

 With the presence of General Cheng Jin, they really didn't dare to talk nonsense.

 Xiao Miguo felt relieved when she saw that no one was laughing at her.

 Her mother is right, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

As expected, being thick-skinned would make you fearless, so she looked away.

Chengjin glanced back at her and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she was taking the class seriously and not crying.

 (End of this chapter)

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